I--Strict parasites growing only in presence of hemoglobin Hemophilus II--Not as I.
The hemoglobinis greatly diminished, far out of proportion to the decrease in the number of the red cells.
Nobecourt, Tixier, and Maillet have questioned whether there is always complete recovery from this anemia, which is severe from the standpoint of hemoglobin and iron.
Not infrequently we will find a hemoglobin index of 0.
It exists the red blood corpuscles united with globulin, and the form of hemoglobinor oxyhemoglobin gives to the blood its red color.
Defn: Any substance, such as an iron salt or organic compound containing iron, which when ingested tends to increase the hemoglobin contents of the blood.
Defn: Relating to the measurement of the amount of hematin or hemoglobin contained in blood, or other fluids.
Defn: An apparatus for measuring the amount ofhemoglobin in a fluid, by comparing it with a solution of known strength and of normal color.
Defn: The colorless porous framework, or stroma, of red blood corpuscles from which the zooid, or hemoglobin and other substances of the corpuscles, may be dissolved out.
Defn: A red-colored respiratory pigment found associated withhemoglobin in the muscle tissue of a large number of animals, both vertebrate and invertebrate.
They furnish the best means of studying the morphology of the blood and blood parasites, and, to the experienced, they give a fair idea of the amount of hemoglobin and the number of red and white corpuscles.
In the lungs hemoglobinforms a loose combination with oxygen, which it readily gives up when it reaches the tissues.
There is marked loss of hemoglobin and red corpuscles.
Hemoglobinuria occurs when there is such extensive destruction of red blood-cells within the body that the liver cannot transform all the hemoglobin set free into bile-pigment.
This is an indirect method which depends upon the fact that the percentage ofhemoglobin varies directly with the specific gravity of the blood.
Here the hemoglobin loss may be slight or very great.
COLOR INDEX This is an expression which indicates the amount of hemoglobin in each red corpuscle compared with the normal amount.
This last is characterized by the appearance of large quantities of hemoglobin at intervals, usually following exposure to cold, the urine remaining free from hemoglobinbetween the attacks.
The frame in which this bar is held is marked with a scale of hemoglobin percentages corresponding to the different shades of red.
A hemoglobin test which was given to the students of the University this year showed that the average among the men was 80.
An apparatus for measuring the amount of hemoglobin in a fluid, by comparing it with a solution of known strength and of normal color.
Relating to the measurement of the amount of hematin or hemoglobin contained in blood, or other fluids.
Hemoglobin is the red coloring matter of the blood.
If the chlorophage got loose and was carried about by spaceships, it could kill the other forty billion humans in the galaxy, together with every green plant or animal with hemoglobin in its blood.
And so did every living thing that had chlorophyll in its leaves or hemoglobin in its blood, or that needed plant or animal tissues to feed on.
And when present in the blood, it rapidly attracts both water and hemoglobinfrom the corpuscular and albuminoid elements of that fluid, and thereby diminishes its reception and distribution of oxygen.
The method I employed was to take a little of the blood and add some oxalate of ammonium to it, then shake it up thoroughly with ether to free the hemoglobin from the corpuscles.
There is much that can be discovered already by the use of these hemoglobin clues.
A molecule of hemoglobin carrying a radioactive iron atom is still hemoglobin, and the body processes affect it just as they do an untagged hemoglobin molecule.
The color is mainly due to hemoglobinand other imperfectly elaborated constituents of the blood.
That which is not in the hemoglobin is chiefly found in the chromatin substances of the cells.
Much of the greater part of the iron existing in the body occurs as a constituent of the hemoglobin of the red blood cells.
The importance of keeping the hemoglobin content of the blood normal has already been mentioned.
When the intake of iron is not sufficient to cover the output, there must be a consequent diminution in the hemoglobin of the blood with a corresponding development of anemia.
It is that the hemoglobin or red colouring-matter of the blood forms crystals.
It was by means of these 'hemoglobin clues,' if I may call them so, that I was able to get on the right trail.
Repeated smaller bleedings may produce a state of chronic anemia when the total amount of blood and hemoglobin removed is in excess of the natural recuperative powers.
However, it takes weeks for the hemoglobin (the oxygen-bearing substance in the red blood cells) to be brought up to normal.
A red-colored respiratory pigment found associated with hemoglobinin the muscle tissue of a large number of animals, both vertebrate and invertebrate.
The colorless porous framework, or stroma, of red blood corpuscles from which the zooid, or hemoglobin and other substances of the corpuscles, may be dissolved out.
Bradley and Sansum[53] found that guinea-pigs sensitized to beef or dog hemoglobin fail to react or react but slightly to hemoglobin of other origin.
