Here, just north of a steading known as Batt’s Farm, is the highest point on the peninsula formed by the Blackwater and Crouch Rivers.
On the other side was a great native population, helpless, timid, accustomed to crouch under oppression.
She meant to ride to Crouch Hill to hear her old nurse's opinion of what had occurred.
I am riding to Crouch Hill to see poor Nana," she said, and the determined tones of her resonant young voice seemed to strike upon Vansittart's hot, perturbedly beating heart.
If you sleep in your tent, with a servant lying across each entrance, the bheel will come and crouch on the outside, in some shady corner, where he can hear the breathing of those within.
The hyena and the tiger-cat, who, before devouring, crouch beside the prey that they have surprised or hunted down, have not a wilder or more sanguinary look than this man.
Her first impulse was to crouch down under the ledge till he had passed; but the instinct of concealment was overruled by the relief of feeling that someone was near her in the awful emptiness.
She continued to crouch on the steps, holding her breath and stiffening herself into complete immobility.
Another decade, and the dark patch will have spread greatly further; for the present, Crouch End is still able to remind one that it was in the country a very short time ago.
Unlike the household at Crouch End, it was to prosperity that Sam and his wife owed their troubles.
Illustration: It pleased her to crouch on this, remembering how Kneedrock had declared her to be the reincarnation of just such another creature of the jungle.
The human mind can't help wondering why the foolish youngsters didn't crouch below the ice above the dam and lie there in safe hiding till the monster went away.
They can crouch there till the awful shadow goes away.
Leaping over their dead fellows, they dodge the coming sweep of the uplifted arm, and crouch to spring.
But the most evident truths frequently crouch under fear; are kept at bay by habit; prove abortive against the force of enthusiasm.
The fall of the mass of ice had crushed part of the opening into the cave, so that Russ and Paul had to crouch down and stoop in a most uncomfortable position in order to reach the block that had closed the doorway.
Get under the blankets--crouch down at the side of the sleds.
But for three long minutes he forced himself to crouch motionless, crouch as motionless as a corpse.
Crouch or sleep, we go the way, the last way together: Five or none, the game goes on, and on goes the river.
Some of the really daring ones crouchdown till they actually get their shoulder-blades wet.
Let him squeal and crouch and splash and learn how to half drown the other fellow by shooting water at him with the heel of his hand.
A tiger will crouch up in an exceedingly small clump of grass or bush, and will sometimes almost allow himself to be trodden on before moving.
Then the Lone Ranger shot up from his crouch as if his legs were coiled steel springs.
The riders had frequently to crouchor be swept from the saddle by low, far-reaching branches.
At this, Maiden's Heart bobbed his head two or three times, and, motioning to us to crouch down, he crept quietly over to the inner wall of the ramparts and looked down.
Crouch the herds, contract the reptiles, crouch the lions under their paws.
See the ordered army reel Stricken through the ribs: and see, Wild for speed to cheat despair, Horsemen, clutching knee to chin, Crouch and dart they know not where.
The panther, no longer subject to the influence of her master's look, slunk back to crouch in the shade.
Does not my lion, Cain--does not my tiger, Judas, crouchin terror before me?
Hence, their terrified submission reached to such a point that, in his public representations, their master could make them crouch and cower at his feet by the least movement of a little wand covered with flame-colored paper.
Nor will I crouch with bottom upraised, like carven lions on a knife-handle.