Petechiae and other hemorrhagic manifestations were striking findings.
Mohler, of the Bureau of Animal Industry, showed that the mucous membrane of the stomach was markedly hemorrhagic and in areas gelatinous infiltration was very marked.
The first stomach, however, contained smallhemorrhagic spots, and the second was black.
Its walls were much congested and full ofhemorrhagic points.
At autopsy the stomach and upper part of the small intestines showedhemorrhagic ecchymoses, with dilation of the dural vessels of the brain and cord, with a clot over a portion of the spinal cord.
In one portion of this hemorrhagic area there was distinct erosion.
The middle ventricle was found filled with yellow serum, while the fourth ventricle contained a hemorrhagic effusion,[76] and the base of the brain was covered by a clot.
This is a matter of considerable importance when the fistula penetrates deeply, and also in those rare cases of hemorrhagic diathesis where severe bleeding is apt to follow a trivial incision.
Here doubtless enter the organisms causing "hemorrhagic septicemias" in many classes of animals, and numerous others.
Some diseases may be transmitted from person-to-person after the initial attack; examples include plague, smallpox, and some viral hemorrhagic fevers.
In connection with enfeeblement of the circulation, a tendency to hemorrhagic conditions is common, with purpuric and petechial eruptions in some cases.
The mucous membranes of the intestines are congested and reddish brown; the surface of the intestines is in many places denuded of its lining membrane, showing fissures and hemorrhagic spots.
This usually indicates an infectious disease of considerable severity, and occurs in blood poisoning, purpura hemorrhagica, hemorrhagic septicemia, and in urticaria.
In the nasal fossæ the hemorrhagic spots have acted as irritants, and, inviting an increased amount of blood to the Schneiderian membrane, produce a coryza or even a catarrh.
The heart is usually normal in appearance, except an occasional cluster of hemorrhagic points on the outer surface, while the blood is dark and firmly coagulated.
The abdominal cavity may show peritonitis and a hemorrhagic condition of the intestines, which probably result from overfeeding in consequence of the ravenous appetite.
BYERS In 1954, two of us (Jones and Byers) collected reptiles and amphibians in Korea incidental to field studies relating to hemorrhagic fever.
The hemorrhagic type is oftener seen in subjects debilitated or in a depraved state of health.
It consists of an erythematous spot with a minute central hemorrhagic point.
The presence of the minute hemorrhagic puncta, the multiform character and peculiar distribution of the eruption.
It may be mentioned, moreover, that in some unusual cases the lesions of the lungs, such as ecchymoses and hemorrhagic infarctions, may be disproportionately marked as compared with those of either the liver or spleen.
In the second and much rarer form of hemorrhagic variola there are the usual unfavorable portents of intense prodromic symptoms.
The surface of the skin and mucous membranes (mouth) presents hemorrhagicspots and patches, with serous vesicles and eschars.
In other cases the appearance of the hemorrhagic lesions seems to be due to a dyscrasia, such as that recognized in phthisis, chronic alcoholism, and hæmophilia.
The hemorrhagic form of pernicious malarial fever can scarcely be regarded as an original type.
But even in the mildest cases yellow fever establishes the hemorrhagic diathesis to an extent sufficient to render the occurrence of hemorrhage an imminent event.
They multiply in number and increase in size, while their hemorrhagic stains widen and sweep from each as a centre, like the waves that spread from a pebble thrown into smooth water.
But the chances of recovery are lessened, because the hemorrhagic state indicates a degree of spoliation of both the fluids and solids of the system incompatible with maintenance of life.
Hemorrhagic lesions, isolated or confluent, are seen also in severe forms of variola, not of the two types described above.
In rare instances certain of the exanthematic fevers present an extreme hemorrhagic character, so as to be beyond the reach of remedies, and of necessity speedily fatal.
Hemorrhagic Periostitis of the Shafts of Several Long Bones with Separation of the Epiphyses, Trans.
