How would you punctuate the possessive of an abbreviation, for example, the Doctor's house, using the abbreviation Dr.
Probably that wouldn't be possible, and you'd be sewed up in canvas, and resemble an exclamation point, and be dropped overboard to punctuate the end of the story.
Punctuate the letter just as carefully as any other composition.
Punctuation should not be done for its own sake, but simply to make the meaning clearer; never punctuate where no punctuation is needed.
Punctuate the salutation with a colon, except in informal letters, when a comma may be used.
Within the lines punctuate just as you would in the inside address.
Begin each line of it with a capital letter, and punctuate as in other writing, following the whole with a period.
Punctuate the following: 1 The politics of the city as well as those of the nation must be kept clean.
Exercise 170= Punctuate the following, dividing into sentences wherever the sense demands division: 1.
Exercise 179= Punctuate the following: 1 Although cotton seed used to be considered worse than rubbish there now come from it every year millions of dollars in profit.
I must know the laws of rhythm and meter to be able to punctuate musical phrases and periods.
I must know the rules of versification in order to scan poetic stanzas; so I must know the laws of rhythm and meter to be able to punctuate musical phrases and periods.
Lesson 100), and punctuate according to the Rule:-- 1.
Punctuate the following sentences, and give your reasons:-- 1.
Punctuate these expressions, and employ each of them in a sentence:-- See Remark, Lesson 21.
Punctuate such of these sentences as need punctuation, and give your reasons:-- 1.
Punctuate such of these sentences as need punctuation:-- 1.
Write sentences illustrating the several kinds of independent expressions, and punctuate according to the Rule as explained.
The chances are that if I should write a play with Cassius as the hero, Cassius would go to the first night's performance with a dagger concealed in his toga, with which to punctuate his objections to the lines put in his mouth.
To punctuate correctly implies a thorough acquaintance with the meaning of words and phrases, as well as of all their corresponding connexions"--W.
To punctuate correctly, implies a thorough acquaintance with the meaning of words and phrases, as well as with all their corresponding connexions.
One doing serious composition, or studying punctuation, may well punctuate closely as he writes, and afterwards remove all marks whose omission will improve the grouping and not violate good convention.
It is a practical guide to punctuation, and any one who masters it thoroughly ought to be able afterward always to punctuate correctly.
Now we see we that cannot learn to punctuate until we comprehend the fundamental principles underlying the relations between groups of words, as well as the fundamental principles underlying the use of marks.
In order more clearly to show the meaning of the manuscript line, we should punctuate it with the comma and dash: 35A-1.
As we may not change the language of the sentence under consideration, we must punctuate it with as little violence to the meanings of marks as possible.
When a writer does not know how to punctuate his own language at any point he uses a dash.
We punctuate to aid the reader quickly to grasp through the eye the groupings of printed language, and to enable him to determine the relations between the groups thus formed.
How shall we punctuate the part of it now under consideration so as to convey the meaning expressed by the speaker in the break made after the word "great"?
If a firm prefers so to punctuate its name, others who write the name should not insert a comma.
Many printing-offices do not punctuate a number containing less than five figures.
Next place upon the board paragraphs not punctuated, and have the pupilspunctuate them.
Insist that the pupilpunctuate his written work consistently.
So true is this, that one is inclined to say that if the writer will read aloud his own composition, and punctuate where he pauses in the reading, always remembering the rank of the marks of punctuation, he will not be far from right.
He spoke as he felt; and if the weapons that he used to punctuate his expressions were boomerangs that impaled him on its points, he could not help it.
Though many writers constantly punctuate contracted sentences in this way, it is well not to insert the comma when the meaning is equally clear without it.
The slamming of the inner door behind him made an appropriate exclamation point to punctuate the brevity of his offended and indignant departure.
Grosart and the Grolier Club editor punctuate these lines so as to connect 'But one' with what precedes.
It is an excellent plan to read aloud any sentence which presents a difficulty, and to punctuate it according to the pauses made (almost unconsciously) by the voice.
Did they adhere to this same system of accentuation in their poetry, or did they punctuate their phrases and words according to the notions of the song-maker and the conceived exigencies of poetical composition?
It was theirs, sometimes while singing, to move and pose and gesture in the dance; sometimes also to punctuate their song and action with the lighter instruments of music.
Punctuate lists of names with the cities or states to which the individuals belong thus: Messrs.
Make up lists of dead and injured; notice how the newspapers arrange and punctuate these lists.
In a sentence containing words inclosed in parentheses, punctuate as if the part in parentheses were omitted: if there is any point put it after the last parenthesis.
Don't assume that the copy-reader, the proofreader, or the editor willpunctuate for you, or eliminate all superfluous punctuation.
Close the book, and punctuate what you have written.
Punctuate the following: Go to the ant thou sluggard consider her ways and be wise.
Be careful, then, to punctuate properly, that you may convey to the reader the exact sense of what is in your mind.
Compositors have always labored under the injustice of being expected to punctuate the matter they set, regardless of bad punctuation in their copy.