Mr. White pointed out to Government that, with winter coming on, it would be impossible to commence demarcation before May the 1st in the following year, so there was plenty of time in which to make all preliminary arrangements.
The difference, however, depends so much upon the usage of the particular trade, or upon the special instructions constituting the agency, that no exact line of demarcation can really be drawn between them.
Explosives are divided into classes according to the uses to which they are put, but the line of demarcation is not always very clear.
The line ofdemarcation between the warm waters of the Gulf Stream and the cold waters of the sea is so sharp and distinct, that by the use of the thermometer the precise minute of a ship's leaving or entering it can be ascertained.
This great current is of the most beautiful indigo-blue colour as far out as the Carolina coasts; and its waters are so distinctly separated from those of the sea, that the line of demarcationmay be traced by the eye.
There is a very plain line of demarcation between the legitimate spirit of inquiry and mere apish curiosity.
On the horizon violet-hot sea and sky showed scarce a line of demarcation between them.
Whether due to old mixture or to other reason, the fact is that there is no line of somatological demarcation in the living populations of the river, and the same applies, as will be seen later, to the skulls.
The line of demarcation between the Indians of the Yukon and the Eskimo, outside of language, is indefinite.
There was in fact a plain line of demarcation in the vegetation where the rocks changed.
There appears to be no line of demarcation between the underground and aboveground graves; possibly the latter were winter burials, but this must be looked into further.
There is no clear line of demarcation between the Indian farther up the river and the Eskimo down here, yet in some here the Eskimo type is unmistakable.
That probably is the result of a reflection which sought to distinguish the first from the later manifestations of the exalted Christ, and it is of the utmost importance as the beginning of a demarcation of the times.
The first four Trumpets have now been blown, and we reach the line of demarcationby which each series of judgments is divided into its groups of four and three.
Although the line of demarcation is rather uncertain, one can mark off two psychological types which are obviously different; their psychology is diametrically opposed.
The demarcation of psychopathic mental deficiency from the normal is an absolutely impossible task, the difference is everywhere only "more or less.
The demarcation of hysteria and certain borderline cases of epilepsy from congenital and acquired psychopathic mental deficiency likewise presents the greatest difficulties.
The work of demarcation has since been carried out.
The demarcation was at once undertaken by a joint commission appointed by Venezuela and British Guiana and was completed in 1904.
And why do we not find almost everywhere passages between the nearest allied species and genera, instead of such strong lines of demarcation and often wide intervening gaps?
Among them was the demarcation of boundaries, not described with sufficient precision in the treaty of peace.
Modern research tends to show that there is no definite line of demarcation even between the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms.
Considering the impossibility of defining the exact line of demarcationbetween animate and inanimate matter, it is astonishing to find so much stress laid on the supposed fundamental difference between vital and non-vital phenomena.
The conclusion of his address was the expression: "There is no longer a line of demarcationbetween physiology and psychology.
Also a treaty with the Choctaws, describing and establishing our demarcation of boundaries with them.
A convention has therefore been entered into which provides for a practicable demarcation of those limits to the satisfaction of both parties.
Perhaps this classification would still serve, were it not for the element of versification, which makes a sharp line of demarcation between poetic art and prose.
It is not unusual for the part to show no change for some days and then to become blue or black; a line of demarcation forms and the dead tissue sloughs off.
In moist gangrene, the lines of demarcation and separation are fairly well developed.
In senile gangrene the appearance of the line of demarcation indicates the extent of the devitalized area and establishes the point of amputation beyond the next joint above.
Should the line of demarcation be apparent, after a few days the complete death of the tissues below is certain, and amputation becomes necessary.
Sprague Brooks nearDemarcation Point, Alaska, with the parent bird in each case.
Murdoch found them nesting rather later than other waders at Point Barrow, but my experience at Demarcation Point was quite the opposite, for here they were the first to breed.
On the basis of the agreement of January 28th a line of demarcation was drawn, from which both parties were to withdraw their outposts to a distance of 10 km.
The Ist Army was in the north with the VIIIth Corps on the Somme, and the Ist on both sides of the Lower Seine; in the south the Army of the South occupied the line of demarcationfrom Baume to Switzerland, and the country in the rear.
On the west of the Seine, the Grand Duke was forced to proclaim that the non-recognition of the line of demarcation would be followed by an immediate recommencement of hostilities.
Not that there were at the beginning of this period any distinct limits of demarcation from the days immediately preceding it: the contrary was the case.
The close of the War of 1812, like that of the Revolution, marked an era in the history of the women of America, even though the line of demarcation was not drawn with sufficient sharpness of definition to be clear to the sight.