Mahdi doing much better: he finds it more difficult to get his letters through, and will have time to get over his liver complaint and injustices.
It is very clear his liver is out of order, to go and attack officers of his own corps like that.
Further, the ducts of the liver and pancreas always open into the center Of the duodenum, either separately or by a common opening.
B is a very diagrammatic outline of the stomach and duodenum, a is intended to mark the position of the fibrous band, or musculus suspensorius duodeni; and b the position of entry of the ducts of the liver and pancreas.
The position of the place of entry of the ducts of the pancreas and liver assures that this sine qua non shall be present.
When he talks to you, you don't hear him shouting all the way up past your liver and lights.
O supreme mistress of heaven, may thy liver be pacified, says a hymn to Ishtar.
The venous blood, before returning to the heart, is made to pass through the liverand the kidneys, which separate from it all substances incapable of contributing to nutrition.
The liver is an outgrowth from this tube; the stomach proper is a bulbous expansion of its central part, later provided with a valve.
They prance, and champ the bit, and the young man seems to pull on them as though his liverwas coming out.
The heart and other vital organs are covered with bullet-proof corsets, liver and lung pads and porous plasters.
Van said his liver was "not very torpid, thank you; how are you fixed for tea?
See here," says the stomach, holding up a piece of the iron lid of the sandwich so the liver could see it, "what kind of a junk shop does he take this place for?
A liver pad is as good as boiler iron to protect the form, so you see there is no place to shoot a female burglar, except in the head and legs.
You don't have to squeeze a girl till her liver is forced from its normal position, and she chokes and catches her breath, to show her that you love her.
The professor, if he laid there and heard it, would feel like getting out of the grave, and taking a crutch and mauling the liver out of the bigoted rebel.
The drummer went down to Vankirk's grocery and put his satchel on the counter, and asked Van how his liver was getting along, while he picked a piece off a codfish and ate it, and then smelled of his fingers and said "Whew!
The telephone is a blessed thing when it is healthy, but when its liver is out of order it is the worst nuisance on record.
The liver got the floor and suggested that the stomach was making a terrible fuss about a little thing, and told the stomach it had evidently forgotten the good things that had been sent down from above in times gone by.
Then they could sit down on a box of intestines and liver and things and talk it over, and the curtain could go down with the heroine swooning in the arms of the butcher.
In not one cookery-book known to mankind can be found a recipe for cooking the Liver of a Cod.
I cook not at all the liver of the cod," said an unshorn son of Normandy.
Leave the liverand heart in, an you value your life.
Decidedly a few bread-crumbs, done up with his liver and brains, and a dash of mild sage.
The fruit especially suits persons of a bilious temperament, being "a surprising remedy for the jaundice of children, and particularly helping the liver of pot companions, wetters, and drammers.
The bark is mildly aperient and causes no nausea, whilst at the same time stimulating the liversomewhat freely.
From the incised root of the White Bryony exudes a milky juice which is aperient of action, and which has been commended for epilepsy, as well as for obstructed liver and dropsy; also its tincture for chronic constipation.
The juice may be mixed with whey, and taken as a common drink, or as a medicinal beverage for curing obstinate skin eruptions, and for overcoming obstructions of theliver and digestive organs.
Also on the Continent, and in some parts of England, snails as well as slugs are thought to be efficacious medicinally in consumption of the lungs, even more so than cod-liver oil.
As a heat producer, if taken by way of food, one pound of Honey is equal to two pounds of butter; and when cod liver oil is indicated, but cannot be tolerated by the patient, Honey may sometimes be most beneficially substituted.
It may be my liver which makes me think this, but it has been the same with all travellers.
Beside the roadway, herds of liverand white cows grazed under the care of bare-legged urchins.
Take the average Finn farmer of the North, and you will find a man who never works if he can help it, a man with an inferior liver and a chronic grievance.
I am done with that form of exercise--liver or no liver--doctor or no doctor.
Tis he was pierc'd through the hands, Through the feet, through the throat, Through the tongue; Through the liver and the lung.
Johnson, that the liver was anciently supposed to be the inspirer of amorous passions, and the seat of love.
He said they were liver spots, but that it was not worth while prescribing for those few, that I should wait until I was covered with them.
The tiny cell creatures of our bodies, from the humble bile workers of the liver to the exalted thinking cells of the brain, all carry on their work submerged.
