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Example sentences for "sank back"

  • And as if the new task were too much for him, he sank back in thought.

  • All my life--" he said; but something seemed to click deep down in his throat, and he sank back in his seat.

  • Aunt Hester, who had also risen, sank back in her chair, and turned her face away.

  • I sank back with a low moan upon the pillow.

  • As I sank back in my seat, I met the eyes of my companion still impenetrably regarding me.

  • I sank back into my seat with a sigh of relief.

  • But I did not call: instead, I sank back into my chair and stared out across the water.

  • With a last effort I waved my hand in adieu; and as I sank back exhausted, I heard a wild cry burst from him, half in triumph, half in despair.

  • Bubbleton, as, overcome with fright, he sank back in a chair, and crossed his arms on his breast.

  • He sank back in his chair, conscious, for the first time, of how tired he had grown.

  • He sank back, panting, in his chair, his hands fluttering nervously over his heart, and closed his eyes.

  • As the moose tore himself from his grasp, the young hunter saw him pulled to the ground by the trapper's dog, and then a mist gathered before his eyes, and he sank back on the snow insensible.

  • In a few moments after he had made this resolution, he sank back on his blanket, and was soon fast asleep.

  • It's Injun medicine," answered the trapper, as he sank back on his blanket, and puffed away vigorously at his pipe.

  • I sank back in my chair utterly confounded After a while the old gentleman went on more gently, "And now let me tell you that this pretended illness of the Baroness is in all probability nothing.

  • He must have been going on for nearly two hours when he sank back in his chair, breathless, and with his face as red as a cherry.

  • But scarcely had he swallowed the medicine than he sank back on the pillows and died, establishing, however, by his own death in the most splendid and satisfactory manner the efficacy of the last tincture which he ever prescribed.

  • And he sank back in his chair and, covering his face with his hands, burst into tears.

  • I was told that once or twice, while Katerina Ivanovna was giving her evidence, he jumped up from his seat, sank back again, and hid his face in his hands.

  • He sank back on his seat, wringing his hands in despair.

  • He sank back meditatively, and in that moment the gray face became oddly sane.

  • He tried to drag himself erect, tried to twist his head, and he sank back with a bitter groan.

  • He sank back into an easy-chair gasping, and his face turned blue with the congestion of his veins; then he babbled hoarsely a few unintelligible words, and became insensible.

  • Driven me before," thought Huish, as he sank back in the cab.

  • As Litton heard the door close he sank back in his chair at the writing-table, and laughed silently and heartily.

  • Ah, that is different; my blessing and heartiest well wishes," said the squire, as he sank back in his armchair.

  • The effort was too much, and he sank back again on the couch of deerskins in a semi-conscious condition.

  • He sank back in weariness and closed his eyes.

  • Exhausted with the exertion of speaking so long, he sank back on his pillow.

  • He sank back with a feeling of utter heartbroken and sickening grief--as if deserted by all he loved.

  • He sank back a second time, muttering curses on his band.

  • I tried to walk, but faintness came over me, and I sank back.

  • He offered me more brandy, and then, without preface, I asked him the one question which sank back on my heart like a load of ice even as I sent it forth.

  • He sank back again, but I roused him with one question more, vital to me.

  • Having delivered it, he sank back exhausted, his eyes half-closed, his brow agleam with sweat.

  • And then he sank back as if exhausted by the violence he had used.

  • Having spoken so, gloatingly, evilly, he sank back again, and composed himself.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sank back" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    additional quantity; also good; could hear; deaf children; deep impression; domestic servants; east trade; extended order; free and; full minute; great chief; hereditary disease; injured tone; know when; private apartments; provincial governor; quite alone; sank back; sank down; small scale; symphonic poems; until death; worked hard