He began very solemnly: "My dear young lady, your right lung is diseased; all your hemorrhages have come from there.
Periodical hemorrhages were the first warning of this.
Even when the occurrence of passive hemorrhages and of ecchymoses of various tissues indicates marked dyscrasia of the blood, there will not rarely be found firm white clots in one or other of the cavities of the heart.
Purpura may generally be recognized by the absence of fever and by the occurrence of hemorrhages from the nose, gums, and bowels.
The medical profession cannot be too watchful in guarding itself against erroneous entries upon mortuary records to account for deaths from fevers accompanied by hemorrhages from multiple surfaces of the body.
The morbid conditions whose concurrence entails upon malarial fevers a tendency to hemorrhages may be classed together as follows: First.
Certainly in those cases where, from violent straining, hemorrhages have taken place we have found it to be highly valuable.
Capillary congestion is undoubtedly an important factor in the production of hemorrhages in yellow fever, since we cannot otherwise account for the liability to hemorrhage which is so general in this disease.
Cases attended by hemorrhageshave in almost all instances terminated fatally.
Occasionally, pseudo-abscesses and hemorrhages into the muscular sheath are found, and Dauvé and B.
This explains the fact that hemorrhages in malarial fevers are never general, but only manifest themselves upon those surfaces or into those structures which are the seats of congestion during the cold stage of an intermittent.
The most frequent site of such hemorrhagesis the course of the lenticulo-striate artery in the ganglia of the base or the white substance of the centrum ovale.
This applies also to subcutaneous hemorrhages or ecchymoses.
Tardieu, Albi, and others believed that the punctiform subpleural ecchymoses indicated suffocation, and were due to small hemorrhages from engorged vessels which ruptured in the efforts at expiration.
Harvey says that hemorrhages in or about the brain are found in a much larger proportion of cases in India than in Europe in cases of hanging.
Hemorrhages (apoplexies) into the substance of the lungs are common.
Lungs distended, much congested, color violet; many small fluidhemorrhages in substance; no subpleural ecchymoses.
On autopsy he noticed congestion of the organs and in two of the three rabbits experimented upon punctiform hemorrhages of the brain with congestion of the meninges were found.
With neoplasms, especially, considerable hemorrhages are apt to occur.
Considerable hemorrhages from the bladder may occur in vesical calculus, tuberculosis, and newgrowths.
A brown color, due to altered blood-pigment, follows hemorrhagesfrom the lungs.
Re windage and internal effects in the human body, Ravaut recalls the fact that the internal and intraneural hemorrhages of Caisson disease (“bends”) are well known.
Particularly important is the question, how frequently such hemorrhages as those found by Mott in Case 197 occur.
The symptoms evidently depended upon hemorrhages in the meninges and the nervous system, affecting particularly the right pyramidal tract.
As a rule, these hemorrhages remain aseptic and have a favorable prognosis.
A number of minute punctate hemorrhages was found on the surface of the brain in connection with very small vessels.
Accordingly his vertebral column was forcibly flexed, its ligaments were stretched, and hemorrhages were produced in the great muscles of the back.
There were nohemorrhages or softenings in the brain substance.
Microscopic section of the brain failed to show any hemorrhages within the brain substance.
As a rule such hemorrhages remain aseptic, and in fact meningeal hemorrhage is said by Guillain and Barré to have, as a rule, a favorable prognosis.
Curiously enough, a number of punctate hemorrhages appeared on the right thigh and lower leg, upon the outer aspect.
He had continual hemorrhages and became so weak that he was twice insensible in one day, and was for a long time like one dead.
Week after week went on, and the hemorrhages and fits of fever and exhaustion did not diminish.
Less frequently there are hemorrhages into the internal organs.
If the polyneuritis of beriberi and the hemorrhages of scurvy are attributable to a diminished secretion of the endocrine glands, then it will be necessary to revise present conceptions of their physiologic functions.
There may be hemorrhages in the glandular tissue or under the peritoneum.
