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Example sentences for "plaguing"

Lexicographically close words:
plague; plagued; plagues; plaguey; plaguily; plaguy; plaice; plaid; plaide; plaided
  1. He closed his eyes and sank back, trying to drive the ever-plaguing thoughts from his mind, trying to focus on something pleasant, almost hoping that his long-starved conscience might give a final gasp or two and die altogether.

  2. If the idea that was plaguing him was true, sound, valid--he'd have to have the files.

  3. Mariel was one of the 'fight now and get rich' school that were continually plaguing dad.

  4. And in her anxiety to prevent him from plaguing himself any longer, she laid upon his arm the white hand, which he had an instant before so much admired.

  5. Don't I know that, when you are at home, the poor may hold up their heads, and no journeyman-gentleman of an agent dares then to go about plaguing those who live in cottages?

  6. For her there was a practical perception, in the one case of plaguing boys, in the other case of protecting master; and her action was the direct outcome of these perceptions through the employment of her intelligence.

  7. Swayne, tells me that the elephant at the Clifton Zoo, having taking a tennis-racket from a boy who had been plaguing him, broke it by leaning it against a step and deliberately stepping on it in the middle, where it was unsupported.

  8. Trix was ashamed of herself; but she felt the same antagonism toward Polly, that Polly did toward her; and, being less generous, took satisfaction in plaguing her.

  9. As for the hen, I shall keep it; it is always flying in here and plaguing us, and my father told me I might catch it and keep it the next time it got in, and it is in now.

  10. Maybe, he thought wearily, maybe that plaguing doubt that lay in the fringes of his mind was right.

  11. Here was the factor that had been plaguing him from the start, finally breaking through to the surface.

  12. This was what had been bothering him, plaguing him.

  13. And I know how annoyed papa will be, if Uncle Struan comes plaguing him again.

  14. No wonder either, with all the young fellows plaguing and pothering after her so.

  15. The plaguing of the servants Hamar had also accomplished by means of images and concentration.

  16. For the next week not a beetle was to be seen at the theatre nor at the Cottage; and Gladys was beginning to hope that Hamar had ceased plaguing her (in despair of ever winning her), when the persecutions suddenly broke out again.

  17. At length Hamar having failed to gain his object by plaguing Gladys and the servants, set about tormenting John Martin.

  18. That is true, my son; and do you know, the first thought that came to me was one of pleasure to feel absolutely sure no boy of mine would disgrace himself in plaguing an old man who had never harmed him.

  19. There was no good in plaguing you before your time.

  20. I was only plaguing myself between my recollection of the stone and the actual look of it.

  21. Plaguing his mother, amusing himself as best he could, riding about the country on a good mare, of which he was proud, he was living in utter idleness, affording occasion for much wonder that he had never yet disgraced himself.

  22. He was now in his twenty-first year, at home, pretending that nothing should make him go back to Oxford, and enjoying more than ever the sport of plaguing his mother.

  23. Here was his mother plaguing him to ask Towneley to come down to Battersby and marry Charlotte.

  24. It had been a bitter pill to Theobald to lose his power of plaguing his first-born; if the truth were known I believe he had felt this more acutely than any disgrace which might have been shed upon him by Ernest's imprisonment.

  25. There's no fun in plaguing a little boy that laughs.

  26. Mark me, Walter, there will be heads cracked in plenty before that fancy wench stops plaguing mankind.

  27. Are you bent on plaguing me, Matilda, or is it that you truly believe I am seeking some pretense to go away under a false flag?

  28. This does not prove by our theory that he did not use to fly into violent passions with Talleyrand for plaguing him with bad news when things went wrong.

  29. We seldom succeed by trying at improvement, or by merely substituting one word for another that we are not satisfied with, as we cannot recollect the name of a place or person by merely plaguing ourselves about it.

  30. It was to this little girl that I whispered, "Well, I know it; but you stop plaguing me.

  31. Well," thought I, "I know it; but stop plaguing me.

  32. Not far away, near another table that was heaped with books, I perceived the elder Pokrovski, and a crowd of four or five hucksters plaguing him nearly out of his senses.

  33. Probably she has been plaguing you as much as she did him.

  34. One begins by plaguing one's self to no purpose in order to be true to nature, and one concludes by working quietly from one's palette alone, and then nature is the result.

  35. I endured their plaguing with rising excitement.

  36. In the mean time, Sophia enjoys the pleasure of heartily plaguing both me and that, person.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plaguing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.