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Example sentences for "modified"

Lexicographically close words:
modicum; modifiability; modifiable; modification; modifications; modifier; modifiers; modifies; modify; modifying
  1. The influence of the custom has been handed down, variously modified by the circumstances of the times, from one generation to another, until it has reached our own.

  2. Of course, the influence of so great a master as Raphael was felt outside of his own school, and, in a sense, all Italian art of his time was modified by him.

  3. When Dürer left Wohlgemuth he started upon the student journey which was then the custom with all German youths, and is still practised in a modified degree.

  4. The mode of imperial burial was modified in accordance with Buddhist ideas of the worthlessness of these mortal frames of ours.

  5. The wo-bashira (male-pillar) is doubtless only a modified Kunado.

  6. What Macaulay says of an eminent party-leader is modified to those who have studied the character through his memoirs or writings.

  7. The conquered had become conquerors; the intermarriage of Roman soldiers and settlers with Spanish women modified the original race; the Iberians invaded the politics and the literature of their conquerors.

  8. Spanish customs of the Court have been modified or discontinued.

  9. In speaking, however, of society in Madrid and other modern towns, it must be remembered that the old manners and customs are to a great extent being modified and assimilated with those of the other Continental cities.

  10. The etiquette of the Spanish Court, although it was much modified by Alfonso XII.

  11. The old well-known tales reappear, modified to the Portuguese character and morality.

  12. Of this any one will be convinced, who attentively considers those points in which the dramas of Greece and England differ, from the dissimilitude of circumstances by which each was modified and influenced.

  13. The stars—the events—strike us and remain in our eye, little modified by the difference of dates.

  14. From this, that the natural landscape is effected, as it were, by a single energy modified ab intra in each component part.

  15. For art cannot exist without, or apart from nature; and what has man of his own to give to his fellow man, but his own thoughts and feelings, and his observations, so far as they are modified by his own thoughts or feelings?

  16. Every food we take must be modified by our bodies before entering the circulation, and milk is no exception.

  17. The past has great influence, for the child of today is heir of the past, modified by the present.

  18. When the fats, sugars and starches, in their modified form, are burned in the body to produce heat and energy, carbonic acid gas and water are formed.

  19. If the heredity is unfavorable it can be largely modified by favorable environments.

  20. The various forms of modified milk do not give as good results as the addition of water and a little milk sugar, as previously described.

  21. Even the subtleties of technique must be modified by the artist's changing purpose, as this in turn is acted on by influences of which he is himself unconscious.

  22. We do not ask that the provisions of our Constitution and statute book should be so modified as to relieve and exalt the condition of the colored people, whilst they remain with us.

  23. Either the laws to prevent intrusion upon the public lands should be executed, or, if that should be impracticable or inexpedient, they should be modified or repealed.

  24. Our laws should also follow them, so modified as the circumstances of the case may seem to require.

  25. If the tariff adopted at the last session of Congress shall be found by experience to bear oppressively upon the interests of any one section of the Union, it ought to be, and I can not doubt will be, so modified as to alleviate its burden.

  26. Our earliest national commitments, modified and reshaped by succeeding generations, have served us well.

  27. I have in a message to the preceding Congress expressed my views as to a modified use of the telegraph in connection with the postal service.

  28. From a defense point of view our forces should be proportioned to national need and should, therefore, to some extent be modified by the prospects of peace, which were never brighter than to-day.

  29. Matured and modified by the progress of our population and the lessons of experience, it has been hitherto eminently successful.

  30. I do not doubt that the Congress will be beset by many groups who will urge that the legislation that I have proposed should either be eliminated or modified to the point where it is nearly useless.

  31. In the latter genus the young tubercle bears on the summit of its pedicel-like lower portion the tufted flower-bearing areola the modified upper portion of the tubercle at that time appearing as a bract beneath the flower.

  32. It seems evident that Anhalonium is a much modified Cactus, and that its affinity is with the coryphanths, through such a species as C.

  33. The old material is combined and modified in many ways to form the new.

  34. A fortiori the Earth may have modified its own figure, which is only beyond our intervention because our spiritual ascendancy has not at its disposal a sufficient material force.

  35. At this time the Queen was living in strict retirement and for a long period still to follow she maintained the same sorrowing seclusion in a more or less modified form.

  36. Its general effect has been described[6] as being white and gold and pale pink, its floor of polished oak with an Axminster carpet in the centre, and with an appearance of vastness modified by pillars of white and gold.

  37. The pattern is a modified form of one commonly seen upon the margins of the larger stone metates, and, although rarely met with in the pottery of Chiriqui, was a favorite motive with the potters of Costa Rica.

  38. In less elaborate forms the legs are plain or have the merest hint of animal form in a node, a notched ridge, or a slightly modified extremity.

  39. The effect is like that of fretwork, but the figure is probably derived from a modified animal form.

  40. The color effects of this pottery, although evidently much modified by age, are sufficiently rich to be highly pleasing to the eye.

  41. Now, by higher and higher degrees of convention, we come to a long series of modified results which must be omitted for want of room.

  42. We have modified it slightly in consequence of experiments made by ourselves in February.

  43. Nevertheless, one must not jump to the conclusion that these children are in no wise modified by the school influences, and do not profit in any degree by the instruction.

  44. When these are modified under changed circumstances, moral duty also undergoes a change, and it does not always remain the same.

  45. Modified by such new matter, it obtained a renewed lease of life.

  46. This last point was considerably modified by the subsequent canon law.

  47. This opinion of Marcion is being modified under the influence of a larger knowledge of Gnosticism.

  48. Man's place in nature can never be changed or modified by materialistic speculations.

  49. He had never heard of either of these works, and had no desire whatever for the restoration of society on a primitive basis of animalism, modified by light literature, clothing, and the moral law.

  50. It was for the Divine nature to have presented, in a manifestation of itself, the archetype of perfect rectitude, whence might have been derived the modified exemplar for human virtue.

  51. The economy of states shall not be modified in favor of the great body of those who constitute them.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "modified" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    better; changeable; changed; conditional; conditioned; converted; degenerate; divergent; improved; limited; modified; mutant; prepared; qualified; rebuilt; reformed; renewed; reserved; restricted; revived; revolutionary; seasoned; softened; subversive; tempered; transformed; transmuted; unmitigated; worse