Landing, he climbed up to the new Shelter and, arousing the inmates, astonished them by his sudden appearance and startling news.
As if arousing from a revery, Ira exclaimed: "I declare, Master Earle, you have more visitors!
He succeeded in arousing public interest with the result that a court was established here.
And Hollis had succeeded in arousing the spirit of Dry Bottom's citizens.
If, however, the dangers carry with them a stimulating excitement and exhibition of daring, arousing admiration for the worker, this may offset entirely the effect of the danger.
All of these operate upon the one principle of arousing special energy by superior advantage given to the successful competitor.
Arousing Cairnes, who was already awake but lying glowering at the unconscious priest, I despatched him to the jutting platform, with instructions to keep close watch on all movements in the village.
The supply was found sufficient, and before daybreak we were back in camp, arousing the outfits and starting the herds.
It became evident that if a story was carefully prepared with the intention of arousing interest in reading, it could prove a positive factor in directing the reading of large groups of children.
Her studied, unremitting hostility towards the boy succeeded in arousing in him a bitter, lasting hatred for her which, in its intensity and fixity of purpose, was positively awesome and well-nigh incredible in one of his years.
The new telegraph was exhibited in New York and Philadelphia without arousing popular appreciation.
This influence played a great part in shaping Bell's career, arousing as it did his passion for science.
I procured a large envelope and took it into the bedroom, where I could re-insert the bank bills without danger of arousing the cupidity of young Mercury.
In that I appealed to the chivalrous part of your nature, arousing your sympathies, and yet without putting myself for one instant in the role of a mendicant.
His influence in arousing the people of Virginia and of the other colonies to a sense of their rights as freemen cannot easily be measured.
Soon after the beginning of his reign he succeeded in arousing the bitter hostility of the Greek cities on his eastern and western borders, of the reigning kings of Egypt, and of the rising Arabian power to the south of the Dead Sea.
Instead of arousing the loyalty of his subjects his chief concern was to take vengeance upon Herod's followers and upon all who had supported the house of Antipater.
I tried to satisfy both these exigencies rather by arousing the reflection and impelling it on its way than by escorting it on a journey which must be undertaken with due preparation.
Their terror even prevented them from arousing their fellows--they could only stand in frozen fear and watch for the fearsome apparition they momentarily expected to see leap from the jungle.
The shot ploughed a deep and painful furrow in the lion's side, arousing all the bestial fury of the little brain; but abating not a whit the power and vigor of the great body.
The flames played upon the new altar erected in the center of the clearing, arousing in the mind of the High Priestess of the Flaming God a picture of the event of the coming dawn.
Some musical compositions, like the fugues of Bach, seem to express nothing more than such extremely abstract modes of feeling, without arousing any associations that would impel the mind to make a more concrete interpretation.
Yet there still remain tasks which we all have to execute, if not in business, then at home, which, by arousing our interest and invention, may become materials for the spirit of art.
First, the arousingof emotions through deep-lying effects of rhythm.
Or rather the only possibility of communicating them is through the color schemes arousing them.
Their general preference for the concrete has the same motive; for there are only a few abstractions capable of arousing and fixing emotion.
The two cannot abide in the same heart; and there is no more subtle device of the tempter than this of arousing in us the spirit of worry concerning our temptations.
The legend proceeds to say that, by order of the pope, Peter the Hermit then went through all Italy and France, arousing the enthusiasm of the people.
The Salesman who can "paint bright pictures in the mind" of his prospect, will succeed in awakening the Imagination, and arousing the Inclination and Desire.
All persons respond to the stimuli arousing this form of attention, but in different degrees depending upon the preoccupation or concentration of the individual at the time.
This form of arousing interest is based on erroneous psychological principles.
He is naturally in a defensive mood, for he scents the appeal to his pocket book in the distance--you must try to take his mind off this point by arousing his interested attention in the details of your goods or proposition.
Anything promising increased health or long life will greatly attract these people, and anything arousing a fear of ill health or death will influence them greatly.
The dirty building loomed large in the darkness and seemed to be coming nearer, threatening the singers, who were arousing its dull echoes.
I," said Mitia, suddenlyarousing herself; "I shall go away.
Clearly such a position could not continue indefinitely, and Norfolk anticipated Cromwell by playing the final trump card--that of arousing Henry's personal fears.
The greater part of the fearful night had worn away, and she who had been dead, once again stirred--and now more vigorously than hitherto, although arousing from a dissolution more appalling in its utter hopelessness than any.
But there was still another and very different source of disquietude, and one, indeed, whose harassing terrors had been the chief means of arousing me to exertion from my stupor on the mattress.
I caught eagerly at this hope, and, arousing myself to exertion, attempted to force my way through the loose earth.
In many small towns seeds are given to the children who want gardens, and in the fall a competitive flower and vegetable show is held, where prizes are given, as a means of keeping track of the work and arousing community interest.
It is then the part of wisdom in selecting the work for any group of children, to take it from that group of things in the child’s environment which is arousing their curiosity and interest at that time.
The development of romantic love has depended to a great extent upon the establishment of a wide range of stimuli capable of arousing the erotic impulses.
But the fear of arousing the disapproval of his fellows, which is rooted in man's gregarious nature, inhibits the tendency to self-indulgence.
In most psychological literature, this focussing of the emotion upon some particular characteristic is termed fetishism, and the stimulus which become capable of arousing the conditioned emotional response is called an erotic fetish.
One thing that made me somewhat careless of arousing the royal danger was that the Polar King with her terrorite guns could command Kioram in spite of the royal fleet, although it numbered one hundred vessels.
These in their ideal or collective perfection are the gods who counteract the evils of an arid and mechanical civilization by arousing feeling, imagination, truth, beauty, tenderness, patriotism and faith in the souls of their fellows.