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Example sentences for "disobedience"

Lexicographically close words:
dismount; dismounted; dismounting; dismounts; disna; disobedient; disobey; disobeyed; disobeying; disobeys
  1. Yet his obedience to God would have lacked its crowning grace, if he had not meekly yielded to the penalty for his disobedience to the law of the land.

  2. No, Sir, I cut not his throat, but broke his heart by the most unnatural turn of disobedience to the tenderest and best of fathers.

  3. Consider your elder brother, who laid down his life for his honour, or rather lost it for his disobedience to my will.

  4. Agnes fancied that her sire was angry with her--that he uttered reproaches for a disobedience of which she had been guilty.

  5. He found the right one as John Gore spoke, and lifted the chest’s lid as though there was no disobedience in looking.

  6. The king sat down and provoked debate, upbraiding and chiding him for his disobedience and stubbornness of mind.

  7. The prince of Damascus already meditated his flight; but the certain victory was snatched from the grasp of Ali by the disobedience and enthusiasm of his troops.

  8. After the revolt of Spain from the temporal and spiritual supremacy of the Abbassides, the first symptoms of disobedience broke forth in the province of Africa.

  9. This passage was revealed to reprove an immodest custom of the pagan Arabs, who used to encompass the Caaba naked, because clothes, they said, were the signs of their disobedience to GOD.

  10. A punishment she justly merited for her infidelity and disobedience to her husband.

  11. Unjust to himself in not fulfilling his engagements and obeying the law he had accepted; and foolish in not considering the consequence of his disobedience and neglect.

  12. But GOD hath made the faith amiable unto you, and hath prepared the same in your hearts; and hath rendered infidelity, and iniquity, and disobedience hateful unto you.

  13. They also hold that disobedience with faith hurteth not; and that, on the other hand, obedience with infidelity profiteth not.

  14. That is, who requite his favours with disobedience and incredulity.

  15. The devil replied, O LORD, because thou hast seduced me, I will surely tempt them to disobedience in the earth; 40 and I will seduce such of them as shall be thy chosen servants.

  16. Or the words may be translated, I believed not heretofore in that Being with whom ye did associate me; intimating his first disobedience in refusing to worship Adam at GOD'S command.

  17. But when, the other day, she achieved disobedience three times in five minutes, more vigorous measures were called for, and her mother took an ivory paper-knife from the table and struck her smartly across her little bare legs.

  18. She has had just cause for misliking the Earl of Huntly of long time, whose extortions have been so great, and other manifest tokens of disobedience such that it was no longer to be borne.

  19. Intending to reform these, she has found in him and his two eldest sons (the Lairds of Gordon and Findlater) open disobedience so far that they have taken arms and kept houses against her.

  20. The Earl of Huntly keeps his house, and would have it thought that his disobedience came through the evil behaviour of his sons.

  21. This disobedience was in the meantime tolerated because Philip wanted money to carry on the war between Spain and France which shortly afterwards broke out.

  22. Disobedience to this edict was to be punished as follows.

  23. The Marquis congratulated himself that he was in time to repair the disobedience of orders, which he promised himself to punish at the first opportunity.

  24. The Duke of Elchingen showed to his new chief the same spirit of disobedience and hatred of control.

  25. Disobedience to my injunctions would be as culpable as disobedience to your father, whom I represent.

  26. The word spoken by angels was firmly assured, and, because no man could shelter under the plea that the heavenly authority of the message was doubtful, disobedience met with unsparing retribution.

  27. For if the word spoken through angels proved steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward; how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?

  28. Again, the threatenings of the Old Testament for disobedience to God apply with full force to apostasy from Christ.

  29. You ask that the public safety again be placed in the hands of these same policemen while they continue in disobedience to the laws of Massachusetts and in their refusal to obey the orders of the Police Department.

  30. Disobedience to it is disobedience to the people.

  31. Such disobedience continuing, the leaders were cited for trial on charges and heard with their counsel before the Commissioner.

  32. Because of the disobedience of father Adam, all of his children are born imperfect, all sinners.

  33. Timothy 2:13) It was by the disobedience of one man that sin came into the world and death as the result of sin; so death has been the penalty upon all mankind.

  34. Added to this positive statement of the inspired Apostle is the testimony of all the prophets foretelling the time coming for the restoration of the things that were lost through the disobedience of Adam.

  35. He was scarcely punished by a week's arrest for his disobedience to the King, and that was only after he had had a conversation with the first minister, Maurepas.

  36. Disorder entailed by disobedience to nature's dictates they regard as grievances, not as the effects of a conduct more or less flagitious.

  37. Teach them that sin means disobedience of God's laws of every kind.

  38. And Nehemiah, when the nation sinned, made confession, and cast himself before God, deploring their disobedience to the God of their fathers.

  39. God has brought you out in conversion; it was God's own life given you: but you defiled it with disobedience and with unbelief.

  40. Whatever its ultimate influence on national policy, the Randolph civil disobedience pledge had no visible effect on the position of the President or Congress.

  41. Evans estimated was attended by 180 persons, little attention was given to Randolph's civil disobedience pledge, but Evans himself came in for considerable ridicule, and there were headlines aplenty in the black press.

  42. A poll of young educated Negroes conducted by the NAACP revealed that 71 percent of those of draft age would support the civil disobedience campaign.

  43. The order was also a logical response to the threat of civil disobedience issued by A.

  44. From coast to coast in my travels I shall call upon all Negro veterans to join this civil disobedience movement and to recruit their younger brothers in an organized refusal to register and be drafted.

  45. At the Fort she had thought of many things she needed, but now her errand seemed purposeless, and the pleasures of disobedience began to pall.

  46. I will have no disobedience of my orders--remember that, both of you.

  47. Perhaps, after all, she had been making a mountain out of a mole hill and this disobedience on Polly's part, wrong though it certainly was, might not result in anything so disastrous as she had at first feared.

  48. And of course he considers my disobedience worse than his rudeness.

  49. Why should not disobedience make us unworthy to wear them?

  50. And father was angry at her disobedience and her frightening mother and Mollie.

  51. The contest was too unequal, till the introduction of luxury had enervated the vigor, and a spirit of disobedience and sedition had relaxed the discipline, of the Roman armies.

  52. Nor can it be said that the soldiers only partook of the government by their disobedience and rebellions.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disobedience" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.