It may even perhaps be argued with a certain amount of plausibility that the men who build such villages are remotely of Hittite blood!
Despite theplausibility of this last suggestion, I adhere to Lord Byron's contention that the anatheme was the nucleus of England's native eloquence; and if so, why not of Indian oratory?
My own opinion, as a lawyer, was that probably the judgment of the canvassing board was right; at least there was enough plausibility in its support to furnish an excuse to sustain the position of the canvassing board.
After all," he added, "it is often difficult in science to distinguish Truth from the plausibility which personates her.
If the boldness and strangeness of his opinions occasionally startled me, I could not but admire the clearness with which he stated his propositions, the fervour of his elocution, and the plausibility of his arguments.
By these means they have given plausibilityenough to their theories, to leave many a one in doubt, whether it is really a new triumph of human discovery, or merely a later form of empiricism.
As to this fact I have not yet made up my mind, though it must be confessed that there is much to give plausibility to their opinion.
Now in the face of these things I will not undertake to say that there is any impossibility, or even any want of plausibility in the supposition that bodies external to the earth may affect us.
But despite the plausibility of Lake's representation he has thereby introduced a root error into his reconstruction of the apostolic age.
It was therefore with some plausibility that Von Harnack advanced his dictum to the effect that Paulinism has established itself as a ferment, but never as a foundation, in the history of doctrine.
This explanation derives a certain plausibility from the circumstance that 8000 is the ancient number of the Spartan citizens (Herod.
All such theories have a kind of plausibility from their partial agreement with experience.
Then another consideration occurred to him, which offered a means of increasing the plausibility of the thing, by the assumption of the schematism of the pure conceptions of the understanding.
Surely, of all the expositions that have been given of the meaning of this passage, this is the most rational, and it does throw an air of great plausibility over Dr.
Several analogies certainly throw an air of plausibility over this hypothesis.
Could a single example be produced in which a human embryo stopped at and became an insect, or a fish, or a monkey, there might be some plausibility in the supposition.
Such a general view of the subject of organic remains seems to give plausibility to the hypothesis of organic development.
There is just enough plausibility in some of the stories which are cited to make them fall easily into the pleas of detraction to which Columbus has been subjected.
The story about Cortéz finding a broken-nosed image in the knapsack of one of his soldiers is not mentioned either by himself or Bernal Diaz, and must therefore be an afterthought, to give plausibility to a subsequent imposition.
Their collaboration upon a book only added plausibility to her surmise.
Her knowledge of the traction muddle was sufficient to afford a background of plausibility for this highminded renunciation.
And yet, right or wrong, I feel it has more plausibility than Mr. Wright's.
It was an accomplishment which had stood him more in stead in life than even his eloquence in the House, his plausibility in the world, or his rose-amethyst ring.
It can only be believed by the most stupid, as it has not the plausibility of truth in it; and Mr. Douglas showed a debasement of mind beyond comprehension in quoting it to his friend.
There is some plausibility in the argument, and it may be that there is some truth in it, but such individuals have forgotten that the same agency is in active operation in the free as well as the slave States.
There may be some truth in her statements--barely enough to give them plausibility among the thoughtless, inconsiderate and uninformed; and those whose minds are warped by prejudice.
The selfishness of such a part lay so hidden from view; there was a plausibility in one's conviction of being good and amiable,--that the enjoyment became really of a higher order than usually waits on mere egotism.
When you have drawn up everything, with all the consistency and plausibility you can, avoid none of the real difficulties, but rather show yourself fully aware of them, and also of all their importance.
Both these points in the history of the poetess, her love for Phaon, and her leap from the Leucadian cliff, have been questioned with more or less plausibility by distinguished critics of the present age.
If it has ever been found possible to give any plausibility to the notions of Leibnitz, it is in that book that it has been done.
This plausibility and confidence are faculties really inherited from nature, and effectually serve the possessor, in lieu of that learning which is not to be obtained without infinite toil and perseverance.
The unctuous plausibility of the pretense that prisons are beneficent purgatories and not hells renders it the more sickening.
We guessed he knew that he was talking benevolent fictions; and yet there was plausibilityin his argument.
He suppressed the finding of any of the bodies (¶ 42) to aid the plausibility of his narrative, and to increase the pathos of the guest's death.
In truth, whatever plausibility the providential view of a given occurrence may have is dependent on the curious limitation and selfishness of the observer's estimations.
All the plausibility there was to this objection rested on the tacit assumption that the people in their industrial relations had under private capitalism been free and unconstrained and subject to no form of authority.