The Convocation of the lords of the Church had itself a share in the governing of the nation as well as of the Church, its own particular sphere.
It is of much historical interest, and since it was restored recently to be the home of the Convocation of the Northern Province, it has returned to the service of the church.
The disputes in Convocation gave rise to a number of pamphlets, such as A Caveat against High Church, Lond.
After a most lengthy disputation, each party presented its formula for the convocation of the bishop to the diets and sittings.
The welfare of our countries and of the common fatherland forbidding us from further delay in the convocation of a diet, we have decided to hold it on the .
I went to the convocation with the delegates of Greifswald to try to drag something from the new bishop, and finally, Canon von Wolde succeeded in getting thirty crowns for me.
The affair ended in a convocation of one day at Cammin, where Weyer was assisted by Dr.
The welfare of our countries and of our common fatherland forbidding us from further delay in the convocation of a diet, we have decided to hold it on the .
He was present at the greatconvocation of northern Indians at Greenville, which followed Gen.
During the last year (1843) such a convocation was held at Tablequah, the seat of the Cherokee government.
Even if he essayed to combat the convocation of the states-general by the arguments which the Duchess, at his suggestion, had often used for the purpose, he was treated with the same indifference.
It is inconceivable that neither I nor several of my colleagues received notice of this convocation of the Assembly.
On the passing of the Act of Supremacy (November 1534), in which the saving clause of convocationwas omitted, he was attainted and deprived of his see.
He told the Convocation of the clergy that they had all made themselves liable to the penalties of Praemunire, for recognizing Wolsey as legate without the royal leave.
He also complained of their renewing the law of 1591, concerning the election of ministers, and their opposing the convocation of a National Synod.
That he made eight Deputies of the cities send back the letter of the States-General for the convocation of the Synod.
The Thirty-nine Articles passed Convocation by a single vote [Sidenote: 1563] as against a more Calvinistic confession.
A third act, for the subjection of the clergy, put convocation under the royal power and forbade all privileges inconsistent with this.
In 1559 Convocation asserted the adherence of the clergy to the ancient faith.
Reluctantly the Convocation of Canterbury accepted this demand in the form that the king was, "their singular protector, only and supreme lord and, as far as the law of Christ allows, even Supreme Head.
Here, too, Convocation sometimes meets, when a burning question is to be discussed and Masters of Arts assemble in their hundreds.
It has been suggested by the Convocation of Canterbury that the Collects for St. Michael's and All Saints' Days should be repeated on the seven days following those days respectively.
The Lower House of Convocation of Canterbury have recommended its reduction to two or three, and the testimony of Bishop Torry to the ancient usage of the Scottish Church is that one was considered sufficient.