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Example sentences for "stopping short"

  • Mr Boffin, stopping short, with his meditations brought to an abrupt check, 'what's the next article?

  • My dear,' returned the Golden Dustman, stopping short in his trot.

  • Then he ran lightly and rapidly for full a hundred feet, stopping short again, and using his eyes and ears to the utmost.

  • Will, in a hushed voice, stopping short, and motioning to the others to do the same.

  • Those who were following the leader flung up their heads each with a snort, and ran off among the trees; but the leader, stopping short, looked inquiringly at the youngster, as though trying to learn his species.

  • Here we are," said Keziah, stopping short in front of Mr Brough's house.

  • He wears on his head--[Stopping short at sight of his docked comb.

  • She has taken an interest in your household,' said the Major, stopping short again, 'and has been a frequent visitor at your house for some time now.

  • Carker, stopping short; 'but if you speak of pictures, there's a composition!

  • Phellion, stopping short in the middle of the salon and posing, with his hand thrust through the bosom of his waistcoat from right to left, in the well-known attitude of Odilon Barrot.

  • Thuillier, stopping short; "how he does touch it off!

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stopping short" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    about fifty; and well; another genus; brown house; camp near; canine teeth; coloured silk; divine worship; hearing the; knowing look; length ahead; light grey; made ready; mechanical work; mental life; second husband; she ought; slavery meetings; stopping short; thousand dinars; well mounted; will engage