In demon possession the fight is on the inside; in demon oppression the fight is on the outside.
Devil oppression does not always come in a diseased body, a confused mind, or in days of soul depression.
South Carolina sees unconstitutionality in the tariff; she sees oppression there also, and she sees danger.
We therefore contended, that the demand was not made for the service of the state, but for the oppression of the individual that suffered by it.
We refer to it in order to show that the oppression rests with himself, that it is all his own.
I do not feel that there is any danger of the dissolution of the Union by the oppression of one portion of our country upon another; for should that period unhappily arrive, the people, who made it, will preserve it.
Why, sah, we are suffering under the oppression of the Federal Government.
We read of nooppression of the Jews by the Persian monarchs.
These kings of the Edomites were all of them foreigners not of Edom, and it is probable that the history of their tyrannical rule and oppression of their Edomite subjects was well known to the people in Moses's time.
Oppression and gloom caused the Jews to retire within their shell and they sought consolation for the freedom denied them without in concentrating their interests, ideals and hopes upon the Rabbinic writings, legal as well as mystical.
It has left me; but I have a strange oppression at my chest, and breathe with difficulty.
The darkness of the rooms, and the want of ventilation caused by the closed windows and barred doors, gave the house the air of a prison, and occasioned a sense of oppression almost intolerable.
This flat instance of discrimination inspired the officers of the Woman's Trade-Union League to protest to Police Commissioner Baker against the arbitrary oppression of the strikers by the policemen.
She was very young; and it was partly her youth which deepened all the sense of dumb oppression and exhaustion her still presence and appealing eyes imparted.
Indeed, from oppression at home, one of the girls had repeatedly found refuge and protection in the consideration shown to her by the establishment where she worked.
Captain Nathaniel Butler, a dependent of the Earl of Warwick, had, by his influence, been sent out Governor of Bermudas for three years, where he exercised the same oppression and extortion as Argall had exhibited in Virginia.
All kinds of robbery and oppression were practised within the precincts of the gaol.
Imprisonment was often lightly and capriciously inflicted in days before our liberties were fully won, and innumerable victims of tyranny and oppression have been lodged in Newgate.
The pamphlet is a forcible attack on theoppression under which Ireland laboured, and the Government answered it by prosecuting the printer.
The Dean's hatred of oppression and injustice had its limits.
He protested against the commercial oppression simply and solely because it was not only an oppression but a depression.
It was perhaps necessary that a period of monopoly and oppression should subsist, before a period of cultivated equality could subsist.
If on his own high will, a willing slave, He has enthroned the oppression and the oppressor 245 What if earth can clothe and feed Amplest millions at their need, And power in thought be as the tree within the seed?
But surely, after the savage state has ceased, and men have set out in the glorious career of discovery and invention, monopoly and oppression cannot be necessary to prevent them from returning to a state of barbarism.
This admission is not easily reconciled with the frequent invectives in which Mr. Mitford indulges against the empire of Athens, as practising a system of extortion and oppression ruinous to the subject-allies.
But it counts at the same time as a valuable testimony to the condition of the allies of Athens under the Athenian empire, and goes far in reply to the charge of practical oppression against the imperial city.
He had an interval of some freedom from oppression and his mind was clear and concentrated.
There was an infinite weary time, then, before the sun would shine again, and the oppression of the misty darkness be lifted off.
Resistance to oppression by lawful means was also urged, for Rizal believed that no one could fairly complain of bad government until he had exhausted and found unavailing all the legal resources provided for his protection.
He has a notable record for his generosity, the absence of oppression and for the official honesty which distinguished his public service from that of many who held his same office.
Ask of politicians the end for which laws were originally designed; and they will answer, that the laws were designed as a protection for the poor and weak, against the oppression of the rich and powerful.
He oppresses and ruins the people, whilst he persuades the prince that those murmurs raised by his own oppressionare the effects of disaffection to the prince's government.
There is no danger that an extension of the Forest laws should be the chosen mode of oppression in this age.
This latter was the case of Denmark, who sought a refuge from the oppression of its nobility, in the strong hold of arbitrary power.
Rome has a more venerable aspect than Athens; and she conducted her affairs, so far as related to the ruin and oppression of the greatest part of the world, with greater wisdom and more uniformity.
The several species of government vie with each other in the absurdity of their constitutions, and the oppression which they make their subjects endure.
It is not, however, the direct oppression of the monarch that causes most suffering among his subjects.
It taught me to look beyond this world, to that rest, that peaceful, happy rest, where Jesus reigns, andoppression never enters.
But while Oppressionlifts its head, Or a tyrant would be lord, Though we may thank him for the Plough, We'll not forget the Sword!
To be conquer'd by the right; While Oppressionlifts a finger To affront us by his might; While an error clouds the reason Of the universal heart, Or a slave awaits his freedom Action is the wise man's part.
The examples of particular injustice, or oppression of here and there an unfortunate man, moves them not.
Never, perhaps, has oppression been at once so comprehensive and so minute.
If ever they shook off the deep melancholy which ages of oppression had stamped upon their race, it was in the simple pleasures of those sweet vintage days.
In the nation as Christ would have it there should be no jealousy between class and class; no oppression of the poor by the rich; no reproach for either honest poverty or honest wealth.
But the leap of an hour from a citizen to a prince--from the victim of oppression to the dispenser of justice--is a transition so sudden as to render dizzy the most sober brain.