In some the eruption preceded the soreness of the throat, in some the two came together, but in the general case the eruption was a little later than the affection in the throat.
Someone threw out the suggestion that the cow suffered from scarlet fever, the sign of it being soreness of the paps.
Besides other febrile symptoms, there were pains in the limbs and back, aching of the bones, and soreness of the flesh, as if the patients had been beaten.
Among the symptoms was one which we find described for fevers on board ship on the West Coast of Africa at the same time--"soreness all over as if from blows with a cane," a symptom afterwards associated with dengue.
In the acute form of laminitis the symptoms may all develop rapidly, or it may commence by the appearance of a little soreness of the feet which in 24 or 48 hours develops into a well-marked case.
Interference with breathing that is of recent origin and progression, without any observable swelling or soreness about the throat, will make one suspect the formation of an abscess in this location.
It is always characterized by heat, and it is variously sensitive, ranging from a mere tenderness to a degree of soreness which shrinks from the lightest touch.
Cold-water douches should be used once or twice a day, followed by cold-water bandages, until the fever has subsided and the soreness is largely removed, when a blister is to be applied.
Exercise should never be enforced until the inflammation has subsided; for although it temporarily relieves the pain and soreness it maintains the irritation, increases the exudation, and postpones recovery.
The internal organs are usually normal, but a catarrhal condition of the gastrointestinal tract may be noted as the result of the improper mastication, resulting from the enlargement of the jaws and soreness of the teeth.
These have been indicated when referring to the soreness in standing, the short, mincing gait, and the tenderness betrayed when pressure is made over the sesamoids on the sides of the fetlock, with others less tangible and definable.
Although enforced exercise relieves the soreness to some extent, it is but temporary, for after a few minutes' rest it returns with all its former severity.
If one blister does not remove the soreness it may be repeated, or the actual cautery applied.
When the cause has been removed, cold-water bandages to the injured parts will soon remove the soreness and swelling, especially in recent cases.
It haunted her for the next week and made an undercurrent of soreness in her soul, which was externally being harrowed up by the near approach of the Red Cross concert and the worries connected therewith.
Amid all her pain she was conscious of an odd feeling of relief in some hidden part of her soul, where a little dull, unacknowledged soreness had been lurking all winter.
For the moment the soreness of bruised muscles, the biting pain in his crippled hand, were trifles driven outward to the farthermost rim of his consciousness.
Yet soreness of this kind was soon lost in the surge of this new and unexpected impulse, which brought his youth exultantly back upon him.
The man's soreness expressed itself in every word, every movement.
The soreness of heart she carried about with her, proudly concealed, had the gnawing constancy of physical pain.
I think that his soreness on being a captive had long passed, for now he could only thank our knight for his many kindnesses.
As the cold dews of night crept on, strong man as he was, he shivered, and the smarting of his wounds, the soreness of his bruises, became almost intolerable.
He had expected, with much confidence, that he would have been made chief engineer in the event of the ship being wanted again, and, no doubt, felt a considerable soreness at a chief engineer from another ship being put over his head.
During the first week dysphagia and some pain and soreness in the episternal notch, with pain and difficulty of respiration, were noticed.
Some soreness at times and tenderness on pressure were complained of, but the man was discharged well at the end of one month.
But that sort of feeling of soreness which comes from the sense of martyrdom is not quite the same as a raw wound on one's own personal score.
He was cured of his fancy, although no effort of will could protect the soreness of the bruise.
On the succeeding day I found that the eschar did remain adherent and that the inflammation was diminished, and the soreness had entirely subsided after that induced by the caustic had ceased.
If the latter place is neglected, soreness and ulceration sometimes ensue from the constant maceration of the urine.
There is none of that soreness and disorganization between the back part of the toes, and none of that peculiar fetor which distinguishes the hoof-ail, with which disease it is sometimes confounded.
The consequence has been some little soreness on both sides, but this has now been all removed by explanations and amicable communication.
Some communications in a friendly spirit have taken place between Lord John and Clarendon, but I can see that there is still existing a great deal of soreness and a not very cordial feeling between them.
The Doctor obtained a little tripe de roche, but Peltier could not eat any of it, and Samandrè only a few spoonfuls, owing to the soreness of their throats.
Both complained of soreness in the throat, and Samandrè suffered much from cramps in his fingers.
The touch of haughtiness in his manner, the manner of one accustomed all his life to be a prominent and considered person in the world, did not disguise from Elizabeth the soreness underneath.
Elizabeth was suddenly conscious of a soreness in his tone.
The long stretch drew a sharp whine from him towards its end, when the stiffness and soreness of his limbs, and of some of his more recent burns and bruises, found him out.
Finn, it is true, cherished some soreness and resentment where men were concerned; but even in his case this brought only the desire to keep out of man's way; while the rest of the pack felt only instinctive dread and fear of man.
He even gathered that a little soreness still remained from that generation-old struggle between them over the body of Philip Bosinney, in which the passive had so signally triumphed over the active principle.
And all the soreness and sense of outrage left him.
The object should be to reduce and remove the fever and then to cure or remove that tenderness and soreness of the feet which follows the fever.
The soreness of the tails, which if not attended to generally results in the pig becoming bob-tailed, appears most generally in damp and cold weather, and is the result of impaired circulation of the blood.
Turning my thoughts inward, I found that, other than a soreness of the throat, I had no complaints to offer; to be free of the tube improved my appearance and heralded the commencement of food into my daily routine.
If there was a sense of choking and soreness of the throat, I think these are more symptoms of arsenic.
I have seen persons who are affected with choleraic symptoms complaining of being sore about the throat, but it is generally the soreness arising from what they first vomit, and after that it is the muscular soreness.
There was no appearance of bile in the evacuations after the third or fourth day that he saw her, yet the symptoms of diarrhœa and vomiting continued, with a burning sensation in the bowels and soreness of the mouth.
His arms and legs ached and he felt a soreness in his chest.
The soreness left his chest, the ache disappeared from his arms and legs, and he drew the fresh air into his lungs in deep and easy breaths.
As this soreness becomes more severe the child is often thought to have rheumatism.
At first there is only indefinite and occasional soreness in the legs so that the child cries out when handled.
Alfred insisted that he had entirely recovered; Jack had rubbed all the soreness out of his hurts and he would not lie longer in bed.