As far as the genus is concerned it was found that the hemoglobin crystals of any genus are isomorphous.
If this were the case we might say that blood reactions as well as hemoglobin crystals indicate that differences in the constitution of proteins determine the species specificity and, perhaps, also species heredity.
The most important question for us is the following: Are the differences between the corresponding hemoglobin crystals of different species of the same genus such as to warrant the statement that they indicate chemical differences?
Thus when blood was exchanged between horse and donkey or between wolf and dog or between hare and rabbit no hemoglobin appeared in the urine and the animal into which the blood was transfused remained well.
To illustrate more fully these general principles, we will take, for example, the chemical changes that may take place in the hemoglobin of the blood.
Its continued use destroys the hemoglobin of the blood and produces marked cell-destroying effects throughout the body.
The pigments (coloring matter) of the bile are derived from the hemoglobin of broken-down red corpuscles (page 27).
If the corpuscles were spherical in shape, some of the hemoglobin could not, on account of the distance from the surface, so readily unite with the oxygen.
Calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate are important constituents of the bones and teeth; and the salts containing iron renew the hemoglobin of the blood.
This is effected mainly through thehemoglobin of the red corpuscles.
If the oxygen and hemoglobin formed a strong instead of a weak chemical union, could the hemoglobin then act as an oxygen carrier?
Its circular form is of advantage in getting through the small blood vessels, while its extreme thinness brings all of its contents very near the surface—a condition which aids the hemoglobin in taking up oxygen.
When united with the oxygen it forms a compound, called oxyhemoglobin, which has a bright red color; the hemoglobin alone has a dark red color.
The free oxygen is transported from the lungs to the cells by means of the hemoglobin of the red corpuscles, while the combined oxygen in carbon dioxide and other compounds from the cells is carried mainly by the plasma.
The conditions which cause the hemoglobin to unite with oxygen in the lungs and to separate from it in the tissues, will be considered later (Chapter VIII).
At the lungs the oxygen and the hemoglobin form a weak chemical compound that breaks up and liberates the oxygen when it reaches the capillaries in the tissues.
White blood corpuscles or leucocytes contain no hemoglobin or coloring matter.
It carries the hemoglobin to the blood in its most easily assimilable form and its hydrocyanic acid possesses remarkable sedative powers.
Such claims as the following require no comment: “It builds up and increases the hemoglobin in the blood.
If there is enough of the gas present, every molecule of hemoglobin will take up oxygen to its full capacity.
There are also some portions of the hemoglobin which are valuable as food material; the remainder, which is of no further use, is discharged from the body as a part of the bile.
The combination of hemoglobin with oxygen takes place as the blood is passing through the capillaries of the lungs; therefore the blood which leaves the lungs has the bright scarlet color characteristic of oxyhemoglobin.
It is important to emphasize this, because it means that there is a definite limit to the amount of oxygen that the blood can carry, a limit which is reached as soon as the hemoglobin is saturated.
We do know that the hemoglobinis decomposed in the liver.
Hemoglobin has so great a power of combining with oxygen that the moderate lung ventilation which ordinary quiet breathing gives suffices usually to saturate it.
The amount that will dissolve directly in blood is so slight that to all intents and purposes the ability of the blood to carry oxygen depends on the extent to whichhemoglobin can combine with it.
There is no single conspicuous material for carrying carbon dioxide like the hemoglobinwhich transports the oxygen.
What the spleen does to the corpuscle is to break it up so that the protein and the hemoglobin in it are set free in the blood stream.
The body had to quit making hemoglobin, because hemoglobin needs iron.
The leucocytes are a little high, the red cell count is a little low, the hemoglobin shows a little high on the colorimeter, but none of 'em seems enough to do any harm.
So, since there was nohemoglobin in the bloodstream, the patient developed sudden pernicious anemia and died of oxygen starvation.
This idea was overthrown by the discovery that the carbonic oxide combination with hemoglobin was very permanent.
The combinations formed between oxygen and carbon dioxide and the hemoglobin of the blood readily submit to exchanges of their gaseous elements, and so respiratory processes are kept up.
Bernard's study of the change that had taken place in the blood showed that the hemoglobin of the red blood-cells had united with the carbonic oxide present in the lungs to form a stable compound.
When the hemoglobin of the blood is reduced, it turns a blue color and the patient becomes blue, when a certain percentage of the hemoglobin is reduced.
Droozle unavoidably centrifuged this time, but did manage, with laborious lateral movements, to mix the hemoglobin back with the plasma again.
That snake has learned to centrifuge part of his blood while it is in his body, so that the hemoglobin is separated out.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hemoglobin" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.