Faint and feeble, the ruminant at length totters and falls, and the fierce destroyer squats itself along the body, and finishes its red repast.
South American ruminant of the camel family, used for transport in the Andes.
They are not stocked with large droves of ruminant animals, as the plains of Southern Africa,--where the simplest savage may easily obtain a dinner of flesh-meat.
From the character of these long horn-cores, which are prolongations of the skull, it may be concluded that the Sivatherium was a gigantic ruminant with four horns.
The upper stomach of a cow, or other ruminant animal; the rumen.
In a ruminant manner; by ruminating, or chewing the cud.
Any ruminant having horns composed of a bony axis covered with a horny sheath; a hollow-horned ruminant.
A ruminant having solid horns or antlers, as the deer.
For both of the above purposes they had need of the bear's fat, since the other animals which they were accustomed to hunt and kill were chiefly ruminant animals, with very little fat upon them, and never enough of it to cook their own flesh.
These small digits are so disposed that they could have had but very little functional importance, and they must have been rather of the nature of the dew-claws, such as are to be found in many ruminant animals.
Skeletons of ruminant animals are generally clean enough without that.
When angry, the eye of a ruminant animal opens its widest, and shows portions of the eyeball that are never seen otherwise.
Mounted heads of large ruminant animals are the particular prey of these abominable pests, because they cannot be protected by glass cases, and are seldom touched save with a feather duster.
The bones of each leg must be dislocated (at the "knees" in ruminant animals) either once or twice, so that the parts can be easily handled.
Marriage, which was to bring guidance into worthy and imperative occupation, had not yet freed her from the gentlewoman's oppressive liberty: it had not even filled her leisure with the ruminant joy of unchecked tenderness.
A large ruminantused in Asia and Africa for carrying burdens and for riding.
The whole history, then, of the ruminantis to be read in his stomach.
The ruminant which has the most beautiful canines is the musk-deer, a pretty little animal inhabiting the highlands of Central Asia, like the chamois of the Alps.
There is no necessity for hurry; the ruminant has no other business on the face of the earth but this, and thus hour after hour passes away, the food pellets rising one after another to the onslaught of the teeth.
The ruminant has other workmen under him, whom I keep in store for you as the last of the eaters, and who prepare the raw material for him*.
The ruminant has an immense pouch of the same kind, into which, while he is grazing, he hastily conveys large masses of half-bitten grass.
Second stomach, the homologue of the ruminant reticulum.
Similar contrivances are found in the ruminant stomach.
In some ruminant Herbivora, however, the great length of the colon leads to a reduction of the caliber in certain segments so that the large intestine does not exceed the width of the small, or even falls below the same.
The proximal segment of the colon is bent on itself in the form of an extensive loop with closely adherent limbs, illustrating an early stage in the development of the ruminant spiral colon (cf.
This type is encountered in certain non-ruminant Ungulates.
Capra aegagrus, the Bezoar goat, detached from the adjacent intestine, and illustrates the type of the ruminant pouch, of considerable length and caliber, without terminal reduction.
This colic modification is found in its highest degree of development in the ruminant Ungulates, whose caecal pouch proper is also enormously developed.
The arrangement of the large intestine in this animal illustrates the early embryonal stage in the development of the complete ruminant spiral coil (cf.
And how could it be otherwise than that a man who could find it in his heart to murder a majestic bull bison for a hide worth only a dollar should form a one-dollar estimate of the grandest ruminant that ever trod the earth?
Ordinarily the skin of a largeruminant is of little value in comparison with the bulk of toothsome flesh it covers.
It was the dry and broken hoof of some ruminant animal--an ox, perhaps, for it was too large for any deer that Enoch had ever seen.
It was that of a steady grinding of a ruminant animal feeding.
Of all the ruminant animals I know intimately, the white mountain goat is the philosopher-in-chief.
One male ruminant out of perhaps fifty will turn murderer, and kill a female or a fawn, entirely contrary to the herd law; and at long intervals a male predatory animal kills his mate or young.
Generations of persecution have implanted in the brain of the ruminant baby the commanding instinct to fold up its long legs, neatly and compactly, furl its ears along its neck, and closely lie for hours against a rock or a log.
In the actual practice of herd leadership in species of ruminant animals, the largest and most spectacular bull elk or bison is not always the leader.
Besides, if Nature had intended that men should sleep outdoors in winter, with the moose and caribou, we would have been furnished with ruminant pelage and fat.
This condition closes to the ruminants the possibility of a long program of activities which the ruminant brain might otherwise develop.
The free wild animals are far better subjects, and it is from them that we have derived our best knowledge of ruminant thoughts and ways.
A similar variation in structure had characterized a species of extinct ruminant in India.
Relating to that tribe of ruminant mammals of which the genus Bos is the type.
A genus of ruminant quadrupeds, including the wild and domestic cattle, distinguished by a stout body, hollow horns, and a large fold of skin hanging from the neck.
Stomach of Ruminant opened to show the internal structure.
As, however, this family is represented by but a few back teeth and a fragment of the hind-foot, it seems premature to regard it as the necessary starting-point of the Bunodont and Ruminant groups.
The chief and indeed (according to Forsyth Major[208]) the only reason for placing this Ruminant with the Antelopes is the large size of the horns.
They have a complex sacculated stomach, resembling the large intestine of some other animals; it is not divided into distinct chambers like the stomach of a Ruminant or of a Whale.
A Ruminant is most frequently a large and heavy animal without the agility and litheness of the Carnivore.
This is in the present family of the diffuse kind, not presenting the separated and tufted cotyledons of the Ruminant placenta.
The horns of this African Ruminant are black, while its coat is brown.
The tail of this Ruminanthas long been valued in the East.
This graceful Ruminant inhabits the Pyrenees and Alps, and also some of the highest points in Greece.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ruminant" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.