The neglect of regular bathing results in overworking the liver and kidneys, and debilitates the skin.
Likewise, the proteins also pass through the liver on their way to the body.
Just what action the liver exerts upon proteins is not wholly known at the present writing.
There were also other urinary findings which showed that the liver was not doing its share in the work of burning up certain poisons.
This should remain on the abdomen for three or four hours, after which the hot application is again made to the liver and abdomen.
Name the host or hosts in the following cases: trichina, liver fluke, malarial parasite, tapeworm, hook worm.
Hepatic veins, large veins connecting the liver with the posterior vena cava.
It seems to me that you place the heart and liver differently from where they are; the heart is on the left side, and the liver on the right.
In the haversack of the fallen Frenchman it is true that we may find a silk stocking, or a dainty high-heeled shoe, but in that of the German we find a liver sausage.
Thus Linstow has pointed out that the general typhoid state, and the fatty degeneration of liver and kidneys, that is of organs which the Trichina does not reach, necessitate the assumption of a poisonous substance.
Kupffer has shewn, first for the liver cells--and this is now recognised as generally valid--that their contents do not represent a microscopically single substance.
Herz, in which the clotting of the blood in the pipette is prevented by rendering the walls absolutely smooth by the application of cod-liver oil.
Mrs Johnson, who lived up-stairs, used to take cod-liver oil, and she soon died.
The blood from the stomach spleen, and intestines however, passes via {through} the portal vein to the liver capillaries and then through the hepatic vein to inferior cava, and so on.
A diagram of the appearance of an injected liver lobule as seen in section under the microscope.
The liverlies usually on the creature's right, and instead of being a compact gland, is simply bag-like.
The livercapillary system and the pulmonary system only become inserted upon the circulation at a comparatively late stage.
Hence in the tissue of the liver we have, branching and interweaving among the lobuli, the small branches of the bile duct (b.
The liveris the most complicated gland in the body (Figure X.
The liver and other digestive glands are first formed, like the lungs, as hollow outgrowths, and their lining is therefore hypoblastic.
The liver had better remain if the same rabbit is to serve for the second dissection.
The inner mesoblast, the mass of the splanchnopleur, will form the muscle and connective tissue of the wall of the alimentary canal, and the binding substance of the liver and other glands that open into the canal.
The two oviducts meet in front of the liver ventral to the oesophagus, and have there a common opening by which the ova are received after being shed into the body cavity.
Besides its function in the manufacture of the excretory, digestive, and auxiliary bile, the liver performs other duties.
One specimen should then be pinned out in the dissecting dish, ventral side uppermost, and the atrium opened to expose liver and pharynx.
The stomach turned over to the animal's right, the Spigelian liver lobe cleared from the oesophagus, the mesentery supporting spleen and hiding solar plexus picked off, and the mesentery hiding sympathetic cleared.
Then we have oatmeal with evaporated cream and sugar; then we have choice cuts from some animal that was killed the day before--usually the liver or the tenderloin.
Sometimes we have kongoni steaks, at other times we have the heart of waterbuck or the liver of bushbuck or impalla.
The post-mortem signs were similar to those produced by prussic acid, and this substance was separated from the liver and lungs.
The blood-spaces between the cells are empty, and the liver appears to be very bloodless.
The autopsy showed congestion of the lungs, ecchymoses of the kidney, and much blood in the liver and spleen.
The only appearance of note seen at the autopsy was a congestion of the grey matter in the brain; the kidneys and liver were also congested, and there were ecchymoses in the kidneys.
Some years ago, a quack at Barnstaple, Devon, applied zinc chloride to a cancerous breast; the woman died with all the general symptoms of poisoning by zinc, and that metal was found in the liver and other organs.
In Linstow's two cases of poisoning by lead chromate, there were found in both fatty degeneration of the liver cells, and red points or patches of redness in the stomach and intestines.
In the animal kingdom it is a constant and natural constituent of the blood of the cephalopods, crustacea, and gasteropods, and is nearly always present in the liver and kidneys of domestic animals, as well as in men.
Oidtmann, in the liver of a man fifty-six years of age, 1 mgrm.
Distinct evidence of mercury in the liver has been obtained on a piece of copper gauze, in a case where a child had been given 2 grains of calomel before death.