For many years, far longer than the facts warranted, there was discussion whether Barlow's disease was true scurvy or merely a form or a complication of rickets, or perhaps a distinct hemorrhagic disease.
It should be well understood that such an occurrence is most exceptional; it is to be attributed probably to bacterial invasion or to a constitutional hemorrhagic condition.
Hemorrhagic infarcts also have been described, and Sato and Nambu report hyaline degeneration of the blood-vessel walls.
On the other hand, Aschoff and Koch, in their careful studies, did not find noteworthy fatty change of the fibres, but observed often that the fibres within the hemorrhagic areas seemed shrunken and were stained abnormally deep with eosin.
There is no doubt that from time to time cases must have occurred, but they were looked upon probably as rickets or as a manifestation of one of the hemorrhagic diseases.
This bleeding should be regarded not as a sign of nephritis, but rather as a hemorrhagic manifestation.
It is important, especially for army surgeons, to bear in mind that where latent scurvy exists a bacterial invasion will lend the disorder a hemorrhagic character.
In subacute cases the swelling--which must be regarded as hemorrhagic rather than scorbutic--may be absorbed gradually in spite of the fact that no antiscorbutic food has been given.
The nodes lying in the drainage paths of hemorrhagic areas, especially the inguinal nodes, show active resorption of blood and blood pigments, and, as noted above, may be the seat of infection.
For some very interesting examples of this hemorrhagic tendency, the reader is referred to Mr. Wardrop’s excellent little work on Bloodletting, and to the first volume of my Elements of Pathological Anatomy.
A hemorrhagic tendency also occasionally occurs in affections of a different nature,—a trifling sore pouring out blood on the slightest touch.
In making a post-mortem examination of animals affected with hemorrhagic septicemia, it would be well to examine the articular surfaces of the long bones, as it has been reported that they are frequently ulcerated.
The ulcers have a hemorrhagic border, a depressed suppurating surface, and contain a brownish or yellowish colored débris, which is soon replaced by granulation tissue.
The lining membranes of the heart are studded with red spots, often running together to form a large hemorrhagic area.
There is a severe hemorrhagic inflammation of the intestines and a staining of the intestinal contents with blood.
The blood of anthrax animals is very dark, and does not become light red on exposure to air, nor does it coagulate, while in hemorrhagic septicemia the blood is normal in appearance and coagulates.
In the intestinal form the submucous and subperitoneal tissues show alterations from a fewhemorrhagic spots to large bloody suffusions, or even gelatinous infiltrations.
These are also the cause of hemorrhagic septicemia and are closely related to swine-plague bacteria.
Anthrax, which presents superficial swellings, like hemorrhagic septicemia, may be distinguished from that affection on post-mortem examination by the enlargement and engorgement of the spleen, the contents of which are soft and tarry.
It must be admitted, however, that the diagnosis between cryptogenetic septicæmia and hemorrhagic smallpox is sometimes impossible intra vitam.
The skin was literally covered with a dusky scarlet rash in which were noted countless hemorrhagic macules, from a pin-point to a bean in size.
The pustule may be hemorrhagic or may be filled with greenish pus; in this case there is probably a mixed infection.
They were reported to the Health Department of New York City with a diagnosis of malignant hemorrhagic smallpox.
The severity of the hemorrhagic form of the disease is shown by the rapidity with which it passes through the various stages.
The erythematous and purpuric eruption of quinine may be confused with the hemorrhagic form of smallpox; but here, too, the history of the course of the illness and the absence of fever will obviate the difficulty.
The rash rapidly extended and was soon interspersed with hemorrhagic points.
The patient was sent to Riverside Hospital, where she developed hemorrhagic smallpox, and died on the fourth day.
Acute septicæmic and pyæmic conditions in which there are hemorrhagic and bullous lesions in the skin sometimes present grave difficulties in making a differential diagnosis from smallpox.
Hemorrhagic Effusion in the peritoneum is a topic on which there is little to be said.
