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Example sentences for "inartificial"

Lexicographically close words:
inaptly; inarched; inarching; inarticulate; inarticulately; inartistic; inasmuch; inattention; inattentive; inaudible
  1. The improvement consists in correcting one of these inartificial generalizations by means of another.

  2. He had discerned the error of those inartificial writers, whose minute puerility, in their sterile abundance, detailed till nothing was remembered, and described, till nothing was perceptible.

  3. The ecclesiastics adopted performances so certain of popular attraction, and became the sole authors of these inartificial dramas, as they were of romances and chronicles.

  4. At once they clung to the human nature before them; they ran through all the chords of the passions; mingling the comic with the tragic, they struck out a new course in their inartificial drama.

  5. The reply did not linger, for a simple fact demolished this inartificial fabric.

  6. She is fifteen; the age of delicate fervour, of inartificial love, and suitable enough for marriage.

  7. In the confusion of my thoughts an expedient suggested itself sufficiently inartificial and bold.

  8. The probability of the incidents, the natural course they take, the absence of all complication and perplexity, give such an inartificial air to this novel, that we can scarcely help believing it to shadow forth some real event.

  9. Yet it has, in a remarkable degree, what seems inartificial to our own taste, and contravenes a good general precept of Horace; the action passes almost wholly in recital.

  10. This is accounted rather an inartificial mode of informing the audience of the circumstances previous to the opening of the piece.

  11. There is at least something very inartificial in your praise,' said General Kinsale, 'when you make your panegyric of an absent lady to a present one.

  12. It is written in what was thought the classical style, like the Italian tragedies of the same age, but more inartificial and unimpassioned.

  13. What is told in narration, according to the ancient inartificial form of tragedy, is finely told; but the emotions are less represented than in the Sophonisba; the principal character is less interesting, and the story is unpleasing.

  14. These necessarily followed the formation of the rock, until, in time, the confused and inartificial piles, which are now seen mouldering on so many of the minor spurs of the Alps, were created.

  15. The transition from the biting cold and piercing winds of the mountain to the shelter of this inartificial building, was so great as to produce something like a general sensation of warmth.

  16. Simplicity, when so very inartificial as to seem to evade the difficulties of art, is a very suspicious virtue.

  17. This great style of Michel Angelo is as far removed from the simple representation of the common objects of nature, as the most refined Italian music is from the inartificial notes of nature, from whence they both profess to originate.

  18. The passages which I have already quoted are instances of this inartificial beauty of style.

  19. We see that there is much that is rude and inartificial in Malory's art.

  20. The inartificial decorations of her person were quickly adjusted.

  21. A body without a soul, a combination of soft and harmonious names without a meaning; a multitude of rich inestimable gifts, heaped together in rude and inartificial confusion without the powers of enchantment and attraction.

  22. Notwithstanding the united labors of Richard and Benjamin, the “long room” was but an extremely inartificial temple.

  23. In Evelina she wrote more from inartificial nature.

  24. To bring forward the royal person to put a negative upon any bill in parliament, is a most inartificial mode of proceeding.

  25. In the most inartificial and matter-of-course way Peter here lets us see the apostolic conception of apostolic authority.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inartificial" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    artless; authentic; bucolic; candid; direct; genuine; good; homespun; honest; inartificial; lawful; legitimate; lifelike; literal; native; natural; naturalistic; original; pastoral; pristine; pure; real; realistic; rightful; rural; simple; sincere; sterling; straightforward; unadorned; unadulterated; unaffected; unassuming; uncolored; undesigning; undisguised; undistorted; unexaggerated; unflattering; unimagined; unpretentious; unqualified; unromantic; unspoiled; unsullied; untouched; unvarnished; verbal; verbatim; virgin; virginal