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Example sentences for "suppurative"

Lexicographically close words:
supprest; suppurate; suppurating; suppuration; suppurations; supputation; supra; supraciliary; supradicti; supralabials
  1. This is best done by promoting the suppurative process by means of warmth or stimulant applications.

  2. We have here no intimation as yet of how far the suppurative process may run, nor what important structures it may involve.

  3. When met with, the track formed by the suppurative process should be followed up in whichever direction it has spread.

  4. The wound becomes contaminated, and the case of simple periostitis is soon changed into the suppurative form.

  5. The pathological changes occurring in suppurative arthritis we shall pass over briefly.

  6. Perhaps, however, the most common cause of suppurative arthritis in the foot is direct penetration of the articulation in the case of pricks.

  7. Suppurative periostitis is met with in foot cases, commonly in connection with punctured foot.

  8. The clinical features are similar to those of the non-suppurative form, but the signs referable to the joint are often masked by those of the primary lesion.

  9. The pathological changes are the same as occur in the suppurative form of thrombo-phlebitis in the peripheral veins (Volume I.

  10. Inflammation of the parotid gland may be non-suppurative or suppurative.

  11. Implication of the frontal sinus may be followed by emphysema of the orbit and lids, and if there is infection by suppurative complications.

  12. The treatment of these non-suppurative forms of parotitis consists in relieving the symptoms.

  13. The suppurative form usually proves fatal, and, indeed, is often only diagnosed on post-mortem examination.

  14. This is an acute suppurative inflammation of the tonsils and peritonsillar tissue, due to infection with pyogenic bacteria.

  15. Suppuration in the Tympanic Antrum and Mastoid Cells#, or Acute Suppurative Mastoiditis.

  16. Other complications include septic broncho-pneumonia from damage to the air-passage, and suppurative thyreoiditis.

  17. If treated very early, strong tincture of Arnica applied to the surface of the carbuncle, by cloths wet and laid over the tumor, will often arrest it so that the swelling will not be developed to the suppurative stage.

  18. He did not consider them of sufficient importance to consult a physician about them, but some months later he had a suppurative prostatitis, which was followed by considerable prostration, and the attacks of angina became very severe.

  19. Bacillinum, then, combines in its action all its constituent products, owing its efficacy to its suppurative microbes as well as its inclusion of Koch's bacillus.

  20. These glands are so small and so soft that it is difficult to find them by feeling through the skin, but when a suppurative disease exists in the upper part of the respiratory tract these glands become swollen and easy to feel.

  21. On the baconlike cut surface suppurative areas and granulating sores may be noticed of various sizes, also enlarged lymph vessels filled with clotted lymph mixed with pus.

  22. The mischief is done; a simple, harmless, punctured wound has expanded into a case of ulcerative arthritis and suppurative synovitis.

  23. When cartilaginous quittor happens as a complication of suppurative corn, or from punctured wounds of the foot, the fistulous tract may open alone at the point of injury on the sole.

  24. In moist and suppurative corns this discoloration is less marked than in dry corn and even may be entirely wanting.

  25. Inflammations of the kidneys have been differentiated widely, according as they were acute or chronic, parenchymatous or tubal, suppurative or not, with increased or shrunken kidney, etc.

  26. It may be intense, as seen in suppurative corn, or it may be but a slight soreness, such as that which accompanies dry corn.

  27. This complicates the case and probably some form of tendinous synovitis follows, running into suppurative arthritis, to end, if close to a joint, with a fatal result.

  28. If the opening is small, there is a tendency upon the part of the suppurative process to spread downward; the pus gradually separates the hoof from the sensitive laminæ until the sole is reached, and even a portion of this may be undermined.

  29. It is a chronic, contagious disease, particularly of equines, caused by a specific organism, the Sporotrichum schenckii, and characterized by a suppurative inflammation of the subcutaneous lymph vessels and the neighboring lymph glands.

  30. A suppurative corn differs from others in that the inflammation ends in suppuration.

  31. The alimentary discharge becomes mixed with a sero-mucous exudation, which is followed by a certain amount of suppurative matter.

  32. In severe cases there may be a suppurative adenitis, or inflammation of the lymphatic glands which are fed from the affected part.

  33. This form of the suppurative process usually begins in front.

  34. Furthermore, to await the development is to subject the patient to a prolonged and perhaps fatal sepsis, or a fatal pulmonary hemorrhage from the erosion of a vessel by the suppurative process.

