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Example sentences for "hostilities"

Lexicographically close words:
hostibus; hostile; hostilely; hostiles; hostilitie; hostility; hosting; hostis; hostium; hostler
  1. From the moment hostilities were brought to a close; Gonsalvo displayed such generous sympathy for his late enemies, and such humanity in relieving them, as to reflect more honor on his character than all his victories.

  2. Hostilities soon broke out along the lines of the two armies, the blame of which each nation charged on its opponent.

  3. Why did you refuse consent to separate negotiation, when Napoleon was willing to enter into such without demanding the cessation of hostilities by sea?

  4. Notwithstanding this state of hostilities it is pleasant to witness the interchange of the courtesy of letters.

  5. Not the least striking among the analogies of warfare are the sufferings undergone, and the risks of failure incurred, through imperfect organization, in the Crimea, and in our own recent hostilities with Spain.

  6. This view of the matter was urged upon the writer, a few days before hostilities began, by a very old and intelligent naval officer who had served in our own navy and in that of the Confederate States.

  7. It is yet too soon to look for such fulness and justness of treatment in respect to the late hostilities with Spain.

  8. The necessity, or supposed necessity, of maintaining the Flying Squadron at Hampton Roads during the late hostilities exactly illustrates this idea.

  9. It was this consideration that brought the Oregon from the Pacific to the Atlantic,--a movement initiated before hostilities opened, though not concluded until after they began.

  10. The illustrations of the embarrassment actually incurred from this deficiency in the late hostilities are of the nature of an object lesson, and as such should be pondered.

  11. The hostilities with Spain brought doubtless the usual train of sufferings, but these were not on such a scale as in themselves to provoke an outcry for universal peace.

  12. Animals have not sufficient intelligence to establish such perfect group identities as man does, and they lack the affective motives for carrying on hostilities among groups.

  13. Veblen would go so far as to say that wars are government-made, that patriotism is exploited by governments in advance of pre-arranged hostilities to produce the spirit of war (97).

  14. Following recent experiences in the course of the events of the war in Spain, the Führer does not see an early end to hostilities there.

  15. The conspiratorial nature of these Nazi plans and preparations long before the outbreak of hostilities is illustrated in many other ways.

  16. After the close of the "Black Hawk War" there were no hostilities with the Indians at Rock Island.

  17. In the midst of these hostilities the Legislature of Ohio created a new county, calling it Lucas, after the Governor, which included a portion of the contested territory, and had for its seat the town of Toledo.

  18. Mar therefore regarded it as a temporary cessation on the part of Seaforth and Huntley, for a given period, of hostilities against the Government.

  19. Kulumaga assured them, in the strongest manner, that the design had been carried on without his knowledge; and protested, that he had often prevented his friend from committing hostilities against the Russians.

  20. Accordingly the two great powers of Russia and China, thus pointing their views to the same object, unavoidably clashed; and, after several jealousies and intrigues, broke out into open hostilities about the year 1680.

  21. Nineteen of them were killed, amongst whom was Inlogusak one of their leaders, and the most inveterate fomenter of hostilities against the Russians.

  22. This commerce, carried on by intervals, was entirely suspended by the hostilities upon the river Amoor.

  23. He had, in consequence of their refusal, committed several acts of hostilities against them; and had even formed the horrid design of poisoning them with a mixture of corrosive sublimate.

  24. Hostilities between him and the natives, ibid.

  25. He asserted in his speech to the constitutional authorities, immediately after hostilities had commenced with England, that the war would be of short duration, and he firmly believed what he said.

  26. In the year 1638, hostilities were entered into between the Spanish settlements on the coast, and the Apalachian Indians, who occupied the country in the neighborhood of the river Suwanee.

  27. With the exception of the Fort Moosa affair, the hostilities were confined to the exchange of shots between the castle and the batteries.

  28. Oglethorpe, upon this, acting under the instructions of the home government, commenced hostilities by arranging a joint attack of the forces of South Carolina and Georgia, with a view to the entire conquest of Florida.

  29. Hostilities had broken out between England and Spain in 1702.

  30. For a long while it seemed beyond the power of the Philippine Government to reestablish peace or restrict hostilities to Sulu waters.

  31. Hostilities extended to Siasi and the kuta of Datu Hiyang was attacked.

  32. However, peace was soon restored by Governor-General Blanco and no further hostilities occurred.

  33. Naked facts, he asserted, did not justify former expeditions, and hostilities were often provoked for ulterior motives.

