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Example sentences for "modifiable"

Lexicographically close words:
modesty; modi; modica; modicum; modifiability; modification; modifications; modified; modifier; modifiers
  1. An inventory and classification of man's original tendencies is made more difficult precisely because these are so easily modifiable and are, even in earliest childhood, seldom seen in their original and simple form.

  2. This grave and most instructive book shows how modifiable are some of those facts of existing human character which are vulgarly deemed to be ultimate and ineradicable.

  3. Means of correcting the modifiable being that we call bad, and encouraging the other that we call good.

  4. Is it true always, as it appears to be generally true, that women are less modifiable than men?

  5. There is not, among these most complex and (for that reason) most modifiable of all phenomena, any one over which innumerable forces do not exercise influence; which does not depend on a conjunction of very many causes.

  6. For the phenomena in question may be of an eminently modifiable character; insomuch that innumerable circumstances are capable of influencing the effect, although they may all do it according to a very small number of laws.

  7. Most living tissue is modifiable to some extent.

  8. These outgoing nervous currents leave an imprint upon the modifiable nerve tissues as inevitably as do incoming impressions.

  9. Human nature" is modifiable and economic choice and action are factors in this indivisible process (Sec.

  10. The little part of the scheme of affairs which is modifiable by our efforts is continuous with the rest of the world.

  11. As matter of fact, it is precisely custom which has greatest inertia, which is least susceptible of alteration; while instincts are most readily modifiable through use, most subject to educative direction.

  12. Alchemists claimed the Magical Agent determined the form of the modifiable Substance, 773-l.

  13. It is modifiable in the individual through education or training; it is modifiable in the race through selection.

  14. On the contrary modern biology clearly teaches that racial heredity is modifiable both in the individual and in the race.

  15. And so many of the facts are modifiable under a changing environment that in the absence of experience we cannot pronounce definitely regarding the behaviour of either the male or female organism under different conditions.

  16. What are her natural disabilities, and to what extent are they modifiable by new arrangements of social and domestic life?

  17. Instinct, already plastic and modifiable in the higher animals, becomes in man a basis of character which determines how he will take his experience, but without experience is a mere blank form upon which nothing is yet written.

  18. Thus one's misery at being scorned is too indefinite a response to too complex a situation and is too easily modifiable to be called a reflex.

  19. It does not deal with necessary matters, nor with matters not modifiable by human agency.

  20. There remains the life of man as a rational being: that is, as a being possessing reason along with other mental elements, which last are controllable or modifiable by reason.

  21. These conflicting tendencies are usually modifiable by reason, and may become in the temperate man completely obedient to reason.

  22. They are modifiable merely for the sake of economy or other convenience.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "modifiable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adaptable; adjustable; changeable; checkered; convertible; flexible; fluid; impermanent; kaleidoscopic; malleable; metamorphic; mobile; modifiable; movable; mutable; plastic; protean; resilient; resolvable; rubbery; supple; transient; transitional; transitory; variable