Or, "he tried to divert one from becoming overly-wise in heavenly matters and the 'mecanique celeste' of the Godhead in His several operations.
He who has the secret of the means whereby the gods give signs to men touching their affairs can never surely find himself bereft of heavenly guidance.
And what of this: that whereas we need nutriment, this too the heavenly powers yield us?
It was a heavenly rest now to lay my head for a minute on his shoulder, just shutting my eyes, without speaking a word.
But in the heaven the peaks of snow were rosy, glistening like transcendent, radiant spikes of blossom in the heavenly upper-world, so lovely and beyond.
A mere look from your eyes, a mere note of your heavenly voice, has turned a poor, miserable, callous brute back into a man again!
Then Mrs. Bagot, as a reward for such winning docility, would read her David Copperfield, and that was heavenly indeed!
So he went about chewing the cud of that heavenly remembrance all day, till reflection brought remorse, and he felt sorry; for he was really the mildest-mannered man that ever broke a head!
All beauty is sexless in the eyes of the artist at his work--the beauty of man, the beauty of woman, the heavenly beauty of the child, which is the sweetest and best of all.
All heavenly visions were chased away for the night.
She sang the "Nussbaum" (to its heavenly accompaniment) as simply as she had sung the previous song.
She sang the verse a second time, with but little added expression and no louder; but with a sort of breathy widening of her voice that made it like a broad heavenly smile of universal motherhood turned into sound.
And his old cosmic vision of the beauty and sadness of things, the very heart of them, and their pathetic evanescence, came back with a tenfold clearness--that heavenly glimpse beyond the veil!
For the first few hours of her return Mrs. Cliff was in a state of heavenly ecstasy.
After a while he went to sleep, but, if he smelt again the odor of the contents of the bottle, he had no more heavenly dreams.
Heavenly fingers were sweeping the keys, heavenly voices were quiring the melody they had with wanton hand flung into a mortal's brain.
Such niggardliness drags you downward, and is never more out of place than when you are attempting to lift up your souls to dwell in the heavenly city where Christ sits enthroned at the right hand of God.
Ever, indeed, you need to be reminded of your heavenly citizenship amidst the cares and turmoil of life.
And so we need to strive this day to pierce through the veil, that so we may realise this our heavenly citizenship.
Therefore, if we are true to our heavenly schooling, the Spirit will take up these and show them unto us.
But Anchises knew the heavenly sign, and with uplifted palms he prayed that Jupiter would confirm his good will by some more certain augury.
There he entered upon divers calculations connected with the position of the earth and the plan of the heavenly bodies.
Heavenly pity won't pass as coin, and earthly shame brings a higher pay.
Far in his heavenly home he viewed the world, Saw all her sadness and her sufferings, Saw all her woes, her struggles, and her search For some path leading up from out the Night.
Now he was son of the Wright Who formed heaven and earth with all that in them is, according to his heavenly genealogy; and son of the wright who used to frame carriages and all other handiworks beside, according to his earthly genealogy.
An analogous vision, not related in the Lives of Ciaran, is that of the threeheavenly chairs, seen by Saint Baithin.
But when his mother would not grant his petition, the Heavenly Father, Who loveth those whom He regardeth as a mother her son, did not tarry to fulfil the desire of his beloved.
Heavenly Father so imprinted upon our faces and upon our walk and upon our conversation that all who know Him shall recognize His features in us?
Most certainly our apostle does not mean for us to understand that we shall ever get beyond that reverential and filial fear, which is the right and proper accompaniment of our childlike relation to our Heavenly Father.
Now, our Heavenly Father desires not a little fruit but much fruit.
Ye, therefore, shall be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect.
But the command is not, Be ye equal to your Heavenly Father in perfection, but, Be ye perfect with the same kind of perfection which appertains to Him.
While the position of the servant points to a legal justification and a service for wages and reward, that of the bride must signify entire sanctification, and the closest possible union with the Heavenly Bridegroom.
This witness, therefore, expels doubt and infuses into the heart of the new-born child of God, a calm, definite and indisputable persuasion that all is now right between himself and his Heavenly Father.
Our Heavenly Father, then, is a holy God and dwells in a holy heaven.
There shall in no wise enter into it" (the heavenly city) "anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination or maketh a lie.
O, Love and Virtue have a naked conscience, and apologize for their heavenly pleasures longer and more than other qualities do for their infernal ones!
Emanuel's bower, on which the gate of Paradise built up of mosaic stones, the rainbow, abutted itself and arched across through heaven over the evening-bower and enclosed in its heavenly magic circle the three loving souls.