  34. Harun's sultanate seemed unacceptable to the great majority of datus, and hostilities arose in many localities.

  35. Spain instigated hostilities and coveted their domain; it was not their part to yield, but it was Spain's clear duty to reestablish peace before the evils resulting from war outweighed the good obtained.

  36. During the reign of Sultan Alimud Din II, hostilities between Sulus and Spaniards increased, and for the period of ten years or more traffic between Luzon and the southern islands was paralyzed.

  37. War with Sulu, in the way it was conducted, meant a war of extermination and hostilities without end.

  38. As hostilities between Spain and Sulu increased, Sulu traders became less daring and grew fewer and fewer.

  39. Hostilities with Elam are frequent before and after the days of Hammurabi.

  40. Philip and Henry terminated hostilities by a mutual restitution of all places taken during the course of the war; and Philip espoused the princess Elizabeth, eldest daughter of France, formerly betrothed to his son Don Carlos.

  41. It was chiefly her desire to preserve appearances, joined to the great frugality of her temper, which made her at this critical juncture keep her soldiers in garrison, and restrain them from committing further hostilities upon the enemy.

  42. The chief hurt which the Spaniards could receive from England was in the Indies; and they never would have made peace at all, if hostilities had been still to be continued on these settlements.

  43. The queen knew that this measure would immediately engage her in open hostilities with Philip; yet was not she terrified with the view of the present greatness of that monarch.

  44. Philip, though he had not yet declared war on account of the hostilities which Elizabeth every where committed upon him, had long harbored a secret and violent desire of revenge against her.

  45. In his letter to the king, and in his apology, he grounds his defence on former hostilities exercised by the Spaniards against other companies of Englishmen.

  46. With the reduction of this trifling work ended all hostilities in this quarter of America, for the army had scarcely re-assembled when intelligence arrived from England of peace.

  47. In a word, the hostilities carried on in the Chesapeake resembled the expeditions of the ancient Danes against Great Britain, rather than a modern war between civilized nations.

  48. The intense excitement which war affords, and the glory which rewards its achievements, probably give the primary impulse; but after hostilities have begun, the feeling which keeps them alive is revenge.

  49. The hostilities waged by the Indians were dreadful.

  50. The States, though they had plunged into hostilities so eagerly, and with such sanguine anticipations, were, by no means, in a forward state of preparation.

  51. Simonides is said to have suspended hostilities between Theron and Hiero by his diplomatic intercession after their armies had been drawn up in battle-array.

  52. In fact, it was but a transfer of hostilities from Missouri and Kansas to South Carolina and Virginia.

  53. The following day a diversion occurred which opened hostilities propitiously for the Germans.

  54. Before the outbreak of hostilities with Great Britain, Vice-Admiral the Graf von Spee, who commanded the German Pacific squadron, had steamed away from Tsing-tao with most of his ships.

  55. Since the beginning of hostilities the work of his light cruisers had been moderately successful.

  56. Xit's disaster, meanwhile, had occasioned a sudden suspension of hostilities among the combatants.

  57. And I charge you, by your allegiance, to cease all hostilities till then.

  58. They had been in the service of the Missouri Company under Mr. Henry, and had crossed the Rocky Mountains with him in the preceding year, when driven from his post on the Missouri by the hostilities of the Blackfeet.

  59. Here he had fixed himself, after being compelled by the hostilities of the Blackfeet, to abandon the upper waters of the Missouri.

  60. George Conway's intelligence of hostilities commenced between the Dutch and Imperialists makes me suppose that France will support the former--or could they resist?

  61. I also have a distinct recollection of calling him a Hebrew robber, upon which he knocked me in the eye with his hammer, and followed up this declaration of hostilities by splitting my nose with a yard-stick.

  62. In another number of the same paper information was given to the effect that letters had been received from Cairo that hostilities had commenced in Syria.

  63. Sir Moses feared it was but a proof of hostilities having actually commenced.

  64. Then came the American Revolution, bringing in its train hostilities with France and Spain.

  65. Throughout this period he sat in Parliament, voting steadily with his party, the Whigs, and supporting Fox in his opposition to measures which seemed to tend towards hostilities with France.

  66. Returning to England in 1782, he passed in retirement the ten years that preceded the outbreak of hostilities with the French republic.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hostilities" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.