But this kingdom of Afghanistan is really composed of a number of chiefships and provinces very loosely knit together under the sway of the Amir, which might fall asunder again if the rulership at Kabul became weak.
Now that these provinces have passed under the administration of Austria, the ecclesiastical authority has also been transferred from the Patriarch to local Metropolitans.
The Taeping insurrection, which devastated cities and provinces in China, and nearly overthrew the Manchu dynasty, is a striking example of the volcanic fires that underlie the surface of Asiatic societies.
The provincesvied in magnificence with the capital in celebrating the fetes of the birth and baptism of the King of Rome.
I dwell purposely on these details, as they prove that joy over the birth of the King of Rome was not confined to Paris alone, but, on the contrary, the provinces were in perfect sympathy with the capital.
That cunning Eibar work of the Basque provinces displays again and again, on locket, bracelet, brooch, this incongruous design of the Puente Vizcaya beaten on chased steel in gold.
The devout no longer scourge themselves in public, sprinkling the pavements with their blood, but Spaniards flock from all Andalusia, from Madrid, and even from the northern provinces to the sunny city on the storied Guadalquivir.
In decorated tribunes sat the royal family and the choicest of Madrid society, with the members of the Circulo de Bellas Artes, who were the hosts of the day, and with distinguished guests from the provinces and abroad.
The seven unitedprovinces of Holland similarly prove the vitality of freedom and good order when free local power is combined with a strong centre.
The proceedings of Strafford added large districts in the other provinces to the English possessions.
Wherever they can afford it the society will buy moulds, in order to assist provincial galleries, and therefore the provinces are immediately interested in its support.
Not difficult; because the two provinces which the race of Heremon possessed were the province of Gailian (i.
The middle ranks and much of the peasantry of one of our greatest provinces were Presbyterians, obstinate in their simple creed--proud of their victories, yet apprehensive of oppression.
Hudson’s Bay Company’s territory now comprised within the settled parts of the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
The first arrivals were mainly from the valley of the Rhine; next in order, came people from southern Germany; but the bulk of the settlers are from the northern and middle provinces of their native land.
In those early days of New France, most of its people were from the west and northwestprovinces of France.
The pensionary Heinsius, who had governed the United Provinces for forty years, was absolutely governed by him.
They cannot be regarded as the original owners of Poland, Bohemia, Silesia, or other Wendish provinces of eastern Germany and Austria.
Those provinces were neglected by Portugal as Argentina and Uruguay were by Spain, and half a century ago they had a very sparse population.
The southern provinces are white man's country, with little Indian or negro blood, and with a distinct "color line.
This same tide of European immigration has likewise pretty well Aryanized the southern provinces of Brazil, adjacent to the Uruguayan border.
As we have already said, the Saracens had torn away many of the provinces of the Eastern Empire, and the Crusades, for a moment, had rolled back the East, but the event was not decided until the Seljukian and Osmanli Turks accepted Islam.
Now the pioneering types in Spain come mainly from those northern provinces which have retained considerable Nordic blood.
Similar fates befell every city of importance in central Asia, and to this day those once populous provinceshave never recovered.
It was his object to create a high idea of the riches of the provinces which he had discovered.
Palgrave furnishes a tolerably complete account of the provinces of Nedjed and the tribes which inhabit them.
Hence the name of Nedjed, literally ‘highland,’ in contradistinction to the coast and the outlying provinces of lesser elevation.
Besides these troops, however, there still remained in the provinces a foreign force amounting in the aggregate to four thousand men.
He came thither to receive homage in the various provinces as their future sovereign, and to exchange oaths of mutual fidelity with them all.
The provinces would expect that the forces which had been maintained at their expense during the war would be disbanded, whereas he had no intention of disbanding them.
He had never loved the Netherlands, a residence in these constitutional provinces was extremely irksome to him, and he was therefore anxious to return to Spain.
The opening scenes of Philip's reign were rendered as brilliant as the proudest days of the Emperor's career, while the provinces were enraptured with the prospect of early peace.
The early part of the year 1559 was spent by Philip in organizing the government of the provincesand in making the necessary preparations for his departure.
Not a hint was held out that a reduction of the taxation, under which the provinces had so long been groaning, was likely to take place; but, on the contrary, the King had demanded a new levy of considerable amount.
The military force of the Netherlands in time of peace was small, for the provinces were jealous of the presence of soldiery.
They who dwelt in the Provinces would be ever grateful to their preserver for the result.
He had, therefore, been obliged, notwithstanding his anxiety to return to a country where his presence was so much needed, to remain in the provinces till he had conducted the new war to a triumphant close.
We proceeded with no delay to Almora, and from there to Naini Tal, the summer seat of the Government of the North-West Provinces and Oudh.
Vergennes has been much blamed for having terminated, by a sacrifice of seven millions, the contest that existed between the United Provinces and the Emperor.
The idea of collecting all the interesting materials which my memory affords occurred to me from reading the work entitled "Paris, Versailles, and the Provinces in the Eighteenth Century.
The provinces were full of roturier families, who for ages had lived as people of property upon their own domains, and paid the taxes.
MYLIO--"At this very hour he is unchaining against your provinces the same fanatic hatred and savage cupidity that at one time the Papacy unchained against the Saracens.
MYLIO--"The Crusades against the Saracens were preached by the Church, and the same Church is now stirring up anew the same execrable passions against the provinces that have withdrawn themselves from the tyranny of Rome.
