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Example sentences for "will beat"

  • I will beat in the morning Bumulngurrigiridu.

  • If you do, I will beat you by a toise," replied Hal of Hadnock, laughing.

  • I will beat him by two," exclaimed Richard of Woodville, taking the heavy iron bar which they were engaged in casting.

  • I will beat you at that, noble sir," said young Hugh of Clatford, who was reported the best jumper and runner in the country.

  • He will beat me if I don't bring home enough money.

  • Yes; if I do not bring much money, he will beat me.

  • If the fiddle is broken, he will beat me.

  • Star-Child, 'I have but one piece of money in my wallet, and if I bring it not to my master he will beat me, for I am his slave.

  • And the Star-Child said to it, 'I am seeking for a piece of white gold, nor can I anywhere find it, and if I bring it not to my master he will beat me.

  • And the Star-Child said to him, 'I have in my wallet but one piece of yellow gold, and if I bring it not to my master he will beat me and keep me as his slave.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "will beat" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    induce them; personal service; will abide; will afford; will allow; will bestow; will call upon the; will cost; will defend; will depend; will fetch; will give; will mark; will mean; will move; will pour; will roar; will say; will shew the interpretation; will speak; will speake; will succeed; will talk; will thee; will venture; will wear