If this were the popular idea of the bird, small wonder is it that heraldic artists perpetuated the idea, and even now the heraldic ostrich is seldom seen without a key or a horse-shoe in its beak.
Small wonder, then, that the same ideas dominated the rules of armory.
Being considered, as it is, the symbol of industry, small wonder that it has been so frequently adopted.
Small wonder if my Lord Carnal thinks it's time he was back at Whitehall.
Small wonder if he had loved her for herself, she was so beautiful.
Small wonder it would have been if she had taken Beatrice's place in his heart during those weeks of close and daily converse.
Small wonder indeed, that it should be thought by the credulous that the end of the world, the Last Judgment, had truly come.
All honour to him if he outgrow his base surroundings; small wonder if he is like poor Tip, "of the prison prisonous and of the streets streety.
Small wonder, indeed, that the great fire of 1666 destroyed so much of the Temple!
Small wonder if, having in his mountain solitude seen, or thought he had seen, a vision of the Great Unity which men call God, he should have claimed inspiration, and claimed it militantly.
Small wonder, then, with a priesthood of clutching hands, that Som-nath stood renowned as the richest shrine in India.
Yet looking back on the four hundred years of Mahomedan inroads which we have just followed, small wonder can be felt at the persistence of this terror.
Small wonder is it, that this labored and ridiculous piece of impertinence was received with ironical laughter on the Republican side of the Senate Chamber.
Under all these circumstances it is small wonder if men exclaimed as Augustine did somewhat later in his commentary on St. John--"How many seek Jesus only that He may benefit them in earthly matters!
Small wonder was it that his sentiments on the question of the war were undergoing a marked alteration.
Small wonder that a new era began to dawn for the Colonists!
Small wonder was it that indignation ran riot when the first Military Governor openly cast his lot with the enemies of the cause and consorted with them freely and frequently.
Guided in its conduct almost entirely by a policy of personal predilections, which is fitfully reinforced by the recollection of precedents, it is small wonder if such mountains of mistakes choke every Legation dossier.
Small wonder if Hugo didn't guess that she had thought twenty times in two weeks of actually doing this thing she spoke of.
Small wonder if in prospect this victorious evening had been starred in her mind in purple and gold.
The strong probability was that she had a bad sick headache coming on; small wonder, either, after nearly fainting with poor Miller and others at the Works.
Small wonder then, if the organism accustomed to this immemorial control, runs a bit wild when it finds itself absolutely free to do and think as it likes.
Small wonder, said the village matrons, when they returned from their occasional visits, seeing that she awaited a fatherless child.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "small wonder" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.