As to a reconciliation of the Provinces with Spain--which would have been the probable result of Leicester's rejection of the proposition made by the Stateait was unnecessary to do more than allude to such a catastrophe.
All officers, political, civil, legal, were to be appointed by him out of a double or triple nomination made by the States of the Provinces in which vacancies might occur.
It was equally plain that the Provinces could only be kept at her Majesty's disposition by choosing the course which, at their own suggestion, had been adopted.
Certainly he had been paying dear for the honour, if honour it was, and he had not intended on setting forth for the Provinces to ruin himself, for the sake of an empty title.
And great pity it were that so noble provinces and goodly havens, with such infinite ships and mariners, should not be always as they may now easily be, at the assured devotion of England.
What now was the disposition and what the means of the Provinces to do their part in the contest?
He was directed to cause the confused government of the Provinces to be redressed, and a better form of polity to be established.
The Provinceswould be a seminary for English soldiers.
There are now fourteen Provinces in the Mission field, and attractive is the scene that lies before us.
As the Church, therefore, was now established in the threeprovinces of Germany, Great Britain and North America, one problem only still awaited solution.
Illustration: One of the Provinces from the Temple of Neptune.
Four provinceswere found during the pontificate of Paul III.
The fifteenprovinces and fourteen trophies belonging to the colonnade of the Piazza di Pietra, that is, to the north side of the temple, have all been accounted for.
The characteristic feature of the temple was a set of thirty-six bas-reliefs representing the thirty-six provinces of the Roman Empire at the beginning of the Christian era.
There can be no doubt that in some provinces of the East, like Palestine, Syria, and Phœnicia, the oral traditions about the personal appearance of the Saviour were kept for many generations.
The northernmost province, Chiengrai, is separated from the sister provinces by a mountain wall and belongs wholly to the Me Khong drainage; it is largely a region of marshes and grassy savannas.
Just now, when, attacked from east and west, her provinces despoiled and her people fugitive or captive, Ayuthia seemed doomed to early extinction, a hero arose to redeem her.
Though England and France were at peace during the time for the five years beginning with 1720, a savage war was waged between the eastern Canadian Indians and the provinces of Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
He first attacked the dependent provinces of Bohemia, one by one, sending an army of twenty-five thousand men to take them unprepared.
Joseph was anxious to secure the provinces of Bosnia, Servia, Moldavia and Wallachia, and to extend his empire to the Dneister.
In his Burgundian provinces he endeavored to establish the inquisition, that all heresy might be nipped in the bud.
Many of the provinces of the Austrian empire, like the Netherlands, Lombardy and Suabia, were separated by many leagues from the great central empire.
Lower Austria was offered to Bohemia; Styria to the Duke of Bavaria; Upper Austria to the Archbishop of Saltzburg; Carniola to the Counts of Guntz; and thus all the provinces were portioned out to the conquerors.
Rhodolph now took possession of the adjacent provinces which had been ceded to him, and, uniting them, placed them under the government of Louis of Bavaria, son of his firm ally Henry, the King of Bavaria.
The distant provinces were anxious to shake off the Austrian yoke.
Eugene had driven the French out of Italy, and had brought many of the Italian provinces under the dominion of Austria.
In her Baltic provinces she is trying to destroy, root and branch, whatever there is left of German culture.
Whether the acquisition of theseprovinces was a fortunate thing for Germany may be doubted.
The fact that Alsace-Lorraine was German up to the seventeenth century, and inhabited by German stock, cannot be brought forward today, after more than 200 years, to justify the retaking of those provinces by the Germans.
The Russians, too, were encouraged to desire the Slav provinces of Austria, which racially are a part of the Russian domain.
Francke may well doubt if the acquisition of these provinces was a fortunate thing for Germany.
In Finland she has gone back on her solemnly pledged word to maintain the Finnish Constitution, and is ruthlessly reducing one of her most highly developed provinces to the dead level of autocratic rule.
The whole world would be in a state of continual warfare if nations claimed provinces or States that belonged to them once upon a time.
Among other great projects of interest brought before the convention at a previous sitting, was that of the expediency of a general emigration, as far as it was practicable, of the colored people to the British Provinces of North America.
And it was only this that prevented their farther enslavement as a class, after the provinces were absolved from the British Crown.
Following upon proclamations and promises, a patent was addressed to the new Saxon provinces granting a national Landtag, or Diet, for the whole country.
The Rhine provinces especially, accustomed to easy-going government and light taxation under the old ecclesiastical princes, kicked vigorously against the Prussian jack-boot.
The heretical sects were spreading rapidly in southern provinces of France, and Innocent III.
The two ideas could never be separated: the fertilising flood was the waters of life, that conveyed every blessing, and even existence itself, to the provinces through which they flowed.
It will be observed by reference to the map that the area embraced in these provinces comprises but a small portion of the vast region over which pueblo culture once extended.
General Map of the Pueblo Region of Arizona and New Mexico, Showing Relative Position of the Provinces of Tusayan and Cibola.
In none of the pueblos within the limits of the provinces under discussion has there been found any evidence of the existence of underground cellars; the rooms that answer such purpose are built on the level of the ground.
Of all the pueblos, occupied or in ruins, within the provinces of Tusayan and Cibola, Walpi exhibits the widest departure from the typical pueblo arrangement (Pl.