The Wa-Yao have a strong sense of decency in matters of this kind, which is the more curious since they are more given toobscenity in their rites, ceremonies, and dances than any other tribe.
Unfortunately, this obscenity spoils the taste of the public and destroys all sense of true and noble art.
The law should punish all public solicitation, obscenity or sexual brutality, but the punishment should take a milder form.
Normally, all obscenity and cynicism disgusts women and only inspires them with contempt for the male sex.
The gross and persistent obscenityof drunken persons in railway carriages and other places toward women is an example of alcoholic flirtation.
No truly moral man would wish to eliminate the seasoning of eroticism whenever artistic necessity requires it, but art should never prostitute itself in the service of venal obscenity and degeneration.
Salvian speaks of unlimited obscenity in the theatres of Christian Gaul (De Gub.
But that its members were as a rule either Cathari or anti-Christians, either disguised Moslems or deists, or that they practised obscenity by rule, there is no reason to believe.
Obscenity is the expression not of an intellectual but of a physical and unreasoning bias, and can perfectly well concur with religious feeling.
Mr.Cowley asserts plainly, that obscenity has no place in wit.
In old times, before the obscenityof the place was done away with, towards early morning it seemed a perfect Babel.
He sang, with accompanying action, some dozen verses of doggerel, remarkable for obscenity and imbecility.
At times, when some of these convicts, who seem veritable encyclopedias of wickedness, are crowded together, the ribald jokes, obscenity and blasphemy are too horrible for description.
As I have stated heretofore the prisoners are allowed to converse in the mines, and as a result of this almost necessary rule, every convict has an opportunity to listen to the vilest obscenity that ever falls upon human ears.
Boas, can compare with this "sweet and beautiful" romance of Longus in downright obscenity or deliberate laciviousness.
In obscenity there is nothing that can be compared with the Bhagavata.
Powers, in his great work on the California Indians (348), refers to "the unspeakable obscenity of their legends.
Anyone who has listened to Indian tales, not as they are recorded in books, but as they are told by the camp-fire, will bear witness to the abounding obscenity they deal in.
They rebelled at the immorality of his conduct and the obscenity of his writings; and he resolved that they should accept both.
The ribaldry and the obscenity and the insults with which he strove to make her ridiculous in the world fell at her pitying feet unheeded.
Pepys might quite consistently scorn the ribaldry of Etherege and condone the obscenity of Fletcher.
One might have anticipated from him a different verdict on the frank obscenity of Restoration drama.
No pardon vile obscenity should find, Though wit and art conspire to move your mind; But dullness with obscenity must prove As shameful sure as impotence in love.
These downright animal phases pointed the way logically, in Gard's mind, to that obscenity which is interwoven in the German civilization.
It was a school born of fear and nurtured upon rancor--a school that indulged freely in obscenity and sacrilege, and did not hesitate to stoop to kick the fallen hero, to heap insult and ignominy upon Napoleon in his exile.
A large part of it, and probably the most representative part, is characterized by a foulness and an obscenity which the present generation cannot countenance.
Many punishments were not only cruel, but obscene, the cruelty and obscenity being destitute of moral or civil motive and only serving to gratify malignant passion.
It may be that the notion of obscenity developed sooner in respect to literature than in respect to art.
In the first centuries of the Christian era "obscenity dominated the theater.
The theater declined into obscenity and coarseness, and the popular pulpit was hardly better.
It is evident that the notion of obscenity is very modern.
The carnival was an occasion of license for all the grossness and obscenity in the popular taste.
This is entirely aside from obscenityor vulgarity.
The ancient mythology long covered obscenity in drama.
It is true that, saving some expressions peculiar to the Saxon peasant, such obscenity is to be met with among the neo-Humanist writers of that age, both in Germany and abroad.
In his latter years he penned the following attack upon the older Church of which the obscenity vies with its untruth: “The chaste Pope does not take a wife, yet all women are his.
However, the medical profession as a class stands for dignified scientific presentation of facts, and obscenity will soon be tabooed in medical and all other reputable literature.
Save for occasional emanations privately printed by and for degenerate persons, public obscenity will soon be unknown.
The Nights and that is one of absolute obscenity utterly repugnant to English readers, even the least prudish.
For obscenity and impurity we have the tales of Onan and Tamar, Lot and his daughters, Amnon and his fair sister (2 Sam.
Every mail brought to Garrison threats of assassination, and letters whose mingled profanity and obscenity can only be described as John Bunyan describes the discourse of Apollyon, "He spake as a dragon.
They caused an obscenity prosecution, which failed; so finally the press rooms of the paper were blown up with dynamite.
He was of infantile physical development, with a pleasant, childish expression of face, very religious, and hated obscenity and immorality.
Beuve says of Gibbon, I think, he acquired an 'erudite and cold' sort of obscenity in this way.
But there is the most hideous immorality in the ascription of obscenity to sex, sex function or any phase of sex life.
The person who at one time feels himself under direct religious inspiration, or who imagines himself to be the incarnation of a divine personage, will at another time exhibit the most shocking obscenity in action and language.
There is not the slightest suspicion of obscenity in all this, and anyone qualifying this worship of the generative power as obscene does so hastily and ignorantly.
However harsh and repulsive were the manners and social maxims of the Puritans, they were infinitely preferable to the licentiousness and blasphemy of the Cavaliers, who mistook vulgarity and obscenity for gentility.
What you call obscenity is mere license, and there is plenty of that at Rome.