The blood-vessels in the vicinity of the hemorrhages are congested, especially the capillaries and small venules.
As is well known, hemorrhages of the gums appear only where teeth are present, and are absent in the edentulous gums of old people as well as in babies who have no teeth.
Subserous hemorrhages are almost the rule; if infection supervenes, the pleurae become thickened and covered with an exudate of pus and fibrin.
The surface hemorrhages increase in severity, large effusions appearing on the trunk, on the extremities, and less often beneath the mucous membrane of the mouth.
On opening the chest, slight hemorrhages may be noted in the pericardium and in the visceral and costal pleurae.
Hemorrhages are found in the mucous, serous or muscular layers.
We have seen hemorrhages of the gums at the site of erupting molar teeth where, as prolonged observation proved, not even latent scurvy existed.
On stripping the skin we often note hemorrhages in the intercostal muscles, and beading of the ribs at the site of the costochondral junctions, least marked in the upper and in the floating ribs.
As mentioned above, hemorrhages into the muscles or between the muscle planes are very common in adults, leading to hard swellings, the typical "scurvy sclerosis.
Hemorrhages of various size occur in the tissue of the lung or in the air spaces.
In instances in which hemorrhages so frequently occur, as they do in this form of endocarditis, calcium is theoretically of benefit.
If small hemorrhages occur in the arterioles of the extremities, of course the prognosis is not serious.
Edema, failing heart, perhaps aneurysms, peripheral obstruction, or hemorrhages are the final conditions in this chronic disease of arteriosclerosis.
Ninety-seven of these patients had hemorrhages somewhere, most frequently epistaxes, sometimes hemoptysis.
Hemorrhages from the various mucous surfaces, slight or grave, may also take place.
Gastric and intestinal symptoms and hemorrhages from the mucous membrane are commonly noted.
Internal carbuncular inflammations no longer took place, andhemorrhages became phenomena, no more essential in this than they are in any other febrile disorders.
It is sedative and tonic, as well as astringent, and is employed in hemorrhages and in incipient phthisis.
Gentlemen--My wife a few years ago had hemorrhages of the lungs, and we summoned our home physician.
By and by the hemorrhages ceased and she passed the change of life, but she continued to be troubled with a sensation of fullness in the pelvis, pains in the back, and frequent headaches.
My wife has also hadhemorrhages from the lungs, and her sister insisted on her using the 'Golden Medical Discovery.
Where the hemorrhages occur in those having too much blood, the diet must be corrected by the use of vegetables and fruit, diminishing the amount of meat and pastries to a minimum.
This disorder must not be confounded with those hemorrhageswhich are not periodical, and which are due to other causes.
Oh, yes; we are assured that "again and again she was attacked with hemorrhages and again and again prostrated by malarial fever.
This is the woman who, a few years ago, seemed to be dying with hemorrhages of the lungs.
Nine months after her arrival, we hear of occasional hemorrhages from which she has been exempt for ten days, the pain in her side less acute, and her physician has given her permission to walk about her room.
The hemorrhages are caused by a lack of resistance in the blood-vessels and by a change in the constitution of the blood that allows it to escape easily from the vessels.
Some hemorrhages can be mistaken for colic by the physician, and this error will defer until too late the treatment for hemorrhage.
The black spots that occur on such patients are really due to small hemorrhages into the skin.
There may even occasionally be slight losses of power in the hand or foot that point to the occurrence of small hemorrhages in the brain, that is, slight preliminary "strokes.
In some cases the hemorrhages are copious, causing paralysis or apoplexy, followed by speedy death.
If edema of the intestines has occurred, the membrane is found four or five times its normal thickness, reddish in color, with hemorrhages on the free surface.
Subsequent hemorrhages may also take place from fast work, jumping, or a misstep.
The marrow and cancellated tissue of the long bones may contain hemorrhages and soft gelatinous material or coagulated fibrin.
On the floor of the lateral ventricles of several brains there was noted a slight softening caused by hemorrhages into the brain substance.
