Spread the bread with a thin layer of the cream, then with the banana pulp put together and wrap each in waxed paper, twist the ends, and keep very cold until serving time.
Put the two buttered sides together with a thin layer of fresh cream cheese between.
Another variation of the German sandwich is a layer of bologna sausage, then a thin layer of pumpernickel covered with another thin slice of rye bread.
Cover with a thin layer of cranberry preserves or jelly, dot with small lumps of butter and add a sprinkle of cinnamon.
Sometimes a thin layer of tomato is used, but often just a border of some material of contrasting color, such as the yolk of egg forced through a ricer, finely chopped parsley, a thin strip of pimiento, etc.
Cover each piece with a thin layer of the material to be used and then decorate in any of the ways shown in Fig.
When stiff enough, spread a thick layer on one layer of the cake, place the other layer of cake on top, and cover with a thin layer of white icing.
Cover the bottom of the pan with a thin layer of the mixture spread evenly.
When the paste is quite firm, spread a thin layer of it over the tart and decorate the top with the remainder by squeezing it through a paper funnel.
Cut a slice of fat bacon into the smallest dice, add four of these to each shell, strew over the top a thin layer of cracker dust; place a piece of table butter on top, and bake in the oven until brown.
The paraffin, which liquefies and forms a thin layer on the surface of the fluid, is necessary to prevent the cultivation frothing up and running unaltered through the condenser during the subsequent process of distillation.
This spreads out the vaseline into a thin layer, and besides ensuring the adhesion of the cover-slip, seals the cells and so retards evaporation.
As an alternative method paint a thin layer of Schallibaum's solution on the slide with a camel's hair pencil; lay the section carefully on this film and heat gently to fix the section.
It is coated with red lead mixed thinly with boiled oil, containing as much as it will soak up, leaving a thin layer of the lead upon the surface of the asbestos.
The mixture is allowed to cool by spreading it out in a thin layer.
Nut Pastry Pie= Line as deep a pie pan as you have with a rich pastry crust; cover the bottom with a thin layer of cold drawn butter, sprinkle with chopped onion and parsley and lay on very thin slices of trumese and nutmese.
Have hot, in baking dish, a thin layer of nicely seasoned drained tomato, or trumese seasoned with oil and lemon juice, or any desired filling; cover with the omelet and bake until just set.
A fragment of thick, opaque sputum is to be taken in forceps, placed on a cover-glass, and spread into a thin layer by means of a second cover-glass.
Hot dry air may be produced by burning alcohol in a thin layer upon a plate under a chair upon which the patient sits while he is surrounded by a blanket, or he may be covered in bed and the hot air introduced under the bed-clothes.
When burning coal, spread the coal all over the surface of the fire in a thin layer so as not to smother it and thus make it burn with a smoky flame.
A thin layer of ashes must be kept in the bottom of some wood stoves to keep the fire away from the metal bottom.
Dryers are devices to hold the food being dried in a thin layer so that the air can be circulated thru it freely.
The sprouted barley is next spread in a thin layer on the malt kiln, and heat applied.
Neither a spark nor the application of a lighted body is said to cause its ignition, which takes place with difficulty even if it be applied to a thin layer of the substance.
A swift current then sweeps along the channel, while a shallow sheet of water moves slowly over the flood plain, spreading upon it a thin layer of sediment.
Near the surface the stone has become rotten and crumbles at the touch, while on the top it has completely broken down to a thin layer of limestone meal, on which rests a fine reddish clay.
Such markings may be covered over with a thin layer of sediment at the next flood tide and sealed away as a lasting record of the manner and place in which the strata were laid.
Again I cover it with a thin layer of soil and this time put a somewhat brittle, recycled sheet of clear plastic over it to hold in the moisture and increase the temperature.
Periodically adding a thin layer of sawdust or peat moss supposedly helps to prevent smells.
Add garbage on top without mixing it in and occasionally sprinkle a thin layer of fresh bedding.
The outside is then covered with a thin layer of crumbly, black soil scraped up where the pile had originally stood before I turned it.
Suppose all below this line to be a thin layer of particles which, keeping compactly together, form a solid sheet of particles, every one of which touches the paper.
Then let all the earth be removed except a thin layer on one side of this enlarged sheet of paper.
On its surface in the course of ages has fallen a thin layer of space dust, and so smooth is this surface that the dust slips over it to and fro and forms densities and clusters as its own attractions and movements determine.
The island is composed of a rocky basis, covered by a thin layer of sandy soil.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thin layer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.