In addition to this, they carried, on their frequent tramps, the household stuffs in native baskets of their own manufacture.
From a private correspondent, a resident in the Malay States, I have received some interesting notes about the present conditions of the native tribes and the position of women.
The Native Races of the Pacific States of South America, 5 vols.
Having worked Dublin well, his native land became too hot to hold him, and came to London.
He had led a wild life; had left hisnative land and enlisted first in the French army in Algeria, afterwards in the British German Legion raised for the Crimean War.
Still full of vigour in his old age, he undertook important tasks in his native town.
The sight reminded him of his native town, the gay city of Perugia, surrounded with its gardens, where springs of living water sing amid the fruits and flowers.
And when eventually the Bianchi were recalled, he came back to his native city a dying man.
That smiling, prosperous-looking native was employing his left hand to twist one end of the upturned moustache to a finer point.
Colonel Thorpe was visiting our colonel, and only the two little Thorpe youngsters were in the carriage when the horses bolted, pitching the native driver from the seat.
There they found the transport wagons and horses uninjured, and returned with them to the fort after having set the half dozen native prisoners free.
Then you were asked to pay money to some of these native chieftains?
It is as though every native feared to be shot as a possible rebel.
That noise had been a ruse to draw them off, while some native slipped in and put the kantab in their coffee.
There was sullen objection from two of the native prisoners, when their clothing was taken from them.
Exactly," nodded Cortland, "and this wretched little half-price nativewas one of them.
Hakkut has defied us, and, unless he is punished for it, the native respect for American authority in these islands will soon be less than nothing.
Captains Cortland and Freeman, with their knowledge of the native tendency to exaggerate, had thus fixed the probable number at about eight hundred men.
It was all done in an instant, and native and white friend were driving away through the gusts of rain.
For his first present home each young soldier had bought for his mother a small assortment of the wonderfully filmy pina lace handkerchiefs made by the native women.
When they were two thirds of the way through, Sergeant Hal, who was still in his native costume, held up his hand as a signal to halt.
There was a native fashionable set, just as exclusive and autocratic as any that exists in a white man's country.
The coca leaf is highly prized by the native as a stimulant; he chews it as a Northerner would chew tobacco but with a better excuse, since by its use he can perform great feats of endurance and go many hours without food.
Plantations and pastures begin to appear as the train descends from the high ridges into the plain, and, great as is the altitude even here, on an island in this very lake, according to tradition, the remarkable native dynasty had its birth.
So well adapted is the beverage to the climate that the German colonists forsake their beer and the European-Latins their sweet cordials for the stimulating and non-alcoholic native product.
Many of them, half-dead with famine and in utter despair, returned to the coast, where they consented to be baptized with the hope that they might be permitted to return to their native land.
In the healthy out-door life of the hills he grew strong and handsome, while his native courage was shown in hunting adventures and the perils of mountain life.
Few were the adherents of Don Carlos when this able soldier placed himself at their head,—a feeble remnant hunted like a band of robbers among their native mountains.
Most renowned of all the buccaneers was Henry Morgan, a native of Wales, who ran away from home as a boy, was sold as a slave in Barbadoes, and afterwards joined a pirate crew, in time becoming a leader among the lawless hordes.
You cannot miss your way now," the native said at their last halting-place by some shallow wells.
Although forced back by the sheer weight of the native attack, the Heavies had never been completely broken up.
Easton, look here; here is a beast of a native squatting in my hut.
The Mahdi's soldiers in their cotton shirts, decorated with rags of coloured cloth, and carrying guns, lounged about the streets, and the poorer part of the native population went about with a cowed and dejected air.
His horse swerved as it leapt a low bush, and almost simultaneously a native sprang to his feet and lunged at him with his spear.
He is a native of Dongola, but has been down in Egypt and picked up a certain amount of French.
When they returned to the caravansary they found the sheik with several of the native shop-keepers engaged with him in conversation.
I should pass as being dumb; as although I can make myself understood in simple matters I should, of course, be detected were any native to enter into a long conversation with me.
After existing for months upon native fare the breakfast was a luxury indeed.
In the evening as soon as the meal was over they mounted their camels, much to the surprise of the native boys, and started.
Are you satisfied with this glimpse you’ve had of native culture, Chick?
She wanted to stay with the native converts until they themselves urged her to leave.
Their base, when they found it, was still being carved out of the New Guinea jungle with the help of native labor.
Sir Thomas Browne was not a native of Norwich, for he appears to have been born in London in 1605.
