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Example sentences for "knew would"

  • The story was told and I hearkened for the judgment, my own judgment on myself, which I knew would be accepted without question and registered for good or ill.

  • So we made ready for the next attack which we knew would be the last, strengthening our little wall and dragging the dead Amahagger up against it as an added protection.

  • This I knew would be a paying investment as the Sioux campaign had excited considerable interest.

  • The fire spread over the prairie at a rapid rate, causing a dense smoke which I knew would be seen at the camp.

  • My belief was, that I had not only eluded pursuit but that I had put those whom I knew would be sent to find me on the wrong scent.

  • I therefore took the last opportunity to collect from the files of the office several interesting "documents," which I knew would be valuable souvenirs to show my friends when I should get back to Washington.

  • Scott became Assistant Secretary of War he called into his service the railroaders and telegraphers whom he knew would be serviceable and faithful to the government.

  • Here we concluded to halt till the moon began to rise, which we knew would be in less than an hour, and then we could easily discern the havoc we had made among them.

  • But I stopped her, on a subject which I knew would so much torment her thoughts.

  • Knowing as you do my mother's firmness, when once she is possessed with a thing, you will not wonder that I did not make attempts to alter her mind, which I knew would be fruitless.

  • His paternal love at length prevailed, and he determined, at all events, to save me from the violence which he knew would be put upon my heart.

  • He liked nothing better than to talk of London and his experiences there, and selected with considerable skill the topics that he knew would please in each case.

  • You two were among those who I knew would stand by me absolutely, win or lose; but I am awfully glad it is a case of winning and not losing.

  • He loved the beauty of the shrubs and trees and undulating wooded hills, and he loved best of all the sense of home there, and the happy family life which, even with a vacant chair, he knew would continue.

  • We clasped hands for a second and then he went on down the street toward the Cockrell gate; and Letitia's material point of view on existence I knew would have a fair chance at his hands.

  • The warmth in his beautiful voice and the light upon his face poured over us all with a healing that we knew would endure.

  • It is only honest to tell you so," I said, as I suddenly raised my head and threw another gauntlet that I knew would bring on another battle.

  • For her to testify that she did not love--and had never loved Jean Baptiste, he knew would be a deliberate falsehood.

  • Not one woman in a thousand he knew would place a father before a husband; but his wife was different.

  • Firstly, it was a nice day, the town he knew would be filled; and secondly, he was subtly interested in Kaden.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "knew would" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    against each; associate editor; central cavity; coloured paper; five knots; general names; immense booty; knew every; knew full; knew him; knew how; knew not; knew something; knew that; knew the; knew thee; knew them; knew very; knew well; knew what; knew would; knew you; political instability; rest from; should endeavour; virtuous life