  35. The possibility of the foreign body being coughed out after suppurative processes have loosened its impaction is too remote; and the lesions established may result fatally even after the expulsion of the object.

  36. One had a suppurative right middle ear, with perforation; another had both drums perforated and a suppurative middle ear, also on both sides.

  37. If the suppurative material discharges readily by way of the sole, no disturbance of the heel or quarters occurs above the hoof.

  38. In a subject that has been down, unable to rise for several days, where there is a suppurative and sloughing condition of the laminae, the temperature is high.

  39. The occurrence of septicæmia is the most serious risk, and it is in cases of diffuse suppurative cellulitis that this form of blood-poisoning assumes its most aggravated forms.

  40. Non-suppurative inflammation of the coats of an artery may so soften the wall of the vessel as to lead to aneurysmal dilatation.

  41. Secondary infection of the parotid gland frequently occurs, and gives rise to a suppurative parotitis.

  42. In exceptional cases, blisters form over the seat of the effusion, or the skin may even slough, and the clinical features may therefore come to simulate closely those of an acute suppurative condition.

  43. Diffuse suppurative cellulitis is the most serious local complication, and results from a mixed infection with other pyogenic bacteria.

  44. Inflammatory and suppurative changes may take place as a result of pyogenic infection following upon sloughing of the overlying skin or upon an exploratory incision.

  45. This organism has been found in pure culture in suppurative conditions of bone, of cellular tissue, and of internal organs, especially during convalescence from typhoid fever.

  46. This is the commonest organism found in localised inflammatory and suppurative conditions.

  47. A suppurative arthritis, like that caused by ordinary pus microbes, may be the result of gonococcal infection alone or of a mixed infection.

  48. If the bacteria gain the upper hand, this process of liquefaction which is characteristic of suppuration, extends into the surrounding tissues, the protective barrier of leucocytes is broken down, and the suppurative process spreads.

  49. In the glands of the groin the suppurative process is often remarkably sluggish; purulent foci form in the interior of individual glands, and some time may elapse before the pus erupts through their respective capsules.

  50. In post-suppurative conditions, the prognosis is not so favourable, as frequently the stapes is already bound down by adhesions; this is the more probable in the case of chronic middle-ear catarrh.

  51. Even although the operation may have been performed in a non-suppurative case, it is wiser to leave the posterior wound open for the first few days in order to permit of free drainage.

  52. The prognosis is better in the case of post-suppurative conditions than in the non-suppurative ones.

  53. The reader may again be reminded that although exploration of the labyrinth is indicated when it is certain that a suppurative lesion exists, yet it is a very serious mistake to open up a labyrinth not yet infected.

  54. The object of such operations is to arrest or eradicate the disease which, by further extension through the bony walls of the temporal bone, might eventually cause death by giving rise to some suppurative intracranial complication.

  55. As a rule, so long as the suppurative process is limited to the middle ear and to the mastoid region, the symptoms are those of a local septic infection.

  56. In post-suppurative and non-suppurative conditions the chief cause of failure is the recurrence of adhesions, so for this reason it is wisest to remove the membrane as completely as possible.

  57. At the same time it must be remembered that in infants and in young children it is not uncommon for retention of pus within the middle ear to produce a clinical picture closely simulating an intracranial suppurative lesion.

  58. Thus, in a case examined by Mr. Cheatle, the patient died of suppurative pericarditis, secondary to a wound of which the external apertures had closed.

  59. The bad effect of anything like free escape was well shown in multiple perforations; in these suppurative peritonitis rapidly developed and the patients died at the end of thirty-six hours or less.

  60. In others a rapid suppurative process, accompanied by the effusion of large quantities of plastic lymph, was met with.

  61. The form of ulceration which is presented by cancer in its latest stages bears so great a resemblance to suppurative ulceration that the two things have long since been compared.

  62. A suppurative change of this nature takes place in all heterologous new formations.

  63. But he does not say why it is that there is no such coagulation in suppurative processes, where the leucocytes are more numerous.

  64. Whether the microbia or their products are the cause of most suppurative inflammations may be regarded as an open question.

  65. While the parotid abscess is forming, suppurative inflammation is apt to be set up in the masseter, pterygoid, and temporal muscles, and from these positions the pus forces its way upward to the temporal or zygomatic fossæ.

