One desirous of advancement and growth should never burn (for light) fat or marrow or the juice that flows from the bones of creatures.
Such acts are always fraught with advancement and prosperity to those that do them.
Hence, he that desires his own advancement and prosperity should worship the household deities by offering them the first portion of every food.
The man that is desirous of growth and advancement should perform the Sraddha under Pushya.
He remembered with what delight he had anticipated coming again into life among a new people and among scenes of great advancement and of wonderful progress.
Almost simultaneously with this important advancement of the Southern policy there occurred an event, operative upon the other side, which certainly no statesman could have foreseen.
Advancement of their power during the second and third centuries, 361 Causes of their remarkable progress, ib.
The overthrow of the metropolis of Palestine contributed in various ways to the advancement of the Christian cause.
The advancement of Cyprian gave great offence to the other elders, who appear to have conceived that one of themselves, on the ground of greater experience and more lengthened services, had a better title to promotion.
About the same period arrangements were made in some places for changing the mode of advancement to the presidential chair, so that, in no case, an elder suspected of error could have a chance of promotion.
In an old document, purporting to have been written shortly after the middle of the second century, he is described, at the period of his advancement to the episcopal chair, as "clothed with the dress of the bishops.
It is obvious that he now owed his advancement to the suffrages of the Church members, for Hippolytus hints very broadly that Callistus pursued a particular course with a view to promote his popularity and secure his election.
His whole life illustrates his self-denial, his single-mindedness, his delight in the Word of God, and his zeal for the advancement of the kingdom of Christ.
She saw with despair that her wishes for his advancement had been more than accomplished, but that all her own desires had been entirely frustrated.
Derveish was taken into service, and I have watched his gradual advancement till he has become the proprietor of a large boat, which is the ne plus ultra of the ambition of an Abusheheree.
They could "calculate," with the most absolute certainty, what precise stage of advancement and cultivation, was necessary to the introduction of every article of merchandise their stock comprised.
Instead of becoming a dangerous heretic and schismatic, he is attached to orthodoxy by cords stronger than steel; henceforth all his earnest enthusiasm shall be directed to the advancement of his order, and consequently of his church.
Where population is scant and money little used it is almost a necessity in the conduct of large undertakings, and therefore more or less essential for the advancement of civilization.
This is indeed a distinct advancement of the claims of speculation or meditation over the actual performance of the complicated ceremonials of sacrifice.
Advancement by sacrifice Christianity causes men to turn naturally from matter 459:1 to Spirit, as the flower turns from darkness to light.
Judge not the 459:9 future advancement of Christian Science by the steps already taken, lest you yourself be condemned for fail- ing to take the first step.
Jesus' concessions (in certain cases) to material methods were for the advancement of 56:6 spiritual good.
His enthusiasm for the advancementof learning was not less nobly ambitious and far-reaching, and he was himself an ardent experimenter and inventor.
The hope of advancement in the world should be cherished by everybody.
I find myself under the necessity of applying to you for the promotion of one of my second clerks to the head of a room--as a personal favor to myself--and his advancement to be officer of the Legion of Honor.
Between Sydenham and Heberden came Sir Hans Sloane, a man ever to be mentioned honourably amongst those physicians who have contributed to the advancement of science, and the amelioration of society.
The promise was kept; and Mead endeavoured to repay the worldly advancement with spiritual council.
This Paper advocates all measures for the advancement of the people.
All of these are men well versed in theological learning, canons, councils, ecclesiastical history, civil and canon law, and by their own erudition contribute vastly to the advancement of jurisprudence.
His remarks on the question of the effect of Sclavonian advancementin the old world and Chinese immigration in the new, on the destinies of the coming age, are fitted to awaken many deep and anxious thoughts.
In fact, his belligerent disposition retarded his advancement in youth and as a cadet as much as it has since advanced him.
Yet to the friendship inspired in these two very opposite natures by his honest and straightforward conduct Sheridan is doubtless somewhat indebted for his rapid advancement from a captaincy to a major generalcy in three years.
The great event of the year 1868 was the meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in the city.
The president of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Dr.
About the year 1802, a few professional and amateur artists, drawn together by a similarity of taste and inclination, for the advancement of the arts of painting and design in their native city, began to associate to form a regular academy.
In these two subjects Huxley earnestly sought to arouse interest and to impart knowledge, because he believed that intelligence in these matters is essential for the advancementof the race in strength and morality.