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Example sentences for "impulse"

Lexicographically close words:
impudently; impugn; impugned; impugning; impugns; impulses; impulsion; impulsions; impulsive; impulsively
  1. It seemed to him that it was best to act upon this impulse before other arguments came in; before the sense of wounding and pain in Bee’s silence got the upper hand.

  2. Though he could scarcely see anything distinctly, he could see that--that there was no impulse towards him, but rather the reverse; that Bee did not wish to come.

  3. He was wet, incredibly weary and stiff from the strain, and Roger's first impulse was that of intense anger.

  4. Youth must its ignorant impulse lend-- Age finds place in the rear.

  5. It was in 1833 that Keble, by one earnest sermon, with a pure life at the back of it, and this book that had prepared the way, gave the direct impulse to an Oxford movement for the reformation of the Church.

  6. The brilliance and joviality of Fox and Sheridan counted as nothing against the national impulse which the master now set in motion and the pupil was destined to carry to further lengths.

  7. Pitt sought to impart such an impulse in the King's Speech at the opening of the Session of 1794.

  8. It was clear that only from London could come the impulse which would invigorate this anaemic Coalition.

  9. Everywhere the new unifying impulse undermined or swept away local Parliaments or provincial Estates.

  10. In this orientation of Hapsburg policy Thugut did but follow the impulse first imparted by Hertzberg at Berlin.

  11. I feel an impulse to be at work, but am kept idle by the sense of being unsettled with removals to be gone through, over and over again, before I can shut myself into a quiet room of my own, and turn the key.

  12. Probably she spends the day thus, keeping up the little industry of her fingers, slipping into the church to pray whenever a devotional impulse swells into her heart, and asking an alms as often as she sees a person of charitable aspect.

  13. There is something in the impulse with which one sympathizes; though I am afraid the destroyers were not sufficiently aware of the mischief they did to enjoy it fully.

  14. I have hardly ever before felt an impulse to write down a man's conversation as I do that of Mr. Powers.

  15. This is not the only point of view from which the social impulse may be regarded.

  16. This impulse to activity should be regulated, and some sort of method introduced into it, which of itself will enhance the satisfaction we obtain.

  17. From what has been said it is obvious that the love of solitude is not a direct, original impulse in human nature, but rather something secondary and of gradual growth.

  18. As he read it an impulse caused him to look round at the calendar standing upon his own mantel-shelf.

  19. It seems to me that thought is an attribute of the soul that is moved with marvellous rapidity by means of a strength and impulse superior to itself, which depend upon physical constitution, education, and example.

  20. Then I also remember a wise warning that was given me when I was quite little, which is never to satisfy any desire or impulse to give vent to personal resentment, and I have always found myself the better for it.

  21. At the beginning of the second century however this pseudo-baptist movement received a fresh impulse from the pretended revelation of Elchesai, which came from the farther East[485].

  22. And once more; the magic, which was so attractive to the Essene, may have received its impulse from the priestly caste of Persia, to whose world-wide fame this form of superstition is indebted for its name.

  23. Sidenote: Asceticism of the Colossian heresy] But the former and nobler extreme was the first impulse of the Gnostic.

  24. With these disciples it was the initial impulse towards Christianity; but to others it represented a widely different form of belief and practice.

  25. The one nearest appears to me to be Continental," answered Mademoiselle Viefville who had not felt the same impulse to avert her look as Eve; "he is jamais Anglais!

  26. Under the first impulse of such an alarm, John Effingham had been sent for; and he, as has been seen, ordered Captain Truck to be summoned.

  27. Still both were extremely desirable, if not indispensable, to men who had the prospect of many hours' hard work before them; and Captain Truck's first impulse was to despatch a boat to the ship for supplies.

  28. In so far as the father is perceived as an obstacle to the love towards the mother he must, in the elementary tendency, be killed to remove the obstacle, and there arises the murder impulse belonging to the Œdipus Complex.

  29. The opposition of a fellow man against the working out of an impulse arouses a tendency to overcome this man, to get him out of the way, to kill him.

