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Example sentences for "derogatory"

Lexicographically close words:
derogate; derogates; derogating; derogation; derogative; derricks; derriere; derring; derringer; derringers
  1. As for the former, its attention is, if anything, derogatory to him, for we are always shy of making fun of what we feel to be too closely a part of ourselves.

  2. The other reason is that I have taken the greatest care to say no word in any way derogatory to the character of Mr. Anderson.

  3. I told how the Colonel had used certain derogatory remarks against the faith that I believed and practiced, which occasioned a violent argument.

  4. I saw the jeering looks of our gentlemen when she arrived; I heard their derogatory words about the new beauty who was shut up in that house, and my heart beat with shame and anger.

  5. I told him that his mode of living, while derogatory to the hopes conceived of him, was one that must end at last in ruin; that no fortune could stand his losses at play, and the wasteful extravagance of his caprices.

  6. Cashel's last piece of conduct is of such a nature as to make his acquaintance as derogatory as his friendship.

  7. In what respect did you consider it derogatory to the character of God?

  8. And is it possible that you can give up your understanding to the dominion of fanaticism, which avows sentiments not less derogatory to the dignity of man, than its unintelligible jargon is offensive to pure taste?

  9. I repudiated it, as derogatory to the Deity.

  10. Ben Taylor was present when Lola Montez horsewhipped Henry Shibley, editor of the Grass Valley National, for what she considered derogatory reflections on herself, published in his paper.

  11. Smartsville possessed a sentimental interest for me, for the reason that in the sixties my father mined and taught a private school in an adjoining camp bearing the derogatory appellation "Sucker Flat.

  12. This supposes of course that you listen, not merely hear; that you enjoy this sort of a thing and are willing and ready to receive the impression derogatory to the neighbor's esteem and good name.

  13. Of course there are times when to speak of another's faults is derogatory neither to justice nor to charity; both may demand that the evil be revealed.

  14. TO blaspheme is to speak ill of God; blasphemy is an utterance derogatory to the respect and honor due to God.

  15. I tried to reason the matter with him, but found him proof against reason; I also held up his honor to view, and his behavior to me and the prisoners in general, as being derogatory to it, but found his honor impenetrable.

  16. If she had said anything that could be construed as derogatory to you, I should know well how to reply to it.

  17. But the government party should not have attempted to assist the emigrants by resorting to means offensive to the nation, and derogatory to the charter.

  18. I can give you no adequate idea how derogatory this kind of work can be to a man who has not the smallest vocation for it.

  19. I am a musician, and live by my work; consequently there is nothing derogatory in my editing this rubbish for the sake of what I can earn.

  20. It seemed to him particularly derogatory to have to appear before this Areopagus in person.

  21. And to inflict punishment once upon the surety, and again upon the believer, is contrary to the justice of God, as well as derogatory to the satisfaction of Christ.

  22. With some of our brethren this appointment of a particular day seemed derogatory to their claim of recognition and equality of citizenship, and evoked considerable discussion.

  23. It was not unlike in design and effect "Emancipation Day" at the Minneapolis Exposition, where noted colored leaders from various States attended and spoke, and were not impressed that it was derogatory to the race.

  24. In consequence of having adopted this derogatory occupation, as it is considered, the Audhia Sunars are looked down on by the rest of the caste.

  25. The saying has also a derogatory sense, as no good Hindu would yoke a cow to the plough.

  26. They appear, however, to have improved their status, and thus to have incurred the jealousy of their countrymen, as is evidenced by some derogatory sayings current about the caste.

  27. But the Commons resolutely opposed this amendment, as an unfair distinction, and derogatory to the king's title.

  28. They acknowledged the king's absolute power, declared their abhorrence of any principle derogatory to it, professed an unreserved obedience in all cases, bestowed a large revenue for life.

  29. The city of London presented a petition against the bill for naturalisation of the Jews, in 1753, as being derogatory to the Christian religion as well as detrimental to trade.

  30. Do we not avoid as much as possible all such similitudes, as being derogatory to our notions of the Supreme?

  31. The terms Paraiya, low caste, outcaste, carry with them a derogatory meaning, and are unsuitable.

  32. They consider it derogatory to work in metals other than gold and silver.

  33. This tax is less derogatory than the forced labour of eight months to which every slave or subject is liable.

  34. But the Siamese unmindful of danger, and arrogant though cowardly, considered that it would be derogatory to their dignity to implore the help of a foreign nation to teach them lessons.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "derogatory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.