The nerves of this system are distributed to the involuntary muscles, mucous membrane, viscera, and blood vessels.
It consists of a varying number of little nodes which, on a mucous membrane, as in the nostrils or vagina, or on soft, unpigmented skin, appear red and feel at first like shot under the epidermis.
Defn: A tumor formed by hypertrophy of the papillæ of the skin or mucous membrane, as a corn or a wart.
Defn: Two folds of mucous membrane, within the labia, at the opening of the vulva.
Inflammation of a mucous membraneis very apt to spread with great rapidity, in this respect resembling the corresponding affection of the skin.
Extending from either side of the lid to the pyramids are two folds of mucous membrane, in the hinder part of either of which are to be observed two little elevations representing the cartilages of Santorini (pl.
XII, 9) in front, and sideways by two folds of mucous membrane running up from the pyramids to the lid (pl.
The windpipe is capable of being slightly elongated or shortened, and narrowed or widened, and its interior is covered with a mucous membrane, which, as its name implies, is continually kept in a moist state.
Operations upon cysts, the scarification of mucous membrane with a guarded knife, the curettement of tuberculous ulcers, and cauterization of the larynx, are all conducted upon similar lines.
A strip of mucous membrane is then removed from the whole of the vaginal edge of the fistula by means of an angular knife.
In order to obviate the cicatricial contraction some surgeons cover the area with a graft of mucous membrane.
Squamous, cylindrical, and ciliated epithelium may be present and line cavities, at times tubular, whose walls are formed of skin or mucous membrane.
The former are the wandering cells of the connective tissues, as well as the fixed variety, the epithelial cells of the surface of a mucous membrane in addition to the subjacent connective-tissue cells.
At this moment it may be possible to recognize the fact that the adjacent mucous membrane is also involved.
In the most dependent portion of the stomach there was a swollen patch of mucous membrane, partially denuded of epithelium.
There is excessive vomiting and retching; the matters vomited are acid, bloody, and slimy; great pieces ofmucous membrane may be in this way expelled, and the whole of the lining membrane of the gullet may be thrown up entire.
Through the rhythmic sucking on a portion of the skin or mucous membrane it finds the gratification in the simplest way.
It is a portion of skin or mucous membrane in which the stimuli produce a feeling of pleasure of definite quality.
When more intense than this the mucous membraneof the palate, tonsils, and pharynx becomes congested and swollen, uniformly or in circumscribed areas.
Jonathan Hutchinson, calls it "a catarrhal neurosis, the exposure of some tract of skin or mucous membrane to cold or irritation acting as the incident excitor influence.
The growth may cover the entire mucous membrane of the mouth.
But the severity in other cases increases and the discharges have more blood, greater pain, mixed with gelatinous substance even to mucous membrane of bowels, high fever all over except abdomen, which is quite cold to the hand.
Bloody flux" is a flow of blood with other fluids from the mucous membrane of the bowels.
When the lips of the vulva are drawn apart the mucous membrane is seen to be red, with minute elevations, or pale and smooth.
When taken into the stomach the mucous membrane of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, and stomach is apt to be more or less completely destroyed.
This occurs mostly in the lymphatics of the skin, and effects an entrance through some wound or abrasion of the skin or mucous membrane, which may be almost microscopic in size.
The lightning has been known to enter the mouth and burn the mucous membrane within.
The trachea and bronchial tubes are lined by mucous membrane.
The VOCAL CORDS, or ligaments, are formed of elastic and parallel fibres, enclosed in a fold of mucous membrane.
In the fresh fossa, these are covered by a mucous membrane.
The coccus of erysipelas is larger than the ordinary form of streptococcus pyogenes, and infection takes place through a wound, often a very trivial one, or through a mucous membrane.
Pus may be thrown off by a mucous membrane, without any actual breach of continuity.
When suppuration occurs, the pus may make its way to a free surface, such as a mucous membrane, or may form an abscess, or may cause sloughing of the skin over the seat of inflammation, and so escape from the cellular spaces in the tissues.
Meantime the connective tissue cells have been forming fibres across the clot and epithelial cells over its surface, if skin or mucous membrane be involved in the injury.
Acute inflammation is often found in the small intestines, with ulceration and softening of mucous membrane.
Mucous membrane of mouth, throat, and gullet, white and softened, as if they had been boiled; there are often black or brown streaks in it.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mucous membrane" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.