  30. The supposition that exhibitionism is the forbidden erotic impulse element that we were looking for is, however, groundless, if we recollect that these very elements appear most openly in the parable.

  31. Only when the impulse in question knows how to break through without the painful conflict, can it attain pleasure—which is the psychic (not indeed the biologic) tendency of every impulse emanating from the depths of the soul.

  32. The impulse corresponding to the religious incest symbols is preeminently to be conceived in the trend toward introversion and rebirth which will be treated of later.

  33. By this means, however, the strong impulse itself towards union with thy nature and to the return into thy home goes astray.

  34. We should be careful not to regard the crude form of the impulse as crude in the sense of an educated humanity, which must see in the crudeness something morally inferior.

  35. In order not to be conscious of his desire for incest (his regressive impulse toward animal nature) the son lays the entire blame on the mother, whence results the image of the ‘dreaded mother.

  36. One of the most important types, in which this transformation process is consummated and which refines the impulse and yet allows some of its character to remain, is the type mother, i.

  37. Anxiety develops when a suppressed impulse wishes to gratify itself, to which impulse another will, something determined by our culture, is opposed prohibitively.

  38. It is shown that the mythical contents of all these narratives have at bottom those elemental forces of the impulse life that we have found in the parable, and that they are specially founded on family conflicts, i.

  39. With Wundt, the affects are really the “actual impulse mainsprings” and the most powerful stimuli of the phantasy (ib.

  40. With an odd impulse he stopped, crossed himself, and then hurried on.

  41. On a sudden impulse I concluded my farewells rapidly and made to go.

  42. But he felt, although principles were among his conventions, not the least impulse to defer to it.

  43. It was her impulse to throw her arms about his neck and bid him weep if he wished on her breast, but feeling his stillness, his nearly unbreathing immobility, she kept herself from him.

  44. The same violence of impulse is seen in the story of how, on one occasion, when he was staying in the country, he took an artistic dislike to his hostess's curtains, and tore them down during the night.

  45. His impulse towards writing verses, however, was an impulse of a playful fancy rather than of a burning imagination.

  46. Poetry and religion--the impulse is very much the same.

  47. So her impulse of unbounded generosity deceived him utterly, and having some shrinking curiosity regarding Daniel Yates' daughter, he resolved to accept Olympia's invitation.

  48. His first impulse was to get Lady Hope out of the apartment.

  49. He loved this beautiful young woman yet, as few brothers of any age or class ever did; but the shock of that tragedy was on him, and his impulse was to flee from her and the man for whose sake all this trouble had come.

  50. Terrible as the circumstances were, Carl felt an impulse to laugh.

  51. Sometimes I paused, overcome by an almost overwhelming impulse to lie down and drift through sleep into death.

  52. A subtle sadness tinctures their life, and they are possessed by an impulse to weep.

  53. She was quivering with the memories which her story had called up, and it was only by an effort that she checked the impulse to withdraw her hand.

  54. He thought that he had been too rough with her, and though he did not understand, he stayed his impulse to seize her again.

  55. Then the instinctive impulse to resist overcame her, and she struggled fiercely; and, presently, she released herself.

  56. Nor in the act of approaching Colet--under the impulse of a few casual words and a sudden thought--was he able to understand or to justify himself.

  57. The man presently closed his patter and his stall, and, on the impulse of the moment, Basset took his place and made the crowd a speech as short as it was simple.

  58. Certainly he had played a trick on her, and he had been a little rough because he had felt her impulse to resist.

  59. And then, moved on her side, perhaps, by an impulse towards confidence, Etruria yielded.

  60. Signals from furious principals roused the fuglemen, and he was howled down, and stood back ashamed of the impulse which had moved him and little less astonished than those about him.

  61. It was Lord Audley, and foolish as the impulse to hide herself had been, she blessed it.

  62. And again so matter-of-fact was his tone that she had to struggle against the impulse to withdraw her arm.

  63. Mary shuddered, and moved by a common impulse the two went out and crossed the court.

  64. Cynically he had told himself that he did so, lest he too might give way to the ignoble impulse to withhold it.

  65. It was yet an hour to train time, and the colonel, to satisfy an impulse of curiosity, strolled over to the court house, which could be seen across the square, through the trees.

