Our hostis of Bingana Tomo and her sonne came to vizet me, and brought me ij barsos wyne, and 5 bundels of Japon paper.
And at our retorne we found our hostis sistar, Madalina Samma, and her husband Andrea, come from Oringaua; and she brought me a present of 2 wild duckes, with great shelfishes and 2 Japon muches as bigg as cheeses.
And I cut a peece white satten lyn to make Mattinga a keremon, and gave the rest to our hostis littell doughter, and left the keremon with our hostis to be wrought with silk and gould.
I gave ourhostis at Miaco 2 pictures and 2 musk cods; and sent 3 musk coddes to Inga Samas secretary; and gave our hostis little doughter 1 musk cod.
I send back, per the servant of Cacazemon Dono, to deliver to ourhostis at Edo, Capt.
And we gave to our hostis of Bingana Tomo for a present one salmon and 2 codd fysh, and to her doughter a pikture of Christ and two musk codds.
Our hostis envited both us and the Hollanders to dyner this day; and we envited the dansing beares at night.
Catiline had been declaredhostis patriae, and yet dared to appear in the Senate.
Our hostis of Tomo came per this place, being bound for Langasaque; and sent her sonne to me with a present of 2 barilles wine and other recado,[90] nifon catange.
Adames went with us in a bark of his owne, as also 3 or 4 other barks the lyke, on being our hostis of Bingana Tomo.
I receaved a complementall letter from our hostis at Tomo.
I wrot an other letter to Firando to Mr. Nealson and Mr. Eaton, and delivered it to our hostis of Bingana Tomo to send unto them, she metting with us at sea near Bingano Tomo, yet went from Firando 3 daies before us.
Our hostis of Bingana Tome, retorned from Langasaque, came to see thenglish howse and brought a present of pearse.
And towardes night we retorned to Fushamy, I geveing our hostisof Miaco 2 musk cods, with 3 picturs, as afforesaid.
And our hostis and her daughter had geven them, viz.
Herodes hostis impie by Sedelius in the 5th century.
From the Hymn of Coelius Sedelius, of the Fifth Century, "Herodes hostis impie.
So fell it that, on the sammyn day That the mos, as yhe herd me say, Wes passit, the discurrouris that thar Rydand befor the hostis war, Of athir host has gottin sicht.
Brantôme had under his eyes: "Servis foetorem non ferentibus, hostis mortui odor bonus est inquit.
The following passage for instance is freshly coloured with all the recent experience of the Hannibalian war:-- Viden hostis tibi adesse, tuoque tergo obsidium?
But there is one other consideration which I would present on the subject of piracy: it is robbery upon the high seas,--an act hostis humani generis.
Here comes a man that the District Attorney of New York says is hostis humani generis.
How is it in view of the doctrine of hostis humani generis?
It enters into every description of a pirate that he is hostis humani generis.
The law looks to it as an act of hostility; and, being committed by a vessel not commissioned and engaged in lawful warfare, it treats it as the act of a pirate, and one who is emphatically hostis humani generis.
I pray yee which of you five is Hostis of this house?
The same play furnished Stobaeus with an excellent observation on garrulity: #aner garhostis hedetai legon aei lelethen hauton tois xynousin on barys.
The three next pieces may be also cited among the praises of Love: #erota d' hostisme theon krinei megan kai ton hapanton daimonon hypertaton, e skaios estin e kalon apeiros on ouk oide ton megiston anthropois theon.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hostis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.