  66. It usually begins in the desquamative stage, and is apt to be suppurative on account of the feeble state of the patient when it commences.

  67. The fever of maturation or suppuration, or, as it is often called, the secondary fever, is lighted to activity with the onset of the suppurative process.

  68. The thrombi are occasionally observed as firm fibrinous clots, but they may be likewise found in the rapidly fatal cases to have undergone suppurative changes.

  69. Albert Robin[65] has reported two cases in which there was suppurative joint affection.

  70. The periosteum becomes inflamed; a widespread suppurative periostitis is the result; necrosis of the bone from insufficient nutrition follows, while mechanical pressure on the pus aids in its absorption.

  71. The resemblance of pustular variola to certain suppurative and other disorders of the sebaceous glands is well attested by the name given by certain French authors to molluscum epitheliale (M.

  72. Some of the most brilliant results have been obtained in suppurative inflammation of the inner ear by a single application of Mullein oil.

  73. It quite prevented all exhausting suppurative discharges and drainings.

  74. Pus fistula is the characteristic lesion present, and it is the result of a suppurative inflammation of the tissues in the region.

  75. If this collection of fluid becomes infected with pus organisms and is changed to pus, it is then termed a suppurative corn.

  76. Suppurative corns should be given proper drainage and treatment.

  77. Hog-cholera usually affects the young hogs in the herd first, while scours, suppurative joint disease and infectious sore mouth are diseases that occur during the first few days or few weeks of the animal's life.

  78. We describe the diseased changes by using the terms dry, moist and suppurative corns.

  79. Similar suppurative action in the cornea is often caused by infection of cocci.

  80. He made a special study of suppurative disease of the hip and taught many practical things with regard to it.

  81. It is of some value in diagnosis between serous effusions and purulent exudates, between catarrhal and suppurative processes in the appendix and Fallopian tube, etc.

  82. All inflammatory and suppurative diseases cause leukocytosis, except when slight or well walled off.

  83. In contrast to this stands a case of myelogenic leukæmia described by Rieder and Müller, complicated by a severe and lethally ending suppurative process.

  84. Additional support for this view is seen in the fact that in bronchitis and asthma the less the suppurative element of the secretion is developed, the more numerous are the eosinophil cells.

  85. He must then subdue the inordinate action as much as possible, and wait for the suppurative stage.

  86. If suspicion still exist of part remaining, examination may be made through the wound, during the suppurative stage, six or eight days after the operation, before it has closed much.

  87. Purulent matter is also deposited in joints during certain forms of suppurative fever; and this is attended by rapid change of structure.

  88. Or the bone does not die, but is exposed and ulcerated superficially; or a considerable cavity forms in its interior, apparently from tubercular deposits and suppurative degeneration of the cancellated structure.

  89. Restoration to health is indicated by decreased suppurative discharges; the openings of the fistulae contract, the general condition is improved, the appetite is restored, etc.

  90. This is an operation performed in the case of suppurative pleurisy to remove the pus from the pleural cavity.

  91. If the skin is broken and the matter discharged, great care must be taken to keep the wound clean, as otherwise the suppurative cavities may suddenly become ichorous and lead to rapid death.

  92. As the eruption of smallpox attacks the mucous membrane of the mouth, nose, and throat, as well as the skin, difficulty in swallowing and considerable discomfort in breathing is often present, especially during the suppurative stage.

  93. The treatment of the eruption in the suppurative stage is of the greatest importance so far as the comfort of the patient is concerned.

  94. For the highly inflamed condition of the skin which characterizes the suppurative stage of smallpox, especially in its confluent form, cold water is, beyond all doubt, the best antiphlogistic.

  95. The red light proved agreeable and soothing to the eyes of the patients, frequently caused the vesicles to dry without becoming purulent, and lessened the suppurative fever.

  96. According to him, the ozena always stands in relation to a suppurative affection of the maxillary sinus, and for its treatment one must, therefore, have recourse to Drake’s operations.

  97. The suppurative process, after having produced an erosion and the perforation of the orbital plane, had reached by propagation the antrum of Highmore, whence the pus took its way, issuing through the nose.

  98. Improper or lack of treatment for the acute suppurative inflammatory attack.

  99. This disease represents one of the most serious terminations of an acute or a chronic suppurative inflammation of the middle ear.

  100. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "suppurative" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.