  66. From impulse to action was, for the colonel's temperament, an easy step, and he had scarcely moved into his house, before he quietly set about investigating the title to the old mill site.

  67. Friends, family, and general acquaintance have, I find, one impulse in common, the desire always to hound down the autobiographic.

  68. Since they think the impulse to write more distinctive than its accomplishment, and since they feel that they have the impulse in all its glory, they regard with a half-contemptuous envy the person who actually does write.

  69. However potent the impulse to write, the impulse to live is deeper.

  70. As never before was there so much to see, so never before was there such an impulse to say something about it; but the immensity of our time prevents our speaking in any finished and final form.

  71. He has the literary impulse without the literary ambition.

  72. This impulse is, of course, the literary will to write, but there is a sharp distinction between the litterateur and the letter-writer.

  73. If in all women the root of all impulse is to be always making something that shall tangibly shape to the impress of each woman's separate self, then Lady Three chose neither flowers nor fowls, she chose to create for herself a home.

  74. To write letters it is not enough to be observant, objective, humorous: one must have the impulse to express the observation and the fun.

  75. For as he left me so quickly again to solitude, I could hardly resist an impulse to gather up my skirts and scamper after, after my retreating protector.

  76. Natural benevolence, confirmed prejudice, the impulse of pity, and the restraint of religion, all were seen to struggle in the expression of a countenance, which faithfully indicated every movement of the soul.

  77. Nor was her next action any impulse of her own.

  78. All her woman's soul was crying out for her to fling every consideration to the winds, and yield to the impulse of the love stirring within her.

  79. His eyes were alight with the impulse of battle.

  80. Again the impulse to take her in his arms was almost too strong for the man, but with an effort he overcame it.

  81. While he was talking, just for a moment, a wild impulse stirred Helen to some frigid and hateful retort.

  82. These men well knew that except for the flag station there was not a habitation within ten miles, and the ruggedness of the hills barred them to every form of traffic except the irresistible impulse of railroad enterprise.

  83. He wanted her so much that all impulse to rush headlong and make her his was thrust aside.

  84. Christian Christiansson was quivering from heart to eyelids, but the same mysterious impulse that compels the lamb to confront the dog forced him to go on.

  85. If he had ever had any uncertainty about the meaning of the blind impulse of remorse which had prompted him to bury his compositions in his wife's grave he had none now.

  86. In the last convulsion of his human nature he remembered that once before the impulse to kill had come to him, and that he had suffered the tortures of the damned whenever afterward he had thought of it.

  87. She tried to hush it, but it would not be hushed, and then a sudden thought, a blind impulse of maternity, came to her, and she put the little one to her breast.

  88. Out on the snowfield again Christian Christiansson was conscious of nothing but a headlong impulse to go on.

  89. The homicidal impulse which takes hold of wild animals appeared to assail and conquer her.

  90. She thought the evil impulse that had come to him had been conquered, and she talked of other matters.

  91. Rue it as he may, repent it as he often does," says Robert Waters, "the man of genius is drawn by an irresistible impulse to the occupation for which he was created.

  92. It was true that he had mistaken the mood of the moment, misread it rather, superficially, as an impulse to look the other way--the other way from where his pledges had accumulated.

  93. It is incredible to you that when a man is still as much in love as Amerigo his most natural impulse should be to feel what his wife feels, to believe what she believes, to want what she wants?

  94. My first impulse is always to behave, about everything, as if I feared complications.

  95. He withheld the tribute of attention from passing faces only to let his impulse accumulate.

  96. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "impulse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    archetype; automatism; bee; bias; catalyst; cause; clout; compulsion; conditioning; constraint; drive; exigency; fancy; flash; goad; haste; hastiness; impetus; impulse; impulsiveness; incentive; incitement; inspiration; instigation; instinct; libido; moment; momentum; motion; motivation; notion; occasion; pinch; power; precipitation; press; pressure; propellant; propulsion; provocative; push; reflex; rush; spirit; spur; stimulant; stimulus; stress; thrust; urge; urgency