But when Islam arose in the seventh century, the Christian learned cleverly affixed the stigma of their ownmisogyny upon the Moslems ad captandas foeminas and in Southern Europe the calumny still bears fruit.
The theory arose with the "Fathers" of the Christian Church who simply exaggerated the misogyny of St. Paul.
Like Schopenhauer he mocked all womankind "long of hair and short of sense," and threw misogyny to the winds before the first pair of charming eyes or dainty feet.
All Paris talked of his originality and of his misogyny which provided a piquant sensation, and a subject for interesting gossip in literary and dramatic circles.
Then he laughed somewhat, and added, "I always getmisogyny and heterophemy mixed.
Harris started and blushed, but at length his misogyny asserted itself and he turned a beetling frown on Miss Duckman.
Harris Rudnik had been encouraged to misogyny by cross eyes and a pockmarked complexion.
No man had a keener appreciation of the gentle joys of domesticity, and the intensity of his misogyny was in strict proportion to the keenness of his disappointment.
Strindberg's misogyny is the keynote of his early work.
He felt that before the fine instincts of women his infirmity was especially conspicuous, and he drifted into misogyny through bashfulness and pride; and yet misogyny was incompatible with his scheme of life and his ambition.