For first they learned who were the cheefe conspirators, and after persuaded sir Robert Clifford to giue ouer that enterprise, which had no grounded staie to rest vpon.
Also the horssemen that were sent, without anie stop or staie came to saint Michaels mount, and there (as chance was) found the ladie Katharine Gordon wife to Perkin, and brought hir streight to the king.
And though the king aduised him to stand to the order which the late archbishops of Yorke had obserued, yet he would not staie the matter, sith he saw that archbishop Rafe being sicke and diseased, could not attend to preuent his dooings.
And therefore considering that the kingdome of Palestine (as the rumor ran) was of greater reuenues than that of England, there was no cause why they should staie for him, who would not willinglie leaue the greater for the lesser.
And therefore they did put him in all the blame, as one that should set the king against them, and staie him from suffering them to inioy those liberties, which they from time to time so much laboured to haue had to them granted and confirmed.
Indeed, the emperour wrote to the king to staie his hand, but the diligence of that legat was such in furthering his masters businesse, that the monie was gone ouer yer the emperours letters came.
Edrike (as some write) in no condition to follow them, but to staie and giue time to his people to refresh their wearie bodies.
Behold you noble men, you call me king, which can not so much asstaie by my commandement this small portion of water.
And if an Englishman and a Dane chanced to méet at anie bridge or streight passage, the Englishman must staietill the Lord Dane were passed.
For Didius being aged, and by victories past inough renowmed, thought it sufficient for him to make warre by his capteins, so to staie and kéepe off the enimie.
I without staie intending to do so, and thinking nothing, but to do her seruice in any sort that she would commaund me, went to the place.
Then the lord steward of Scotland, and also the earle of Lenox came vnto him, requiring him to staie till they might haue leasure to see if they could bring the people of Scotland vnto the kings peace.
Then the earle perceiuing he should but lose his labor tostaie any longer there, vpon certeine weightie occasions returned vnto Baionne, where he shortlie after fell sicke and died.
The king did what he could to staie them: but the English pressed so vpon them, that there was no recouerie.
But here (to staie a litle with temporall affaires) it shall not be amisse to rehearse the effect of a contention, which fell about this time betwéene that king and the archbishop of Canturburie.
At his approch néere to Carleil, he pitched downe his field in the euening, thinking there to staie till the morning, that he might vnderstand of what power the enimie was, whome he knew to be at hand.
Now will we staie the proceedings of the king of France at this time, and make no further relation thereof for a while, till we haue touched other things that happened in England at the same season.
This is the end of the charge: you constable are to present the Princes owne person, if you meete the Prince in the night, you may staie him Verges.
Nay, I will giue thee a kisse, now praie thee Loue staie Petr.
Fiue shillings to one on't with anie man that knowes the Statutes, he may staie him, marrie not without the prince be willing, for indeed the watch ought to offend no man, and it is an offence to stay a man against his will Verges.
And when he should returne, he gaue commandement that no man should staie behind him, but come backe togither for [Sidenote: The Kentishmen disobeing the kings commandement, are surprised by the enimies.
No, foule bestoykerre, I wylle rende the ayre, Tylle dethe do staie mie dynne, or somme kynde roder heare.
The duke of Bedford had much adoo to staie his people in the morning from pursuit of the French armie: but for that he mistrusted the Parisiens, he would not depart farre from that citie, and so returned thither againe.
He answered, that he did not purchase them for anie feare he had of faults committed by him, but to staie the malicious speach of them that neither loued the king nor him.
Wherefore they thought best to depart for a time into their countries, that by their absence he might the sooner learne to staie himselfe for doubt of further displeasure.
These things being brought to this issue, the further narration of them shall staie for a time, till I haue told you of a little trouble which about this time happened in London.
But as the king was readie to enter on shipboord, Hubert archbishop of Canturburie, and William Marshall earle of Penbroke came to him, and with manie great reasons went about to persuade him to staie his iournie.
Heere will I staie a while in the further narration of this matter, and touch by the way a thing that happened to king John about this present time.
Sidenote: The archbishop of Canturburie, and the earle of Penbroke persuade the king tostaie at home.
Vs martireth this blinde desire To staieour life from flieng!
The sharpest torment in my heart I feele Is that I staie from thee, my heart, this while.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "staie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.