I wondered more and more: Says one, ‘Good friend of mine, how many shares did you write for?
If he pays his workmen in goods, or gives them tickets upon other tradesmen, with whom he shares the profit, he is soon known as a "tommy master.
Tommy-master~, one who pays his workmen in goods, or gives them tickets upon tradesmen, with whom he shares the profit.
Contango~, among stockbrokers and jobbers, is a certain sum paid for accommodating a buyer or seller, by carrying the engagement to pay money or deliver shares over to the next account day.
Besides paying Juneau a large salary as superintendent and mine engineer, he had shrewdly put several shares of stock in the "Wizard's" name, thus ensuring his most hearty support.
There was one, the Little Monte Cristo, which give the promoter half a million dollars in shares which he sold to folk in New York an' Philadelphy.
The United Kingdom shares in the salt trade, but this is only small.
The shares respectively for 1909 were as follow: Total Value.
La Libertad shareswith Colon the monopoly of despatching and receiving all the cable-messages from Central America and the United States.
But on the other hand the photoplay much more than the drama emphasizes the background of human action, and it shares this trait with the novel.
Nobody denies that the photoplay shares the characteristic features of the drama.
All the separate prescriptions which the musical student has to learn are ultimately only the consequences of this central demand which music, the freest of the arts, shares with all the others.
But surely the photoplay shares many conditions with the drama on the stage.
It shares with the beautiful marble work the same form and imitates the body of the living man just as well as the marble statue.
I think the scare will soon pass, and the shares recover.
If Marquises with millions desired her to go shares with them, naturally she consented.
But then, if the scare dies down again, I suppose your shares will go up," said Archie.
If the shares are each worth L8 now, and at the next account are only standing at L6, I shall have to pay L2 on each share.
Nor is the pleasure by any means the monopoly of the host; the guest shares it to the full.
The messenger always shares in the welcome given to the message How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace!
A second cowherd boy reaches up to lift the butter down while edging in from the right, a monkey, emblematic of mischievous thieving, shares in the spoil.
There he seats himself on an upturned mortar, assembles the other boys and vastly pleased with himself, laughingly shares the butter out.
I admit this censure, provided, while I am condemned, Seneca also shares in the condemnation.
Meantime, they would issue six thousand shares of five hundred francs.
The company to be capitalized at one hundred million dollars, twenty million shares at five dollars each.
There was no disposition on the part of moneyed men to subscribe for the stock and it was only owing to a few public-spirited men coming in and taking the two thousand shares that the Charter did not lapse.
The Capital stock of the Company was to consist of ten thousand shares at one thousand dollars each, not more than two hundred shares to be held by any one person.
But two hundred and eighteen thousand dollars the ten dollars per share called for by the Charter on two thousand one hundred and eighty shares had been paid in and further funds were not obtainable.
All the shares they offered were bought up, and there is no sign of any weakness yet," he said.
These and your shares in the Territories Investment--which cannot be sold--I believe represent your assets.
We purpose to scare off buyers and depreciate his shares by selling them in handfuls as publicly as possible; or, in other words, to hammer the company.
Shares in the company were represented by certificates, which often enough never left the company's, or more exactly Robson's, hands.
He conceived the idea of transferring shares, bogus shares from a person who held none, to any one who would buy them in the open market.
Following this, warrants were issued for their arrest, the specific charge being the unlawful negotiation of Danish bonds and other shares belonging to the Rev.
When they are hungry, as they often are, a Puritan aunt who shares their poverty tells them stories of human endurance.
She eats the fruit and shares it with Adam; then the pair are discovered in their disobedience, and are banished from Paradise.
Irving says of it, "To Lawrence he gave the estate on the banks of the Potomac, with other real property, and several shares in iron-works.
Grateful for his aid in creating enterprises of so great public benefit, the General Assembly presented him with one hundred and fifty shares of the stock, worth fifty thousand dollars.
In 1870 Mr. Gye made his droll proposal to the effect that I should go equal shares with him in paying the rent of Her Majesty's Theatre, I binding myself not to open it.
The appearance of Bruin in the street sensibly affected the stock market, and shares fell rapidly; but when he lost his life in the careless manner we have described, shares advanced again, and the Bulls triumphed once more.
They need not apply to me for an early allotment of shares in the great syndicate.
In time, long arrears of pay are due to the men, as also are their shares in the results of the fishery.
It was settled that the shares of those who had abandoned the expedition were to be portioned out among those who remained.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shares" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: equity; industrials; split; steel; stock; stocks