Thompson's horses is either choked this morning or has the distemper very badly I fear he is to be of no further service to us.
Thompsons horses is either choked this morning or has the distemper badly.
For an exclusion from the privileges of British subjects is not a cure for so terrible a distemper of the human mind as they are pleased to suppose in their countrymen.
There is an acid Quality in the high-dry'd Malt, which occasions that Distemper commonly called the Heart-burn, in those that drink of the Ale or Beer made of it.
She had the same distemper also on her left eye, so she was almost blind.
Strange, that this Monviedro Should have the power so to distemper me!
I would not ha’ your distemperin this kind for the wealth of Windsor Castle.
I ever yet beheld seemed but tameness, civility, and patience, to this his distemper he is in now: I am glad the fat knight is not here.
And now, being very near to Dyrrhachium, with fatigue and cold he fell into the distemper called Bulimia.
Others say, he was not in the action, but that he was taken with his usual distemper just as he was setting his army in order.
The distemper finally passed off in a trailing effect of St. Vitus' dance, which, again, our afflicted collie could not understand.
About the middle of April, suddenly a distemper arose as if sent by some blast of the stars, which laid hold of very many together; and in some towns in the space of a week above a thousand fell sick together.
We perceived, I say, the distemperto draw our way; viz.
On Friday one of the youths had a swelling in his groin, and on the Lord's day died with the marks of the distemper upon him.
But as I have found, in some prisons abroad, cells and dungeons as offensive and dirty as any I have observed in this country, where however the distemper was unknown, I am obliged to look out for some additional cause of its production.
One cause of this distemper might be no doubt the quantity of wretched fresh and salt fish consumed by the commonalty at all seasons as well as in Lent, which our poor now would hardly be persuaded to touch.
They are used in such diseases where there is no manifest distemper of the first qualities, viz.
Therefore if the distemper of heat be but gentle, medicines cold in the first degree will suffice; also children, and such people whose stomachs are weak, are easily hurt by cold medicines.
After an attack of distemper your horse is generally run down in condition.
I likewise contracted a distemper by my sedentary life, in which no part of my body was exercised but my right arm, which rendered me incapable of writing for a long time.
I should, however, be cautious of bleeding indistemper fits.
If we can speedily get rid of them, distemper will often rapidly disappear; but, if they are suffered to remain, diarrhoea or fits are apt to supervene: therefore some worm medicine should be administered.
In consequence of this, distemper soon appears, and many of them are lost.
This account of the nature and treatment of distemper will, perhaps, be unsatisfactory to some readers.
Fortunately thisdistemper is not communicable to man.
It is an occasional consequence of distemper that has been unusually severe or imperfectly treated, and sometimes it is seen even after that disease has existed in its mildest form.
It may be interesting to add the following account of the distemper in dogs, by Dr.
In the early stage of this malady there is an unnatural and often terrific brightness of the eye; but the cornea in distemper is from the first rather clouded.
This, so it is said, was the reason that the people of Milan caused him to paint a panel in distemper with many figures for the Friars Minor, in their Chapel of S.
He also made two figures indistemper for the Monks of Cestello, a S.
Besides this, he learnt to paint so well in distemper and in fresco, that his first works were executed with an incredible patience and diligence, as has been related.
Next, in the Chapel of Francesco del Pugliese at Campora, a seat of the Monks of the Badia, without Florence, he painted a panel in distemper of S.
I speak it experimentally; for I was brought very low with that distemper at Achin; but by washing constantly Mornings and Evenings I found great benefit, and was quickly cured by it.
Several very prudent and very well-intentioned persons were of opinion, that, during the prevalence of such dispositions, all struggle rather inflamed than lessened the distemper of the public counsels.
Frenzy does not become a slighter distemper on account of the number of those who may be infected with it.
The cruel distemper now appears with the most malignant symptoms.
The distemper has now reached one crisis, whence the physician can form a judgment with some degree of certainty, and he bids me hope.
Turning from it, presently, he moves slowly back towards the window, tracing his way with his finger along the top line of the distemper that runs round the wall.
The walls are coloured with greenish distemper up to a stripe of deeper green about the height of a man's shoulder, and above this line are whitewashed.
Their report was that no contagiousdistemper existed.
The count came to London, living secretly in various lodgings, as he declared to hide a distemper from which he suffered, but no doubt to direct privately the operations of his bravoes.
Their father, however, was quite positive that human beings could not take distemper from dogs.
Then came Theron Hammond, though he left his Boston terrier at home because Alert had never had distemper and might catch it.
The distemper seemed unwilling to relax its hold on him and his digestive system became so disordered that he could not gain the much needed strength from his food.
When Remus had distemper he received visits from a good many of the boys in town, but that was nothing to the interest that was now displayed in him.
Most dogs that die of distemper die because they didn't have strength enough to last 'em through.
More danger of spreading distemper and other diseases, too, than at the outdoor shows.
At Pala Chapel the priest whitewashed the mural distemper paintings out of existence.
There are also a few remnants of the mural distemper paintings in the altar zone of the ruined church.
It is claimed that much of the distemper painting upon the church walls was done by the Indians, though surely it would be far easier to believe that the Fathers did it than they.