To prepare the paint, squeeze a small quantity of the true colours chosen upon a sheet of glass and blend thoroughly with the palette knife, thinning with turpentine to the consistency of cream.
This is added to a mixture of three parts turpentine and one of raw linseed oil, with a little white japan.
Always have at hand a bottle of turpentine and a clean piece of cloth to use in case of accident.
After scraping off as much as possible from the plain surfaces and from the corners, a careful washing with turpentine or benzine will clean off what remains.
They are made by dissolving beeswax in turpentine in the proportion of two ounces of the solid to a pint of the liquid, using moderate heat and mixing the wax solution while warm with four times the quantity of warm varnish.
Finishing wax may be purchased ready for use or it may be made by dissolving yellow beeswax in turpentine in the proportion of two parts wax and one of turpentine.
A good chocolate brown stain may be produced on almost any light-coloured wood by a very thin varnish made by colouring turpentine with asphaltum and applying with a brush.
Having mixed the oil paint with turpentine or stencil mordant, using an old cup or glass for each colour, practise stencilling upon a small piece of cloth.
At the present rate of cutting long-leaf pine trees, our outputs of naval stores including turpentine and rosin are dwindling.
Then they could maintain theturpentine industry, provide all the lumber of this kind we need for home use, and supply a larger surplus for export.
To make the resinous mixture, melt a half teacup of rosin with two teaspoons of turpentine and about the same of paraffin in a rather deep dish, and pour the mixture into the pan.
The Alexandrians prepared oil of turpentine by distilling pine-resin; Zosimus of Panopolis, a voluminous writer of the 5th century A.
Turpentine and cantharides are not now recommended as diuretics, as they are too irritating to the kidneys.
By studying the dispersion of colours in water, turpentine and crown glass Newton was led to suppose that dispersion is proportional to refraction.
This is then mixed with a tenacious paste made of linseed oil, wax, resin, turpentine and mastic; and the mixture being kneaded in warm water gives out the blue particles, which are afterwards collected by subsidence.
If instead of resin you melt purified turpentine in a glass vessel, and give it any colour you choose, you will have a harder kind of sealing-wax, and not so brittle as the former.
Tar, pitch, and turpentine of America, coming in competition with the same articles produced in the southwestern parts of France, we could obtain no greater reduction, than two and a half per cent.
Thus, the vessels containing them are often very large, as the turpentine cells of the fir tribe, in all the species of which these secretions abound.
Common resin is obtained by distilling the exudation of different species of fir; oil of turpentine passes over, and the resin remains behind.
This resin or turpentine is a very interesting and peculiar substance, or rather series of substances.
Very oftenturpentine or resin or a sticky gum seals up the joining of the scales.
The seeds inside are slowly maturing all this while, and the cone-scales are so welded or soldered together by resin and turpentine that no animal could possibly injure them.
But when many difficultly oxidizable substances, such as chloral, camphor, turpentine oil, aniline, etc.
Canada balsam and crude turpentine are familiar examples of the first class.
The tough, adhesive mixture of caoutchouc, oil, andturpentine turned out well.
From the fir," said I to the boys, "we get turpentine and tar, and thus it is that the fir tree becomes such a valuable article of commerce.
After this we went back to Woodlands, got some turpentine and a bag of rice--and set off for home.
But as the turpentine industry had moved southward, leaving a trail of devastated forests in its rear, the city had fallen to a poor fifth or sixth place in this trade, relying now almost entirely upon cotton for its export business.
In the flush turpentine days following a few years after the civil war, he had made money.
To the right, along the distant river-bank, were visible here and there groups ofturpentine pines, though most of this growth had for some years been exhausted.
After the superfluous turpentine or other cleanser has been wiped off, dust over the blanket with French chalk.
A new transfer should almost invariably be worked up with a soft rag and black ink, the latter being thinned down with turpentine and varnish.
Remove the part which requires altering with a mixture of equal parts etching solution and turpentine on a small piece of felt or flannel, and rinse well with water.
Then if it be an ink drawing, wash off the gum with water, and remove the drawing ink from the surface of the design with a few drops of turpentine and a piece of clean rag.
Thin down a little transfer ink with turpentine and distribute it evenly on a composition roller.
Instead of washing out the drawing with turpentine immediately, work off the original chalk by rolling up with a good nap roller and taking frequent impressions.
Roll up the print until it is completely covered with an exceedingly fine film of ink, after which allow the turpentine to evaporate.
The action of light on the asphalt solution is to render it insoluble in turpentine, so that if a sufficiently exposed plate is immersed in pure turpentine the lines, etc.
Terebene, a mixture of dipentene and other hydrocarbons prepared from turpentine oil by treatment with concentrated sulphuric acid, is used chiefly in medicated soaps.
Terpineol, an alcohol also prepared from turpentine oil by the action of sulphuric acid, terpene hydrate being formed as an intermediate substance.
While this is drying mix in a small bottle some crystal varnish and turpentine in the proportion of one part varnish and two parts turpentine.
This should consist of yellow beeswax and Venice turpentine in equal quantities by weight.
We have been wanting turpentine to mix with the brown paint with which we are painting, the dining-room doors.
We have asked several times for some turpentine at one of the shops, and the answer always given is, "It is at the depot, but not unloaded.
With the first heavy falls of snow they betake themselves to the trees, and then, feeding on the pine-leaves, their flesh speedily acquires so strong a flavour of turpentine as to be distasteful to most palates.
They act in the same manner as oil of turpentine and oil of cinnamon.
It is known that turpentine oil, when mixed with many substances, promotes their oxidation.
The admixture of turpentine with drying (boiled) oil, oil-colours, and lacs aids their rapid drying because it attracts ozone.
These properties of turpentine oil are made use of in practice.
Soret found two such substances, turpentine and oil of cinnamon.
He probably is if he's at work in a turpentine camp," said Mr. Ford.
This young lady thinks her brother may have been taken to one of the turpentine camps, or other camps in the interior, and she wants to rescue him.
They're taking us away to a turpentine swamp to work.
Will had said he was going farther into the interior, and the woman thought she heard something about a lumber camp, or a place where turpentine and other pine-tar products, were obtained.
That other one, of whom Harry spoke, may be my brother after all; even if it isn't a turpentine camp we are going to.
There were so many turpentine camps, or places where contract labor was used to get out valuable wood, or other products, that a complete inquiry would take a long time.
This is the shop of Thomas Scotts, the tar-and-turpentine man who is in love with Matilda Debbs," said Cicely.
A few drops of turpentine put in the colours will give them a different effect, viz.
Resin as used by shoemakers is preferable, and in effect works in the same way; but oil of turpentine has a greater effect.
He saw amongst the many spoilt books one |168| remaining intact, and on inquiry found that turpentine had been used in the paste.
Loew[14], however, believes active turpentine to contain atomic oxygen or antozone in solution.
A little turpentine on a rag will remove the mastic, but turpentine will not touch the shellac coating.
The shellac protection will not need much patching up during the three or four bitings of acid, as the turpentine used to wash off the mastic does not much affect the shellac coating.
Levy on that turpentine in the fantail-drench every stick of wood with it!
A manufacturer of pitch and turpentine politely shewed me over his works.
Slyme went outside and presently returned with his arms full of old wood, which he smashed up and threw into the fireplace; then he took an empty paint-pot and filled it with turpentine from the big tank and emptied it over the wood.
Whilst the others were putting the ladders away he assisted Bert to carry the paint-pots and buckets into the paint shop, and while there he filled a small medicine bottle he had brought with him for the purpose, with turpentine from the tank.