Still the Cossacks went on firing off their matchlocks without a moment's intermission.
The firing squad ranged itself in three files, each of two hundred and fifty men.
Each barrel is provided with its own lock or firing mechanism, independent of the other, but all of them revolve simultaneously with the barrels, carrier and inner breech when the gun is in operation.
What are known as machine guns are rapid fire guns in which the speed offiring is such that it is practically continuous.
The death of the Stung Serpent was published by the firing of two muskets, which were answered by the other villages, and immediately cries and lamentations were heard on all sides.
As this firing was the signal, several shot were heard at the same instant.
I put my people on their guard against making any noise, or firing their pieces, for fear of scaring those animals; and thought it even necessary to forbid them to cut any wood, the better to conceal ourselves.
A reader's letter was published in Herald a few days later: "Where was your reporter when the firingtook place in Vasco?
Once, two people were killed in police-firing in Vasco following a group clash.
The rebels were evacuating the city, blowing up their iron-clads, and firing the town.
If the fog clears off, I shall let up some rockets, which will prevent the Yankees from firing at us.
We got tired of it at last and dressed, preparing to go home, when the subject of the firing of the Indian corpses was again discussed.
I instantly turned back, and, galloping on in front, reached an open space, in which I saw soldiers firing at each other.
After a short time, the firing ceased, and on our side the total loss was five killed.
During the next few days, there was very heavy firing between the Dervishes and Omdurman fort.
Our demoralised men, seeing the situation, at once fell in, and after some heavyfiring we drove off the enemy, losing in this melee only one horse.
Madibbo now sent forward his Bazingers to attack us; but after a short struggle we drove them back, and darkness coming on, all firing ceased.
About 200 ships then in the port were ranged in two lines forming a lane through which de Faria passed, all the cannons in the vessels and on shore firing a salute.
Thus arranged they advanced against the enemy, firing against those vessels they could reach, but none of the enemy ventured to advance.
Without waiting for further instructions, Dave seized his rifle again and began firing as rapidly as he could load.
Boys," he stated, "I believe that must be the sound of cannon firing we hear.
Carlos was for rushing out, firing a volley at our assailants, and endeavouring to drive them back with our hunting-knives.
The men were encamped outside, with the usual sentries placed at equal distances; and we had thrown ourselves on the rough tables and benches, the only remaining furniture, when the sound of distant firing reached our ears.
Having got to a sufficient distance from the hummock to prevent it affording shelter to an enemy firing at us, a halt was called, and Lejoillie advised that scouts should be sent back to ascertain the whereabouts of the Indians.
While we were resting, several small bands came within firing distance of our train.
They did charge, and at the same time firing their revolvers, the poor skunk fell, riddled with balls and weltering in his blood; when coming up, they discovered the extent of their bold exploit.
We continued the talk for some time, after which the Indians were invited to come over to the camp of the main party and witness the firing of the howitzer, which seemed to give them much pleasure.
The firingof cannon and musketry was maintained till night.
They continually harassed the scouring detachments, by firing upon them from woods and sugar plantations, which last the English burned about their ears in resentment.
That officer drew up his men in the street, where they were pelted with stones by the multitude, which he endeavoured to disperse by firing among them without shot.
On the twenty-seventh, captain Morrison, of the advanced party, was killed by a shot from a thicket, and the firing became so troublesome that his men gave way.
While four field-pieces and two howitzers maintained a constant fire upon the top of the intrenchments, the regiment of Duroure and the Highlanders advanced under this cover, firing by platoons with the utmost regularity.
Meanwhile, both lines continued advancing to each other; and about one o'clock the firing with small-arms began with great vivacity.
After having waited the return of an express which he had found means to despatch to court, he began to put his threats in execution by firing upon the town.
After firing his rifle, he discharged his gun at them, and then broke it over the villain who first approached him, but he was overpowered, and slain.
The order was given; the dragoons were drawn up in sections of four--each section firing in its turn.
The men on deck might make a show of firing once or twice with the falconets.
The corsair at first did not keep her course direct for the ship, but rowed once or twice round her, firing as she did so.
The little house would be quiet now, but down along the lines men would be standing on the firingstep of the trench, and waiting, against what the dawn might bring.
Suppose they took her for a spy, and that tomorrow's sun found her facing a firing squad?
On quiet days, when there was little firing beyond the poplar trees, she went about with a basket through the neglected winter gardens of the town.
But there was no sign that he had been, and that night one of the men from the trenches insisted that he had climbed out of a firing trench where the soldier stood, and had gone forward, bareheaded, toward the German lines.
Steady, passionless firing was going on, not near, but far away, like low thunder before a summer storm.
On days of much firing the sound from within its broken walls seemed deadened, far away.
There was steady firing at Nieuport and the windows shook constantly.
Not, indeed, that she had ever heard of a firing squad, as such.
Neither Mr. Travers nor I feel that a girl so young as you, and alone, has any place near the firing line.
Early the next morning a Saxon regiment, standing on the firing step ready for what the dawn might bring forth, watched the mist rise from the water in front of them.
From the sand dunes at Nieuport and Dixmude there was firing also, and the air seemed sometimes to be full of scouting planes.
Shortly afterwards a body of Austrian soldiers charged up the street at double-quick time, and the firing began in earnest.
I presume that young fellow with the black beard, who is firing away in the tribune, and bawling himself hoarse, must be one of them.
St. Bartholomew by firingon the unhappy Huguenots who were swimming to the other side of the river.
The regular troops, composed principally of Royal Guards, replied by firing wildly at all around them.
Thinking it must be friends firing into them by mistake, Col.
On being reproved for disobeying orders, Mr. Simpson replied, "I never could help firing when game which I was after came within gun-shot.
It was a trying experience to be awakened from sound sleep by the firing of guns.
It was such a surprise to the entire town; they came to see what could be the matter, as no firing was permitted in the city.
It was considered quite an unusual thing to do at this time, as the Filipino soldiers were near at hand day and night, approaching and firing upon the town.
Cases of deliberate firing on stretcher-bearers are, according to the universal testimony of our officers and men, of frequent occurrence.
Staveacre had been shot through the back while passing ammunition to the firing line.
The best relief from the long strain of the trenches was a bathe in the sea, but any diversion while in rear of the firing line was exhilarating.
The necessities of the firing line required vigilance by day and night, and the long frontages allotted to the various units of the 42nd Division entailed broken nights and laborious days for all.
The same day we left our bivouac, and after a long, hot, march, through the dusty gorge called Gully Ravine, we relieved another unit in the firing line on the northerly side of that great artery of British life and traffic.
I ran along the deserted saps that connected our support line with the front firing trench, and came to the gap.
Battalion's firing line, with a small dug-out of my own in the centre of our sector.
Their appearance was a true touch of the World War and they reached the firing line in Flanders on the 19th October.
The retreat from the more advanced trenches to the original Turkish firing line, necessitated by enfilade fire and by the absence of reinforcements, proved far deadlier than the advance.
It was Coleman's fortune to think at first that the Turks were not firing in his direction, but as soon as he heard the weird voices in the air he knew that war was upon him.
As he turned again to peer in the direction of the firing it went through his mind that she must love him very much indeed.
She struck her flag without firing a shot, and lapsed into a slough of inarticulate anger.
The fact is, one supposes, that what might be called the quick-firing part of his intelligence had absorbed and reacted to the fact of his thousand pounds before the whole of him was properly aware of it.
She hadn't it in her to keep silent much longer, and felt that if she then let go all that was firing her, she would say more than he could stand.