Reformation pressed in upon her, even through the windows of this turret where again she seems to listen to that prophetic and pious serenade, Scottish protestant psalms accompanied by fiddles and sung to a French Catholic queen.
The Reformation was on, not to be stopped until all Scotland was harried and remade.
Here she met Darnley, in the chapel married him, and Knox called after dinner to declare that the Reformation did not approve.
Then the torch of the reformationwas applied to it, the torch of the flaming tongue of John Knox.
But the men who fought the battle of the Reformation in England and Scotland were, in the main, the Calvinists; and to Froude the Reformation was the beginning of a new and better era, when the yoke of the priest had been finally cast away.
He would not invite the inspection of the laity into a disease which, without their assistance, he had not the strength to encounter; and his incipient reformation died away ineffectually in words.
It was no accident which connected a suit for divorce with the reformation of religion.
The conditions were for the first time to be plainly seen under which the Reformation was to fight its way.
The Nun hath practised with two of the pope's ambassadors within this realm, and hath sent to the pope that if he did not do his duty in reformation of kings, God would destroy him at a certain day which he had appointed.
He was determined to proceed with the divorce, and he was determined also to continue the Reformationof the English Church.
Whereupon we disallow that judge's doing who taketh money for penance for lucre or advantage, not regarding the reformation of sin as he ought to do.
Soon after, the tide turned, and the Reformationentered into a new phase.
We find the reformation of his Court was one of the first steps towards ingratiating himself with his subjects.
Among other things, Henry was very attentive to thereformation of abuses and irregularities that had crept into the Court during the Reign of his Brother.
The reformation of our travell'd gallants, That fill the court with quarrels, talk, and tailors.
I have said that the prime product of the Reformation was the isolation of the soul.
It did not completely succeed, as the Reformation proves; but it had at least the strength in the century after Charlemagne, its founder, to withstand the Eastern attack upon Christendom.
Christianity" is a term in the mouth and upon the pen of the post-Reformation writer; it connotes an opinion or a theory; a point of view; an idea.
The motive of it is not history, but the reformation of morals.
But the germ was there; and the Reformation coming just as it did, both was helped by the rich and helped them.
The work of the Reformation was accomplished, one may say, a little after the outbreak of the Thirty Years' War.
Reformation was that we understand its consequences.
But the sense of an absolute civil government at the moment of the Reformation was something very different.
Were I here writing "Why" the Reformation came, my reply would not be historic, but mystic.
Indeed that spirit and mental color does not appear until a couple of generations after the opening of the Reformation itself.
The reformation had made its way to Poland,--but not merely under the forms of Calvinism and Lutheranism.
The great aim of the satirist ought always to be the reformation of depraved morals, corrupt institutions, absurd customs, or offensive manners.
With the Reformation begins the new birth of fettered reason, the reawakening of science, which the iron hand of the Christian papacy had relentlessly crushed for twelve hundred years.
Just as the Catholics had to relinquish a number of churches to the Reformation in the sixteenth century, so a still larger number will pass over to "free societies" of monists in the coming years.
In time the Reformation broke the chains of this mental slavery, and assisted reason to secure its right once more.
Heresy only became possible when the Reformationand the Renaissance had broken the power of the papacy.
To say all in a word: Only through a radical reformation of my will does a new light arise upon my being and destination.
As long as this state continues, as long as a price is set upon vice, a thorough reformation of mankind, in the whole, is scarcely to be hoped for.
The reformation of the heart alone conducts to true wisdom.
Everything that occurs in this world conduces to the reformation and education of man, and, by means of that, to the furtherance of his earthly destination.
If we cannot reduce this wished for reformation to practice, let us treat the unhappy victims with lenity.
These traditions had their roots in the religious emancipation of the reformation and gradually extended to the political sphere and became endeared to the hearts of all Americans through the struggle with Great Britain.
Some thought that the King should not at all be displeased and provoked, and that they were not bound to do any other justice, or attempt any other reformation but what they could procure the King to be willing to.
Footnote 1: The works of the Holy Mother St. Teresa of Jesus Foundress of the Reformation of the Discalced Carmelites.
Burnet was notoriously rash and credulous; but I remember no other instance in which his zeal for the Reformation joined with his credulity has misled him into so gross a calumny.
Then the Reformation crippled the temporal power of the Church, and ecclesiastical almsgiving declined in importance.
The emphasis now placed upon reformation has made necessary a new point of view on the part of the public.
Until the period of the Reformation in Europe, the distribution of alms by the clergy and by pious laymen was the chief method of dealing with the problem of dependency.
Side by side with the advance of the Reformation in Switzerland, in Holland, in England and America there went a dissemination of the principles of liberty which later became the articles of faith of the French Revolution.
Responsibility to one’s own conscience was indeed Luther’s fundamental idea—the idea which justifies the Reformation in the eyes of history, as formerly in the eyes of its own author.
Before the Reformation there certainly were two altars on that side, one at each extremity, where piscinae were discovered during the restorations of 1832.
Herein it exhibits a peculiarity of the English use, as illustrated in many pre-Reformation churches, where the occasional deviations from rule can generally be accounted for by the lofty crypt beneath, as, e.
The periodic drunkard should be required to remain sober for a considerable time before his marriage and give reasonable evidence that his reformationis permanent.