Perhaps the only drawback to our satisfaction is the fact that he was not a native of Norwich.
We remark here the curious native rafts, which without other agency than the current ascend and descend the rivers on the flowing and the ebbing tide, reaching Guayaquil, and returning thence upstream.
The first eruption experienced by the Spaniards was in 1534, during the attempted conquest of the ancient native kingdom of Quito by Alvarado.
Humanity, as far as it has the hardihood to dwell here, is confined to the Indian or the mestizo, who has paid nature the homage of being born here, and so can dwell and work in what is hisnative environment.
Trees are scant in the almost treeless Andes, and we find little beyond the groves of stunted quinua and other native shrubs, which, however, are valuable for fuel.
At least the native Peruvian miner says that "the gold looks for the warmth, the silver for the cold.
The provincialism of his native city was odious to him.
From hence may have come the Toltecs originally, with their wonderful native knowledge and stone-shaping arts, among famous objects of whose handiwork is the famous Calendar Stone, to be seen in the Museum of Mexico.
The administrative powers of these functionaries were very great, but they were held in some control by the Laws of the Indies: measures passed for native protection.
Under the native princes," says Mr. Campbell, "India was a paying country.
Many laudable efforts have been made to render the supply of wool more abundant, and to improve its quality, and there has been a considerable importation of foreign sheep, with a view to crossing on the native breeds.
Nor do we deem it of much account that her part of the exhibition is not exclusively the work of native artisans.
Each opium agent has several deputies in different districts, and a native establishment.
I had particular occasion to note the cheapness of the damasks which are sold in Madrid from the native looms.
And how many are there, who after removing, remain only a few years and then return to seize again upon a portion of their native land, and die where they were born.
The Hindoo of Bengal is a mean and crouching animal, compared with the free people of the upper country who have remained under their native princes.
We had better go back to my parlor," said the priest, in their native tongue.
But Vernon's native nobility of disposition gradually softened an indignation which his reason convinced him was groundless and unjust.
This Samoyede country," the native said; "not want Ostjaks here.
Now they were on the Yenesei Luka was on his native river, though his home was fully a thousand miles higher up.
He is successful, however, in getting back to Spain, and regains his native country after the capture of Cadiz.
The native ran down to the edge with his bow bent, but Luka's bow twanged and the man fell back with an arrow through his body.
The text is printed in a large, clear type, and is admirably illustrated with powerful, realistic pictures of the various creatures in their native state by that eminent animal artist F.
Godfrey had exchanged twenty roubles for kopecks at the first village they had passed after reaching the river, as he knew that notes would be of no use among the native tribes, and without bargaining he accepted the offer they made.
Presently he saw three or four native huts ahead; some reindeer were grazing near them, and three boats were hauled upon the shore.
Alexis and Godfrey at once took their guns, borrowed a couple of long spears and two hunting knives, and started for the wood, the native going with them to show them the exact spot where he had seen the bear.
Michel Ardan, looking with all his eyes at the thin slip of his native planet.
One day, certain of these poor people, so numerous in America, came to call upon him, and requested permission to return with him to their native country.
Major James Richard Crowe, now of Sheffield, Alabama, who was a native of Pulaski and was educated at Waterbury Academy and Giles College.
He was a native of New Hampshire, who removed to Louisiana and held high judicial office there before the Civil War.
Not that hockey is native to the soil in the same sense as lacrosse.
The natural desire of life is felt by both, and the uneradicated remains of our ancient and inveterate depravity will sometimes, even in aged Christians, repress the risings of the soul towards her native skies.
To prepare and send out pious and intelligent women, as trainers and superintendents of the native female teachers.
Several native graves were observed, which were very neat; a stone was placed at the head and the grave neatly covered over by plaited sections of the cocoa-nut frond; no particular enclosures for the burial of the dead were observed.
The Younger Son is driven from his native hearth by a cruel father.
The native habitations were low, of a tent form, and thatched with cocoa-nut leaves; these habitations were not regular, but scattered among the dense vegetation which surrounded them on all sides.
He had been sent from his native country to Rome, in the capacity of a slave.
The native simplicity of his virtue was a stranger to vanity or affectation.
The theologian may indulge the pleasing task of describing Religion as she descended from Heaven, arrayed in her native purity.
That prudent emperor, unwilling to reduce a brave people to despair, granted them an honorable capitulation, and permitted them to return in safety to their native country.
