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Example sentences for "exculpation"

Lexicographically close words:
excretory; excruciating; excruciatingly; exculpate; exculpated; exculpatory; excurrent; excursion; excursionist; excursionists
  1. Even in cases which, one would think, might be regarded as justifiable homicide in self-defence, no such ground of exculpation seems to have been admitted.

  2. The only rejoinder yet made to this exculpation is by Mr. E.

  3. One such opportunity was afforded, soon after the above-mentioned exculpation of the fathers, by the occurrence of a famine during an unusually severe winter.

  4. He sought, and at length obtained, an official exculpation in the amplest terms, with an acknowledgment of his orthodoxy on the part of the highest authority on earth, and this was granted under circumstances that gave it universal notoriety.

  5. For special reasons this favour was refused, and two years afterwards he accepted command of the forces at Ceylon, and was still there when Sir Walter Scott's exculpation of the British Government appeared in 1828.

  6. The seeming exculpation of myself in the extract (p.

  7. She fought on the consuming fire to have her exculpation heard.

  8. That exculpation ought to have been sufficient, coming as it did not only from all the Spanish bishops but from the Inquisition, which from the very beginning had been uniformly suspicious of everything Jesuitical.

  9. It terminated in a rejection of the resolutions and consequently in an entire exculpation of Hamilton from all just censure.

  10. No fact of the war is more clearly established than Bragg's exculpation from any responsibility for the escape of the Federal army from the field of Chickamauga.

  11. So clear is his exculpation in this case, that no investigation of facts, severely reflecting upon others, is required.

  12. His exculpation was complete before every tribunal of opinion.

  13. This latter accusation was so seriously urged as to call out a serious answer from one of the senators friendly to the notice, not so much in exculpation of himself, as that of a friend at whom the imputation was levelled.

  14. We are obliged to say, therefore, that the very exculpation it presents is a proof of the existence of that state of heresy and schism which is denied.

  15. The first and most striking feature noticeable in the letter is the exculpation from heresy and schism which it puts forward.

  16. He vainly tried his skill at exculpation with the king.

  17. What the arguments were that I resorted to in exculpation of my injustice, I no longer remember at this distance of time.

  18. He set forth with all speed to his lawyer's chambers, in order to carry on the whole proceedings, in exculpation of William Delaware, as rapidly as possible.

  19. He quotes their opinions in his favor, and argues that the exculpation which they give, or are supposed to give him, should excuse him from any further explanation.

  20. If that is an accusation that Hooker was then drunk, if it does not rather lean toward an exculpation from the charge of drunkenness, then I can neither write nor read the English language.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exculpation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absolution; amnesty; clearance; clearing; defense; discharge; dismissal; exculpation; excuse; exemption; exoneration; explanation; forgiveness; grace; immunity; indemnity; pardon; purgation; purging; quietus; quittance; rationalization; redemption; rehabilitation; reinstatement; release; remission; reprieve; restoration; shrift; sparing; vindication