Purgation of these emotions;" did it mean purification of the emotions, or purgation of the soul FROM the emotions?
What is meant by the Purgation (Katharsis) through pity and fear?
Robespierre's general design in short was to effect a furtherpurgation of the Convention.
Through their purgation man is made pure and fit to mount to the stars.
Cortez now meaneth to take a purgation for his ague: and tooke certayne pilles whiche he broughte with him from Cuba, at suche houre of the nighte as is vsed for purgations.
It aimed at a clearer understanding of the Holy Scriptures, at the purgation of the popular religious life from idolatry and superstition, and at a clearly reasoned out scheme of intellectual belief.
Thus do all traitors; If their purgation did consist in words, They are as innocent as grace itself.
Your wisdom should show itself more richer to signify this to the doctor; for me to put him to his purgation would perhaps plunge him into far more choler.
The Promotor gives the first blow with a frying-pan, and the scholars who help in the purgation are limited to two or three blows each, since an infinity of blows is also to be avoided.
Dispensations on the ground of poverty could be obtained from the Rector, and two or three freshmen might make their purgation together, "cum infinitas est vitanda," even an infinity of feasts is to be avoided.
At Avignon, the Confraternity of St Sebastian existed largely for the purgation of bajans and the control of the abuses which had grown up in connection with the jocund advent.
When there is purgation from filthiness, separation from the world, and dedication to the Lord, there there is holiness and nowhere else.
For he shows the method of accusation and purgationelsewhere and in the place where Hector taxes his brother, accusing him of cowardice and dissoluteness.
I have considered of the crasis and syntoma of your disease, and here is un fort gentil purgation per evacuationem excrementorum, as we physicians use to parley.
He convened a Synod at Rome; but the bishops maintained that the pope, the head of all, can be judged of none; yet the pope with twelve sponsors swore an oath of purgation and prayed for his accusers.
A matter on which the Parliament had been intent for some time was the purgation and regulation of the University of Oxford.
It was a purgation quite sufficient for the Army's purpose.
This was proved by a vote actually taken in the House on the 7th, after the purgation was complete.
If Parliamentary purgationhad been found necessary for Cambridge three years before (antè, pp.
The first one, Pedro Monterde, said that he believed Beatriz to have sworn truly, for he had known her for fifteen years and had always held her to be a good Christian, the rest unanimously concurred and the purgation was successful.
If thepurgation was successful he was to be proclaimed of good repute as to the faith, and was to perform salutary penance for the imprudence of his utterances.
If it be answered affirmatively, it will follow that princes have power to destruction, and not to edification only; for whatsoever may edify or profit the church, pertaineth either to the conservation or the purgation of religion.
God king of Scots, is the only lawful supreme governor of this realm, as well in things temporal as in the conservation andpurgation of religion,” &c.
Dare he say that I did not take in purgation by the word?
If negatively, then it cannot be denied that the conservation and purgation of religion do comprehend all the power which princes have in things ecclesiastical.
He traversed various plains set apart for the purgation of different offences.
Herein we have another form of the doctrine of postponed redemption in certain cases, though not here, to allow time for the purgation of sins.
The fiery arch also recurs, the passage through which, and through the fiery wall, is analogous to the similar trial for the purgation of fleshly lusts in c.
The severest censures of the Church were passed upon those who dared to repeat an unproved accusation after the oaths of Purgation and Compurgation had been taken unchallenged.
The ordeal of compulsory Purgationwas abolished in Man as late as 1737.
He does not admit Aristotle's theory, that tragedy or other serious imitations are a purgation of the passions by pity and fear; to him they appear only to afford the opportunity of indulging them.
Yes, I said, not the sort of purgationwhich the physicians make of the body; for they take away the worse and leave the better part, but he does the reverse.
Thus we have made a purgation of music, and will now make a purgation of metres.
Minturno likened the purgation to the physician's method, while Speroni pointed out that pity and fear, holding men in bondage, were properly to be expurgated.
The first of these critics was Robortelli (1548); Vettori and Castelvetro followed him, while Maggi and Varchi applied the purgation to all emotions similar to pity and fear, a more Freudian conception.
Spingarn's book, Literary Criticism in the Renaissance, gives us a good survey of several Italian commentators who correctly interpreted Aristotle's view of the purgation of the emotions of fear and pity as aesthetic, and not ethical.
Aristotle was referring however to the aesthetic purgation of the feelings of the audience; Keble, like Freud later, had in mind the poet's relief to himself.
Better is it to purge away our sins, and cut off our vices now, than to keep them for purgation hereafter.
We thank and beg them to continue to be mindful of us associated and bound together in this most charitable work of shortening, by our prayers and good works, the time of purgation for the souls in Purgatory.
Footnote 1: Cardinal Wiseman in commenting upon this passage, says: "Now, mark well the wordpurgation here used.
By Purgatory no more is meant by Catholics than a middle state of souls; namely of purgation from sin by temporary chastisements, or a punishment of some sin inflicted after death, which is not eternal.
That there should be for souls after death such a state of purgation is all within the grasp of human reason.
For there is no man, says Origen, but the Son of God, can guess how long, or how many ages, a soul may stand in need of the purgation of fire.
With these explanations the reader will be able to understand the subjoined passage, which expresses the Norse idea of the future purgation of the soul.
In the trial or purgation by cold water, the accused, after prayers and other ceremonies, was cast into deep water, swaddled or tied in such a manner as to make it impossible for him or her to swim.
The same purgation of the heart was now achieved in the Skeptical age, as the understanding had succeeded in establishing in the Sophistic age.
There is the same emphasis on free purgation with Epsom salts.
According to the old view, purgation was a mere medical process, preparatory to ethical training (see p.
According to the Neoplatonic view, ethical training and the "political virtues" are a mere preparation for purgation and the intellectual virtues.
The unethical character of Plotinus' teaching comes out very clearly in his reversal of the positions of instruction and purgation in the scheme of education.
The latter compares the process of purgation with the emotions which are excited by a pestilence.
His explanation of the peculiar effect of tragedy--the purgation of pity and fear--has already been referred to in the first section of this essay.
Here Minturno, like Giraldi Cintio, ascribes to epic poetry the same purgation of pity and fear effected by tragedy.
This, he asserts, is the position of Aristotle, and if utility is to be conceded to poetry at all, it is merely as an accident, as in the tragic purgation of terror and compassion.
According to the second interpretation, the purgation of the emotions produced by tragedy is an emotional relief gained by the excitement of these emotions.
He felt the same way with regard to the almost universal purgation that was being practised for every form of ill.
He feared, however, lest purgation might carry off with it many materials more beneficial to the body than the poisons it would drain were harmful.
The first medical publication was a purgation calendar, that is, a list of the days of the year on which purgations should be practised.