The suns were divided from the moons by rainbows, and all the stars ran between two rainbows, and embroidered with silver the variegated ring of the heavenly sphere.
In the beginning, the heavenly chariot is still drawn by mourning steeds.
I am willing to leave you and go to my heavenly Father.
Dare you stain those beauties, Those heavenly stamps, that raise men up to wonder, With harsh and crooked motions?
Oh, you are heavenly Madam, and the gods Can suffer nothing pass to injure you: The life that Conon promis'd, he stands now Ready to pay with joy.
Men and women, gifted with feeling, intelligence, and character, look upward from its surface and watch the shining members of the heavenly host.
Of the other heavenly bodies, the planet Mars is the one that we see to best advantage.
Ceres, when viewed through a large telescope, is just able to present a perceptible disc; Jupiter offers the largest shown by any heavenly body after the Sun and Moon.
It then shines with brilliance ten times as great as Jupiter in opposition, and the brightest members of the heavenlyhost look pale and dim beside it.
Yet from another point of view the new conception of its position involves a promotion, since the earth itself is now regarded as a heavenly body of the same order as some of those which shine down upon us.
We have simply to ask with regard to each heavenly body which we pass in review: "Are its physical conditions, so far as we can ascertain them, such as would render the maintenance of life possible upon it?
We can, to a varying degree, determine the physical conditions prevailing upon the heavenly bodies, and we can ascertain whether these physical conditions would be favourable, unfavourable, or fatal to the living organism.
But you and Audubon have passed your lives in the heavenly solitudes of forests and savannahs; and such solitude as this is no prison, but infinite liberty.
On this account it is not necessary that a man should actually have dwelt on all the other heavenly bodies in order to know them together with all their wonders.
I should say that men exist, who would gladly pay down thirty years of life in exchange for powers so heavenly for redressing earthly wrongs.
Let the earth, instead of offering a fixed centre for the revolving motions of other heavenly bodies, be supposed itself to revolve about some one of these, as the sun.
In that heavenly place in the light of his face, They in mansions of glory shall dwell; No more the big tear on their face shall appear, For to sorrow they've bid a Farewell!
Dark brown eyes and a heavenly smile on the face of a boy, is your only idea of romance.
Now if we can only persuade Bet not to find any problems to solve, we will have a heavenly time.
A few hours since Ann had opened her heart to her Father confessor, the reverend prebendary von Hellfeld; and he had counselled her to take the veil and win heavenly bliss in a convent as the bride of Christ.
None but Ann could stand beside her, and her beauty was Italian and heavenly rather than German and earthly.
But what seemed to me more heavenly than all the rest was her rose and white young face, and the sweet mouth which I had touched with my lips.
We will notice this evening three more things which are, or ought to be, ‘helps’ to mothers on the heavenly race.
If you are careless in this respect, it is because there is no real hunger, no craving of soul for heavenly food.
Amid the painful consciousness of ignorance and unworthiness, in the struggle between believing and doubting, the heavenly art of effectual prayer is learnt.
In condescension to our weakness, our Heavenly Teacher has given us the very words we are to take with us as we draw near to our Father.
The promises are for us, the powers and gifts of the heavenly world are for us.
The way to life, He said, is plain and straight, It leads to joy, and peace, and heavenly light The way to death is through a golden gate And broad the way that leads to endless night.
Moved and wondering, I tried in vain to recall the time when I could have been an humble agent in the hands of the Heavenly Father, even to the salvation of a human soul.
Thy fountains are shoreless as the ocean of heavenly love; thy centre is everywhere, and thy boundary no power has marked.
Whereupon there came the same luminous look, and the gentle voice said: "Mary, it was not I that saved thy life; it was thy Heavenly Father.
This do I truly desire more than all Thy heavenly kingdom.
And he, carefully observing on the hallowed eve of the approaching festival whether perchance some further like heavenly vision would clearly show it to be an omen, with much company kept watch on the wood all the night long.
I drove Almighty God from His heavenly kingdom, and took from Him His mortal life, and have restored Him with honour to His Father.
I love my earthly friends in a heavenly fellowship, and I love my enemies with a holy longing for their salvation.
Rossetti CAROL When the herds were watching In the midnight chill, Came a spotless lambkin From the heavenly hill.
Straight there stood Beside the angel all arrayed A heavenly multitude.
The mother smiles and rejoices While the baby laughs in the hay; She listens to heavenly voices: "The child shall be king, one day.
We rejoice in the light, And we echo the song That comes down through the night From the heavenly throng.
As she stood over Him She heard angels sing, "O bless our dear Saviour, Our heavenly King.