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Example sentences for "speciousness"

Lexicographically close words:
specimens; speciosa; speciosum; specious; speciously; speck; specked; speckled; speckles; speckless
  1. Vague and sounding verse could not lend a momentary speciousness to the sophistries of the Elegy.

  2. Whoever looks through the speciousness of rhyme, and views the ideas in their naked meaning, will be much more struck by the want of good sense in the principal critical canons.

  3. I perceive the speciousness of those fallacies by which they are deluded.

  4. In proportion to the speciousness of his qualities was he to be dreaded.

  5. It did; for all understood and read the character of your father, who was as much disliked and distrusted for the speciousness of his false nature, as I was generally esteemed for the frankness and warmth of mine.

  6. It certainly will not be blinded by his speciousness and aid him in his subtle monarchism.

  7. But I'll not do it, sir, any more than I or anyone else will be deluded by the speciousness of your language.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "speciousness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acting; affectation; appearance; bluff; casuistry; circularity; color; coloring; deception; delusion; disguise; display; dissemblance; distortion; equivocation; exterior; externals; facade; face; fallacy; falsity; feint; fraud; front; gaudiness; gilt; gloss; humbug; imposture; insincerity; masquerade; misapplication; mystification; ostentation; perversion; plausibility; pose; posing; posture; pretense; pretension; pretext; rationalization; representation; seeming; semblance; sham; show; simulacrum; simulation; sophism; sophistication; sophistry; speciousness; subtlety; superficiality; varnish