They elected Marcus for their bishop, a prelate of the race of the Gentiles, and most probably a native either of Italy or of some of the Latin provinces.
Ossian's Poems, which, according to every hypothesis, were composed by a native Caledonian.
The noblest warriors, whenever their native country was sunk into the laziness of peace, maintained their numerous bands in some distant scene of action, to exercise their restless spirit, and to acquire renown by voluntary dangers.
Footnote 45: Pertinax was a native of Alba Pompeia, in Piedmont, and son of a timber merchant.
Footnote 57: The Marquis Maffei has examined the siege and battle of Verona with that degree of attention and accuracy which was due to a memorable action that happened in his native country.
The native Romans felt and confessed the power of this agreeable illusion.
The Church is at the present day the only native institution which has been preserved to that people.
The remaining peoples native to the country upon whom it is necessary to bestow a passing glance are the Kurds, the Greeks, the Turks, the Georgians and the Karapapakhs.
Erzerum was his native city; his family had emigrated to Russia, and during the last war against the Turks Ivan had gained the cross of honour for personal bravery in the field.
The prosperity of the place is therefore dependent on native industries, which comprise the cultivation and export of cotton, wine and rice.
In 1854 he returned to his native city, and in the following year took orders and became a vardapet or monastic priest.
One was reminded of the best type of peasant proprietors in Europe; and, indeed, a view of the faces round one confirmed that favourable impression which one receives from the society of Armenians in their native country.
These chapars are young men, native to the country, who find their own mounts; they wear the drab skirted coat of Georgia and the usual lambskin cap.
The year 1054 was made memorable in the native annals by the siege of Melazkert.
In this manner it was possible for a youth to receive all but the highest university education in his native language and through his native institutions.
Only one-third of the inhabitants of Trebizond, and these the dregs of the populace, were suffered to remain in their native city.
Khrimean returned to his native country the object of the resentment of the Ottoman authorities; much of this portion of his life was spent in Van.
To the traveller as well as to the native they are a piece of Russia laid down in Armenia; the curious stare and pass on.
During the decline of the caliphate, when native impulses were revived in Georgia as well as in Armenia, the movement centred in a dynasty of Bagratid descent.
While their clergy are resisting the menaces or the blandishments of the Church of the Empire, their nobles are combating the worship of the Persians or of the Mohammedans at the head of the native levies.
It was his boast that he represented the cause of law and order in his native town, and he often wondered how it had gotten along before he was born, or how it would manage when he was dead.
He did reach it, but there both will and consciousness gave way to the strain of the last hour, though the story of his pluck and endurance was to make him more highly respected in his native town than he had ever been before.
The wind, which had done such devastation in the town, which had blown a welcome tramp back to his native haunts, had done even more.
Not far from my native town there stands a high peak called Stone-hammer.
The andon is the native lamp, cylindrical in shape, perhaps five feet in height and a foot in diameter; the frame is made of light wood, and rice-paper is pasted round it.
On the fifteenth of August a great festival takes place every year in my native town.
In cold winter days he would be found sitting by kotatsu, a native heating apparatus.
Just such a pedantry exists in my native country, and truly educated men are crying out for reformation.
Shinto is the native faith, holding up the sun for the center figure of worship and eight millions of spirits besides.
It is wonderful what an experienced native mpishi (cook) can turn out in the way of a meal in a few minutes after camp is pitched.
My native home is at Chajanlat, in the thana of Domli, which is in the district of Jhelum, and I have related this story as it actually occurred.
Formerly they were by far the most powerful native race in East Africa, and when on the war-path were the terror of the whole country from the furthest limits of Uganda to Mombasa itself.
Formerly the Masai used to spit in the face as a mark of great friendship, but nowadays--like most other native races--they have adopted our English fashion of shaking hands.
These I had carried up to my own boma on charpoys (native beds); and Brock being away, I had to play the doctor myself as best I could, stitching one and bandaging another and generally doing what was possible.
Composed by Roshan mistari, son of Kadur mistari Bakhsh, native of the village of Chajanlat, Dakhli, Post Office Domli, district of Jhelum.
The only conclusion I could come to was that they had pounced upon some poor unsuspecting native traveller.
The nearest native inhabitants to Tsavo are the Wa Taita, who dwell in the mountains near N'dii, some thirty miles away.
The steamer remains long enough in Entebbe harbour to enable the energetic traveller to pay a flying visit in a rickshaw to Kampala, the native capital, some twenty-one miles off.