These they may carry to other parts of the house or to near-by houses, or the flies may light on passing carriages or cars and be carried perhaps for miles before they enter another house and contaminate the food there.
Flies that had been allowed to contaminate themselves with cholera germs were allowed access to milk and meat.
Here our appearance caused the utmost consternation, and the men drew back, as if fearing that my touch might contaminate them.
Suffer not his baneful presence to contaminate us!
The oil itself obviously does not enter the decomposing chamber to any appreciable extent and therefore does not contaminate the final sludge.
Since we are all corrupt and contaminate by vice, it cannot be but God must hate us, and that not with tyrannical cruelty, but with reasonable equity.
The results are, that the water becomes saturated with sewage exhalations, which escape into and contaminate the air in the house; and that the trap becomes either dry or choked up.
The gradual heating of the meat, which alone would accelerate decomposition, will cause the smallest piece of tainted meat to contaminate all the rest.
As they are ignorant of aseptic precautions, their manipulations must necessarily contaminate the site of operation; for this reason and others as well women who attempt to perform an abortion upon themselves imperil their lives.
Before the bath an enema of soap-suds should be taken to clear the rectum of material which otherwise might be expelled during the birth and contaminate the field of delivery.
This was a little too much for the Princess-Dowager, who feared that Augusta would contaminate the minds of her younger brothers and sisters.
To prevent cattle from becoming infested with this parasite care should be taken that human feces are not placed where they will contaminate the feed or drinking water.
The waste products of the mine thrown into streams contaminate the water supply, so that the mineral is taken into the system gradually, and a very small per cent of any of the salts taken into the system in this way is pernicious.
Cease not to pray for him, that Christ may give him light and fortitude to resist the strokes of incarnate demons, lovers of themselves, who seek to contaminate our faith.
Having syphilis himself, the German will hand it on to the camp girl, and she in turn will contaminate all the other soldiers, and that means that the Kaiser would soon have no army.
Under this restriction the syphilitic soldier has but one chance, namely, to capture a Belgian or French girl; but using this girl means contaminating her, and she in turn will contaminate the next German using her.
At its best, however, the privy vault is an abomination, as it can scarcely be so well constructed as not to contaminate the surrounding soil, or so often cleaned as to prevent decomposition and the escape of poisonous gases.
But truly this natural love represented deadly sin, and tempted me to contaminate my blood.
But the pastor said I mustn't contaminate his house by coming near it, so on I went to landlord Merckel, who is mayor as you know, Herr.
Doth it become such a villain as you are," cries Jones, "to contaminate the name of honour by assuming it?
He could find in his heart to be killed instantly, lest if he live longer, some sorrow or sickness should contaminate his joys.
The return of the whey to the farm in the milk can that is often imperfectly cleaned may serve to contaminate the milk with the yeast.
They are of importance not only in increasing the number of fermentative bacteria in milk but they may serve to contaminate it with disease-producing organisms.
The boy learns that decayed teeth breed disease, contaminate food, interfere with digestion, make him a disagreeable companion and a less efficient worker.
For each case proved by examination of sputum to be tuberculous, the public-health officers should know that the germs are destroyed before being allowed to contaminate air or food.
The admission of one contaminated patient into an MTF may contaminatethe facility; thereby reducing its treatment capabilities.
Medical treatment facilities and nuclear power plants use radioactive materials that can pose a health hazard if accidentally released or used by hostile forces, terrorists, or others to contaminate an area.
Live agents are small and light; they can be spread great distances by the wind and contaminate unfiltered or nonairtight places.
The admission of one contaminated patient into an MTF will contaminate the facility; thereby reducing its treatment capabilities.
Iodine-131 will contaminate plants that will be eaten by grazing animals.
Failure to do so can contaminate the interior of the MTF and injure medical treatment personnel; thus reducing their mission support capabilities.
Not only are infectious materials brought into houses by flies, from fecal matter and other excretions, but they are carried away by the rains and sometimes contaminate sources of water-supply.
If the carcass is stored without freezing, or remains for even a short time at a high temperature, the bacteria will begin to grow through the intestinal walls and contaminate the flesh.
When this membrane becomes moist so that bacteria may grow in it, these germs of decay quickly grow through it and contaminate the contents of the egg.
The language that flows from him is obscene and so filthy, and of such a Sodom and Gomorrah character that you turn away from him in absolute loathing as a man that would pollute and contaminate you by his very presence.
The beggars' camp is filthy, and so unsavoury that it may never be pitched within the precincts of the city, but is always erected in some open space outside its walls, where its smells and abominations may not contaminate the rest of society.