Say, Verily my LORD will bestow provision in abundance unto whom he pleaseth of his servants, and will be sparing unto whom he pleaseth: and whatever thing ye shall give in alms, he will return it; and he is the best provider of food.
To this strong and cunning fox, Finn appeared in the light of a provider of good things, and for long he waxed fat and lazy upon Finn's numerous kills, without the Wolfhound ever having suspected his existence.
Communications: This category deals with the means of exchanging information and includes the telephone, radio, television, and Internet service provider entries.
Susa no wo, the Rain-storm personified, is the provider of all kinds of useful trees.
Then the provider saith to holy Brendan, "Father, knowest thou what is this darkness?
Their provider came to them and said, 'Get ye up into the ship and fill your bottles with the water of this fountain.
This man now becomes a regular although occasional feature in the narrative, and is called their provider (procurator).
In a week the provider came to them bringing more food and drink, but warned them not to drink of the fountain, as its waters were stupefying.
Further, every provider makes his work as stable as he can, lest it should fail.
Further, a wise provider excludes any defect or evil, as far as he can, from those over whom he has a care.
The two roles are not polarized; each provider participates in household work and in salaried work outside the home, as circumstances require.
They propose a model on a continuum in which each partner can beprovider and assume household duties to any degree.
Not from her should anyone know the poor provider her man was.
An equable tempered, practical woman might have trained him readily to the duties of masculine provider in the primitive household.
I'm sure she meant that the library will act as information provider for those unable to get their information using a home computer's telecommunications connections.
The public library in this second scenario will define a future for itself in the NREN and develop a strategic plan to insure its successful participation as an information provider in the networked environment.
This is shameful talk for the mem-sahib to hear, and I ask the forgiveness of the Provider of the Poor for my stupidity.
He knew that she had married him for his purchase of a parcel of land to which she could build her nest, for union with sperm from the only man who had exhibited some interest in her, and for a financial provider for her birdies.
They gave no intimation that they intended to decline--they gave the provider of the feast reason to expect their presence.
The same omniscient provider has appointed each meeting between those who are in want and those who have abundance; and for the same reason, that the one may give what the other needs, and that both may be blessed in the deed.
When they refused to come to the banquet, the Provider was displeased, but not put about: the Omniscient knows his way.
The tribunal, after due consideration of the case, restored Chagisco to his status as provider of meats (abastecedor de carne) for the city.
The Fat Man a Good Provider ¶ The fat man will give his last cent to his wife and children for the things they desire but he is not inclined as much as some other types to hearken to the woes of the world at large.
Until the middle of the fourteenth century, England had been to Europe what Australia is to-day—a country known only as the provider of the raw material of commerce.
John had never before seen his father at work, but only known him in the character of a tired, hungry provider for his family, who preferred to live with nine persons in three rooms, than alone in two.
That is the thankless position of the father in the family--the provider for all, and the enemy of all.