Subcutaneous and intermuscular edema and hemorrhages are frequently observed, although in many cases it is remarkable to see how few macroscopic lesions may be present.
This disease is a septic bacterial intoxication, acute and infectious in character, and is manifested by edematous swellings of the subcutaneous connective tissue, and hemorrhages on the mucous membrane and in the internal organs.
He cites another case in illustration of the fact that periodical hemorrhages are sometimes preceded by morbid dreams.
As he advanced in years, the hemorrhages were not so frequent, but were always preceded by a condition of general irritation, characterized during wakefulness by heat of skin and frequency of the pulse, and during sleep by painful dreams.
Much fever is occasioned in the abdomen because it is the seat of disease, and the much dreaded hemorrhages which often cause the death of the patient are usually avoided by the use of abdominal compresses--wrung out of water at 55 F.
Only ninety-one, and subject to hemorrhages and other things!
There were a few capillary hemorrhages and hyaline casts present.
A few hemorrhages and polymorphonuclears were present.
The stomach contents was blackish in color; there were no hemorrhages or ulcers in the mucosa.
The surrounding tissue was oedematous, but no hemorrhages were noticed in the vicinity of the enlarged glands.
The outline of the cells was indefinite; a few miliary hemorrhages existed in the cortical part of the organ.
She menstruated at the age of eleven, and was temporarily improved in her condition; but after any strong emotion the hemorrhages returned.
Infantile scurvy, or Barlow's disease, has lately attracted marked attention, and is interesting for the numerous extravasations and spontaneous hemorrhages which are associated with it.
The case of Meibomius was that of an infant, and the case mentioned by Rhodius was associated with hemorrhages from the lungs, umbilicus, thigh, and tooth-cavity.
Two months later the skin-hemorrhages ceased and the boy died, vomiting blood and with bloody stools.
Van Swieten mentions a young lady who from her twelfth year at her menstrual periods had hemorrhages from pustules in the skin, the pustules disappearing in the interval.
Recently Cross has written an article on this subject, and its analogy is seen in the next chapter under hemorrhages from the eyes through the lacrimal duct.
Many small, and sometimes rather large hemorrhagesmay occur.
Frequently minute hemorrhagesoccur in the retina, particularly in violent acute attacks.
Undoubtedly, smallhemorrhages into the stomach often occur which are not recognized, and in the absence of vomiting even larger hemorrhages may escape detection unless a careful examination of the stools be made.
With more probability the so-called vicarious hemorrhages from the stomach are to be assigned to active congestion.
Quickly-fatal hemorrhagestake place from the large vessels between the muscular and the serous coats, particularly from the main trunks on the curvatures.
Blood may gain access to the stomach by being swallowed in cases of hemorrhages from the nose, mouth, throat, bronchi, lungs, and oesophagus.
Rigal and Cornil[14] think that the hemorrhagesare a result either of sympathetic irritation or of diminished action of the vaso-motor centre.
Hemorrhages of this kind are due to two causes--to the disorganization of the blood, and to fatty degeneration of the arterioles.
Aufrecht observed hemorrhages and ulcers in the stomachs of rabbits after subcutaneous injections of cantharidin.
Where the petechial eruption of purpura simplex is well marked, where the internal hemorrhages of purpura haemorrhagica are copious, the inquiries of the observer will usually lead him to correct conclusions.
Ulcers which give rise to large hemorrhagesare usually chronic in their course.
The hemorrhagesfrom the stomach in chlorosis belong partly here and partly to anaemia.
Sceptical as one is inclined to be as regards vicarioushemorrhages of the menses, the occurrence of such hemorrhages, although rare, must be admitted.
Hemorrhages into the substance of the lungs, into the brain and other viscera, as well as into the tissues generally, are occasionally observed.
Hemorrhages occupy the foremost place among the pathologic phenomena of the genital tract during the menopause.
The doctor proved that by electric irritation applied to this area abortions could be produced, and that by anesthesia of the same area in the nose, uterine hemorrhages could be stopped.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hemorrhages" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.