As the third stroke dies away, the Muse, Mademoiselle Rabuteau, enters and declaims the salutation addressed by Louis Gallet to the City of Béziers.
He came toward me with a salutation that I had seen before, and I am happy to say that after an instant I ceased to be guilty of the brutality of not knowing where.
There was only one place in the world where people smile like that, - only one place where the art of salutation has that perfect grace.
They had but one manner of salutation for any body, except their own sovereign.
After the first salutation was over, he informed them of his visit to his father, and its result.
They went towards him in order to pay him the accustomed salutation of shaking hands, &c.
It must be observed, that the latter motion is the method of salutation practised by the natives of Dahomy and Eyeo.
And salutation be unto your hired people, (your suite) and peace be unto our people, who praise God.
On returning to our lodgings, we had the pleasure of receiving the morning salutation of our fair friends, the Fellatas, on bended knee.
Miss Keren's law was laid down rapidly in a low voice, covered by Ralph's salutation of the tea room.
He threw down hat and cloak tragically, and seated himself without a morning salutation to his "little Clara Schumann.
But the time came again when the salutation was unnecessary, for they were sent to school together, and they saw one another daily.
On Ewan's arrival there was a general movement among a group of men standing together, and a respectful salutation to the parson.
In this form of salutation Danny was never known to fail, and as he was too much of a man to limit his greeting to Ewan, he always pitched into Mona with the same masculine impartiality.
And Jabez Gawne, the sleek little tailor, had the Bishop's salutation as he passed on in the ancient cloak with many buttons.
All this in return for Jarvis's casual visit and mere salutation surprised him.
And as he saw her, she recognised him and delighted him by the welcome she offered and the salutation she gave.
Robert greeted his adorers with a salutation that was in itself an act of grace, and made an amiable gesture with his hand which immediately summoned to him those of the court ladies who for the moment were warmed by his more immediate favor.
He swept her a salutation that exaggerated courtliness, and there was a quality of apology in his voice as he spoke.
Even the dinner that followed was a religious ceremony; it began by a salutation of the Christ in glory that was on the wall over the Prior's table, and then a long grace was sung before they took their seats.
Ralph's visit to the priory, culminating in the passionless salutation of him in the cloister as being a guest and therefore a representative of Christ, had ended that stage in the development of the monk's character.
Either the mutual salutation of the blessed to one another, or that of the angels to the blessed.
And we left the following salutation to be bestowed on him by the latest posterity, 130 namely, Peace be on Ilyâsin!
And we left the following salutationto be bestowed on him by the latest posterity, namely, Peace be on Abraham!
But they who shall have believed and wrought righteousness shall be introduced into gardens, wherein rivers flow, they shall remain therein forever, by the permission of their LORD; and their salutation therein shall be, Peace!
This man gave the following salutation to Ali, viz.
And we gave them the perspicuous book of the law, and we directed them into the right way, and we left the following salutationto be bestowed on them by the latest posterity, 120 namely, Peace be on Moses and Aaron!
And when they come unto thee, they salute thee with that form of salutation wherewith GOD doth not salute thee;n and they say among themselves, by way of derision, Would not GOD punish us for what we say, if this man were a prophet?
The salutation is the same, but the Kings’ names are spelled “Nabkhururia” and “Burnaburias.
This begins with the same salutation from Dagantacala, and continues: “Redeem me from the strong foes, from the hands of men of blood.
The salutationfrom Burnaburias is the same as in the preceding letters.
Lie, then, in the sun, free of infirmities, without the babble of dotage: this is the salutation to worthy age.
The salutation is the same as in the last, being addressed to Amenophis IV, to Teie and to Tadukhipa.
With the usual salutation from Yapa’a, the letter continues: “Whatever the King my Lord says to me I listen to him exceedingly.
After the usual salutation he says that Abdasherah has fought strongly, and has seized cities belonging to Gebal; that news has reached the city as to what has befallen the city Ammia (Amyun) from the men of blood.
Why do not you send as your envoy one who shall tell you a true message as to the salutation from your sister, I pray you?
After the usualsalutation to the King, this letter reads: “The King my Lord will say that the choicest of thy great men, and the choicest of thy city that thou hast are among those who guard us.
The salutation calls Amenophis III his “kinsman,” but does not name his sister.
Begins with the same salutation as the preceding, and continues: “Know O King my Lord the demands made to me by Yankhamu since my going forth from before the King my Lord.
The address in the salutation should be repeated exactly on the envelope and particular care should be taken to make it legible.
The correct form for the salutation of a business letter includes the name and address of the person or firm to whom the letter is written as well as the ceremonial form of salutation.
The salutation and greeting of to-day is a direct result of this early necessity.
The salutation in a friendly letter should always be "Dear Mary" or "Dear Miss Jones.
And what was most remarkable amid these spears and sabres, these muskets, handjars, and poniards, was the sweet and perpetually recurring Syrian salutation of 'Peace.
Bashville, awestruck, returned her salutation as best he could, and stood motionless after she disappeared; his mind advancing on tiptoe to grasp what had just passed.
He reined his horse out of the path, saw the full-figured driver throw up his arm in salutation to Jed, and heard Jed shout an answering greeting.
At the spontaneous salutation the older man merely ceased moving an instant.
For, behold, when the voice of thy salutation came into mine ears The babe leaped in my womb for joy.
At any rate, we know that the emancipator and the regenerator of Israel were specially commissioned to bear Heaven's salutation to the Redeemer.
On the summit the place is shown where Mohammed used to take his station during the Hadj; a small chapel formerly stood over it; but this was destroyed by the Wahabys: here the pilgrims usually pray two rikats, in salutation of Arafat.
This street takes its name from the hadjar, or stone, which used miraculously to greet Mohammed with the salutation of "Salam aleyk," whenever he passed this way on his return from the Kaaba.
He then returns to the Rodha, where a prayer is said as a salutation to the Deity on leaving the mosque, which completes this ceremony, the performance of which occupies at most twenty minutes.
His hand, when he gave it in salutation or in parting, was like that of a sick child.
As he was both short-sighted and suffering from diseased vision, he had to depend upon his sister to know who bowed to him; and it was amusing to see his returning salutation bestowed, in almost every instance, a little too late.
Anne Boucicault returned the salutation stiffly, not meeting his direct glance, which passed on with an unveiled curiosity to Tristram.
There was no formal, deferential salutationsuch as the Burra Sahib would have expected and received.
Their salutationto the stranger coming into the presence of the owner of a lodge is "Hook-ah-hay!
This salutation surprised the contestants into quiet, and the man addressed as "By" laughed sheepishly, and picked his hat out of the mud.
Much waiting, for there was a broken-down coal-wagon inSalutation Alley.
Such as they were, however, they had been sleeping on the outside of the upper attic of the house in Salutation Alley where these children had lodged, or not lodged, as the case might be, during the last few days.