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Example sentences for "loathing"

Lexicographically close words:
loant; loath; loathe; loathed; loathes; loathly; loathsome; loathsomeness; loaves; lobate
  1. Verily she had loved this man at one time--she shrank with self-loathing from recalling how devotedly.

  2. I've hated you for years; now my loathing of you is nigh as strong as is my love for Geoff.

  3. Then a last, loud wail of horror arose from the farther bank, and despair or a loathing of life drove many to end their miseries in the river or in the flames.

  4. It was hailed with joy by advanced thinkers in the cities, and with loathing by the clergy, the nobles, the wealthy, and the peasants.

  5. A sudden loathing of civilization may come upon him and send him to Africa or the Arctic Regions.

  6. The language that flows from him is obscene and so filthy, and of such a Sodom and Gomorrah character that you turn away from him in absolute loathing as a man that would pollute and contaminate you by his very presence.

  7. He had a sort of indescribable loathing toward poverty, or rather toward poor people, which was only increased by their being his relations.

  8. She moaned in a terror of distrust, loathing her cousin: not asking herself why she needed support.

  9. How can he eat, with the phantom of Rose there, covering her head, shuddering, loathing him?

  10. I swear to heaven that my lowest cynical ideas of women, and the loathing with which their simply animal vagaries inspires a thoughtful man, are distanced and made to seem a benevolent criticism, by the actualities of my experience.

  11. Algernon's loathing of the coarseness and profanity of villany increased almost to the depth of a sentiment as he listened to Sedgett.

  12. She loathed him now as only a woman can loathe a man and, woman-like, her loathing focussed itself upon his blondness and the colour of his eyes.

  13. Dante's loathing of Epicurus, or of what he took to be his doctrine, was certainly sincere.

  14. All she knew was that loathing and repulsion stirred her, until the thought revolted her that she was breathing the same air as one who could be capable of such vicious cruelty.

  15. To him it almost seemed that her whole body was thrilled with an utter repugnance and loathing at what she beheld.

  16. These depraved traffickers were regarded with the greatest loathing by the Roman people.

  17. He hurled it with a loathing fury; but he was compelled to throw high, to clear A-ya's head.

  18. The girl A-ya, overcome with loathing horror because the beasts were so hideous a caricature of man, covered her eyes with one hand.

  19. And besides my terror at this horrible attack, and the maddening pain of my wound, there was a sudden feeling of loathing such as you might feel were some filthy tarantula to strike its fangs into you.

  20. Chenier grinned and shook his knife at me, while I tried to look the loathing which I felt at the thought that a soldier of the Emperor could fall so low.

  21. In the study of perversions we have gained an insight into the fact that the sexual impulse has to struggle against certain psychic forces, resistances, among which shame and loathing are most prominent.

  22. The pain which is here overcome ranks with the loathing and shame which were the resistances opposed to the libido.

  23. The force of the sexual impulse prefers to occupy itself with the overcoming of this loathing (see below).

  24. It is even more obvious than in the former case that it is the loathing which stamps as a perversion the use of the anus as a sexual aim.

  25. In the loathing we may observe one of the forces which have brought about the restrictions of the sexual aim.

  26. Our attention is here called to the factor of loathing which stands in the way of the libidinous overestimation of the sexual aim, but which may in turn be vanquished by the libido.

  27. Once he gave a note for her to the Italian servant, loathing the hand that adroitly covered the folded sheet, the other's oblique smile; but she sent back word that she was suffering from a headache.

  28. He was wrapped in an utter loathing of the scene through which he had passed, his undeniable part in it.

  29. An utter self-loathing possessed her at the same time, a feeling of imminent danger as if she were walking with willfully shut eyes on the edge of a precipice above a black fatal void.

  30. Thou needst not tremble; this arm is bound, And its iron strength is gone; Despair came down in the hollow sound Of my fetters, which clank'd on the loathing ground Where my wearied limbs I had thrown.

  31. With which sad instrument of hasty death 2 That woeful lover, loathing longer light, light > daylight (i.

  32. With which sad instrument of hastie death, 2 That wofull louer, loathing lenger light, A wide way made to let forth liuing breath.

  33. So, trembling with loathing and disgust, she had followed him, resolved that if Harry's plan to rescue her failed she would kill herself rather than be the wife of this man.

  34. The feeling excited is not admiration; it is utter loathing and disgust.

  35. Because it is declared that the infamous consequences of sin shall be hereditary, it does not follow that our personal and active loathing of sin, should descend from the sinful sinner to his sinless child.

  36. Though the course of life which she had for some time adopted had rendered her insatiably sensual, she now experienced a feeling of loathing and disgust when in contact with her lover.

  37. In less than a minute she reached the door of Old Death’s dungeon: and there she paused for nearly another minute, a sensation of loathing and horror preventing her from immediately announcing her presence to the terrible inmate of that cell.

  38. But the delirium has passed away--and I now look back upon it with a loathing which prevents me from contemplating it coolly.

  39. She had asserted the empire of her charms over even the very heart that ought to cherish hatred against her: she had inspired with the maddest jealousy the soul that was bound to think of her with loathing and abhorrence.

  40. It is impossible to feel any loathing towards this spirited Trisomatos, and one may recognise in it a different animus from that which depicted the christian dragon.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "loathing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abhorrent; abomination; allergy; animosity; antagonism; antipathy; averse; aversion; bigotry; contempt; despite; disgust; disgusted; dislike; distaste; enmity; execration; hate; hatred; horror; hostility; loathing; malevolence; malice; misanthropy; misogyny; nausea; odium; phobia; repugnance; repulsion; revulsion; shuddering; spite; thing