But, although he enjoyed the petting now lavished upon him from all quarters, his sensibilities had apparently been too deeply wounded to admit of his being at once conciliated.
Minna and Louie had by this time, at nine and eleven, advanced to the ugly, uninteresting stage, and they owed Henrietta a grudge because she had annexed the petting that used to fall to them.
She was very susceptible to notice, and the petting was not good for her.
But the children had no fear in their natures, and were so bright and frank and charming that even Aunt Katharine's petting could not do them any harm.
Downstairs Mrs. Lovel was a most careful and correct mother--never petting and never spoiling, always on her guard, always watchful and prim.
So, he stood petting up his puny hate, Parent-wise, proud of the ill-favored babe.
I 'll give you black Urganda, to be spoiled With petting and snail-paces.
Then he went to work on the nigger, coaxing him and petting him, and asking him if he'd been imagining he saw something again.
But the old man got pretty silent by and by--didn't have much to say, and didn't look pretty comfortable over all that petting that was going on around that duke.
And laughing in his own grim way the Captain left the house, and strode up the hill to solace his spirit by examining and petting his big guns.
I do so want to contrive a little individual petting for my babies.
But it was not for fairy tales and sugarplums nor yet for petting that I rejoiced to be at the Place at that time.
But Rose Wilding only smiled with a gentle patience, and lifted her up, petting her.
Yes, eat up good, darling," Augusta urged gently, with the way that was now growing upon her of petting a child.
Thus came it that the petting parties of the period operated under the left wing of a near-engagement.
It has arisen through years of misconceived petting and nursing on the part of her mother.
Mamma came, and after a little petting carried them off to bed, for they were both tired.
But not all the pettingand coaxing they received, or all the new amusements provided for them, could make Maggie and Bessie forget their ruined gardens, or recover their usual spirits that day.
He is always petting me, and giving me all I want, but I never do anything but my lessons, and going to the school, and the poor people, and that is all pleasure.
I am afraid there is organic disease, but I think it may be kept quiet a good while yet, and he may have a pleasant life for some time to come, arranging his prints, and petting his pretty daughter.
Never once was the blind man impatient, while he spent hours each day in squatting on his hams and petting Jerry.
But now, alone and weary, I am hungry For a human love's sweet petting At life's setting.
Duke lifted his head from the trough, and stared at uncle, who paid no attention to him but went on carding Bright, and stroking and petting him.
My grandfather would open his eyes in amazement; and ask me if I was an old women petting her cats, if he were alive, and could know the care I give my sheep.
Then uncle left off petting Bright, and turned to him.
They were all kind to me there, feeding and petting me continually, but one day something happened, I don't know what, but Ruthie and her mother went off in a strange carriage early in the afternoon.
But when I came to endure hardships and have no petting (though Herman was better to me than most men are to their own horses) I felt differently about it.
They don't gee with cocktails and petting parties.
We leave off our corsets at dances so they can get a new thrill out of us, then sit out in an automobile and drink and have little petting parties of two.
But we women are given to petting the red-coats, Mrs. Marchmont," said Vaura with a laugh in her voice.
I love the other man, but if I cannot win him, I shall gratify my ambition by marrying Haughton Hall, and in petting my idol gratify myself; and so to pet my old love until it's all over.
It's my belief you mean to spoil the lassie, if she's no spoiled already, petting and making a work with her as though she were really ill.
You spoiled your sister with your petting and coaxing, till there was no doing with her.