Blood-pigment may be present as an evidence of an old hemorrhagic infiltration.
It has been called icterus gravis, malignant icterus, hemorrhagic icterus, malignant jaundice, etc.
The same condition often produces ecchymoses and hemorrhagic erosions in spots.
In some instances ecchymoses are discovered under the capsule, and rarely hemorrhagic extravasations in the substance of the liver.
Rokitansky first suggested this view by assigninghemorrhagic necrosis of the mucous membrane as the first step in the formation of the ulcer; but it is Virchow who has most fully developed this view and has given it its main support.
Hemorrhagic effusions into the mucous membrane, forming stippling, flecks, or patches, occur in various degrees along the whole extent of the alimentary canal.
Hemorrhagic erosion of the stomach, which by many writers is assigned an important place in the etiology of gastric hemorrhage, is not an independent affection, and in my opinion is without any clinical significance.
It is expressly stated that these were not hemorrhagic erosions, but deep corrosive ulcers.
Petersen describes a woman of seventy-nine, who on March 26th was seized with uterine pains lasting a few days and terminating with hemorrhagic discharge.
Cousins mentions an individual of hemorrhagic diathesis who succumbed to extensive extravasation of blood at the base of the brain, following a slight fall during an epileptic convulsion.
Dunlape reports a case of hemorrhagic diathesis, following suppression of the catamenia, attended by vicarious hemorrhage from the gums, which terminated fatally.
This hemorrhagic diathesis has been known for many years; and the fact that there were some persons who showed a peculiar tendency to bleed after wounds of a trifling nature is recorded in some of the earliest medical literature.
Of the hemorrhagic diseases of the new-born three are worthy of note.
The condition generally appears after some slight injury in the first two years of life; but must be distinguished from the hemorrhagic affections of the new-born, which will be discussed later.
The skin of the lips was so thickened that it could not be pinched into folds, and was of a mottled appearance, due to hemorrhagic spots.
Hemorrhagic points without injury to the skin were noted on the skin of the left hand and foot.
Serial sections of the brain showed no lesions of the substance, except for slight hemorrhagic points.
However, the first case of hemorrhagic superior polioencephalitis was a non-alcoholic one of Gayet (1875), in which the symptoms followed three days after a boiler explosion.
The brain seemed a little edematous, hemorrhagicand bruised.
He immediately became deaf from what was medically determined to be a double hemorrhagic labyrinthitis.
In the second degree the skin is red or bluish and is covered by blebs with clear hemorrhagic contents.
Persons with this, so called hemorrhagic diathesis, are known as hemophiliacs.
All except one showed primary buboes on the neck with more or less extensive hemorrhagic oedema extending in some cases over the thorax.
The base of each cutaneous efflorescence was hemorrhagic and oedematous.
Cervical glands were enlarged and hemorrhagic with slight oedema of the surrounding tissue.
In rodents they produce enteritis, sometimes hemorrhagic in character, and they are by no means to be regarded as harmless for man, as originally supposed.
The animal died of plague within three days, showing considerable hemorrhagic oedema around the place of inoculation, typical bilateral inguinal buboes, and characteristic changes in the spleen.
The lungs were collapsed, and showed hemorrhagic foci.
The case may easily become one of hemorrhagic glaucoma.
This is particularly true of hemorrhagic glaucoma.
In acute hog-cholera the inflammation is hemorrhagic in character.
Small hemorrhagic spots may be found on the heart and other organs.
The post-mortem lesions vary from a hemorrhagic to a chronic inflammation of the different body organs and serous membranes.
The local conditions, the loss of several animals in the herd and the finding of hemorrhagic lesions in the different body tissues may enable the examiner to correctly diagnose the disease.
The inflammation is hemorrhagic in character, the inflamed organs usually showing deep red spots or blotches.
The stomach and intestines may showhemorrhagic spots and blotches.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hemorrhagic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.